WELCOME BACK! Things are starting to calm down after the craziness of the 2015 NAB Show and the launch of the latest update to Final Cut Pro X. So much so, that I have six new articles for you this week, including a product review of the new 1 Beyond StreamMachine 17 (Pro). All our NAB interviews are now posted - both audio and video. You can find the complete list, sorted by company, here: NABShowBuzz.com. This is a great way to learn the latest news from your favorite companies. The response to our latest Final Cut Pro X training has been wonderful and, this week, I'm introducing a new version for editors who want to get started with the new version quickly, but don't have a lot of time or money to spare: FCP X: Get Started. Details below. We have another new webinar this Wednesday looking at the new features in Compressor 4.2. In a word: speed; plus interface changes and new features. There's lots of news to talk about.
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Larry Jordan
Larry Jordan & Associates
Membership includes full access to Larry'sVideo Tutorial Library.
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NEW! Get Started Fast
Many editors don't have the time or money to invest in our full Final Cut Pro X training. However, based on my email, many editors struggle to get started the best way possible; often setting up their projects incorrectly. To help solve this problem, we released our newest training: Final Cut Pro X: Get Started. These 31 movies provide almost four hours of training, covering basic terms, a Quick Start to the entire editing process and a detailed tour of the Final Cut Pro X interface. Everything is fully updated for the 10.2 update to Final Cut. Best of all, this new training is only $29! Click here to learn more. NOTE: These movies are a subset of our FCP X: Complete training. If you already own Complete, you already have the entire Get Started training.
Problems with Thunderbolt
Shelly Solomon sent me the following:
"I was having problems with my Final Cut Pro X system running slower and slower, even though I was storing media on an external drive. I could not understand why my beefy computer was so sluggish and was crashing a lot.
"After multiple conversations with OWC and Apple Support, I learned that Mac OS 10.10.2 has a compatibility bug with external Thunderbolt drives. How weird is that!!! They said to update OS X to 10.10.3 to fix the problem and it worked!!! My computer now runs SOOOOO much better!
"I had to relink the files but at least I did not loose the project.
"Thought you and your readers would like to know."
Larry replies: Thanks, Shelly.
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Last week's webinar on "New Features in FCP X 10.2" set audience attendance records.
During this 50 minute session, I covered most of the new features in the software and answered a ton of questions.
If you are a Video Training Library member, this course is already posted to the Library.
If not, click here to download a copy.
Also, here's a link to an earlier webinar that I was not able to include in last week's newsletter: Cool Effects in Final Cut Pro X.
This week, I showcase the new features in Compressor 4.2. The key word is speed, and lots of it. Plus a host of smaller changes that can make your video compression faster and easier. This is a webinar you don't want to miss. Register here: larryjordan.com/weekly-webinar/Coming up in two weeks, though we haven't announced this yet, is a webinar devoted to improving on-camera interviews. Cool.
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Last week on the Digital Production Buzz, we had two interviews that I think you'll like. Sam Mestman handled creating the workflow for the Will Smith film: "Focus." Edited entirely with an off-the-shelf version of Final Cut Pro X, Sam talks about how they did it. Also, he announced a new shared storage system specifically for Final Cut that's created a big stir on the web. Watch Sam's interview here. Also, Bryan McMahan joined us in studio to talk about his work color grading Terrence Malick's "Knight of Cups." During our conversation we learn his thoughts on how to use color to set a mood, what its like working with Terrence and the tools he used for his projects. Watch Bryan's interview here. As always, you can see highlights of the show here, as well as read a text transcript of the show, courtesy of Take 1 Transcription.
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For the seventh year in a row, the Digital Production Buzz covered the annual NAB Show. And, for the first time, we added video coverage!
During NAB, we interviewed more than 80 industry leaders and created more than twelve hours of original programming, live, on the trade show floor. Our coverage was so extensive, we created a new website to handle it: NABShowBuzz.com. Shows are also posted to YouTube and iTunes. There's only one source for in-depth coverage of the NAB show: NABShowBuzz.com.
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I have three new articles and three new videos for you this week - all but one looking at new features in Final Cut Pro X. That remaining article is an in-depth look at 1 Beyond's StreamMachine 17 (Pro).
I've also updated our Top 3 Lists.
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FCP X: 3D Text
In this excerpt from last week's webinar, I show you how the new 3D text features in Final Cut Pro X 10.2 work.
What I really like are the new lighting and material surface controls, as you'll see here.
FCP X: Library Smart Collections
Another new feature in the 10.2 update is the ability to create Smart Collections spanning the entire Library. This makes it much easier to organize and find media, as this illustrated tutorial explains. Read the article here.
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Product Review: 1 Beyond StreamMachine
Essential to our NAB coverage was the ability to stream live video directly from the trade show floor, while recording it for later posting.
The folks at 1 Beyond loaned us their StreamMachine 17 (Pro) and three cameras for us to use at NAB.
I asked Megan Paulos, our production supervisor, to write up how it worked and what we learned.
FCP X: Create Effects Presets
Another new feature in the 10.2 update is the ability to create effects presets; you can think of them as "Favorites." This video illustrates what they are and how to create them. What I found most interesting was how flexible your options are when you create a new one. Watch the video here.
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FCP X: Expanded Keywords and Search
Apple has not publicized this feature, but for anyone working with large projects in Final Cut Pro X, the expanded keyword and search features are significant in managing media.
In this illustrated tutorial, I show two very small yet highly significant changes to the keyword and search interface that make all the difference in the world when you are dealing with large keyword collections.
FCP X: Changes to the Media Import Window
Another new feature in the 10.2 update is the ability to create effects presets; you can think of them as "Favorites." This video illustrates what they are and how to create them. What I found most interesting was how flexible your options are when you create a new one. Watch the video here.
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Larry's Best Training:
Final Cut Pro X: Complete
NEW for version 10.2!
We've updated our training to include all the new features in the 10.2 release of Final Cut Pro X.
Plus, we added new or revised chapters covering:
- An Editing Quick Start
- Learning the Interface
- Media Management
- Media Import
- Keywords
- 3D Text and Titles
- Inspector Effects
- Masking
- Color Correction
- Video Effects Cookbook
- And more
More than 200 movies, more than 20 hours of training - all guaranteed to get you up-and-running quickly and turn you into a Final Cut Pro X expert.
There's nothing better on the market.
Apple continues to update Compressor with an all-new interface, improved compression settings and better monitoring. We created new training just for this version.
- Better organized
- More informative
- Tighter focus on making your images look great.
These days, everything we do ends up on the web. Which means that if we don't know how to compress our video to make it look good, all our work during production and post is wasted.
In this in-depth video training, Larry Jordan shows you how to make the most of Apple Compressor 4.1.x.
NOTE: We will be updating this training for the Compressor 4.2 release later in April.
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