Dear (Contact First Name),
BIG News! I'm delighted to announce that, after almost a year of hard work, we have a new website AND a new URL - www.larryjordan.com! (And well, yes, a new newsletter design, too.) When we first set out to redesign our website we knew it would be a big project, but none of us realized just how big this was going to be. Every section is redesigned: navigation, Tutorial Library, the Store, and Video Training Library membership site. In the process we discovered the old site held more than 1,100 videos, plus 1,200 articles - all designed to help you become a better editor. We cleaned house. We added new subscription levels, better searching, improved media playback, and modernized the code-base upon which the website is built. Whew! A HUGE tip-of-the-hat to Tori Hoefke, our webmaster who project-managed this entire process brilliantly, and the design and programming team at Beyond Web Interactive, who provided the design, coding and conversion from the old site to the new one. It was a massive effort. This is a sneak preview. We will be running the new site in parallel with the old site for a few days to make sure all the bugs are out. But you can take a look at the new site right now. (And, as a note, for everyone with links to the old site, all those links will still work in the new site, so there's nothing you need to change on your site.) Let me know if you find any problems! To celebrate our new site, we are offering 25% off everything in our new store - and we've added two new subscription levels. More on both of these below. Here's the new link: www.larryjordan.com. Have fun exploring!
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Larry Jordan
Larry Jordan & Associates
Membership includes full access to Larry'sVideo Tutorial Library.
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The three most popular requests for our Video Training Library were: - I want to stream and download
- I don't want a three-month minimum
- I want more access to Larry
Our new site now provides three new levels, with all current subscribers set to Basic: Premium includes everything in Basic, plus: - The ability to download products
- No minimum monthly membership
- Membership in Class On Demand Training to learn about software we don't cover
Professional includes Premium, plus: - A 20-minute monthly personal screen- share with me to answer questions
Learn more here.
To celebrate our new website, we are offering a 25% discount on everything in the store.
From now till March 31, 2015, enter Coupon Code WELCOME25 during checkout and save 25% on all store items. (This only applies to the new website and does not include subscriptions.)Browse the store and you'll discover just how much we've changed. You can search by subject, software, bundles or keyword. Check out the store here. All titles have a cleaner layout and most have an easy to find video demo. See an example title here. Plus, we use the latest web technology to provide a safe and secure environment for browsing, viewing and shopping.
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Thanks to your help, we finally figured out live video streaming last week (See the article below.)
With the launch of our new website, we are taking a break from webinars for a week.
New sessions will start the first week in April. I hope to announce the new titles in next week's newsletter.
Last week, we tested our new video streaming with two "Ask Larry Anything" webinars. The streaming worked GREAT, finally, and the webinars are now posted to our brand-new Video Training Library subscription site. These two movies are subscriber exclusives and won't be posted to our store. Click " Member Login" in the top right corner of the new website to sign in and watch.
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The Digital Production Buzz had three great guests last week: - Keith Hanak, Panasonic, talking about the world's largest digital signage
- Dan Kneece, legendary Steadicam op, talking about working with David Lynch
- Ian Cohen, Songwriter and composer, talking about scoring films and commercials
I especially want to mention Dan Kneece's interview on working with David Lynch, being a director of photography, and 28 years as a premiere Steadicam operator: - Watch his interview here
- Listen to his interview here
Here's where you can find the show: - Watch the show here
- Listen to the show here
- Watch a six-minute summary of the show here
- Read the text transcript here
And join us live, every Thursday at 6 PM PDT Los Angeles to watch the LIVE EVENT.
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We were really busy last week, getting this website ready and getting our video streaming system working. So, I only have two articles for you this week.
But one is a detailed description of how we got live video streaming working and the second is a cheat sheet to hidden features on our new website. Enjoy!
Oh, this new newsletter format still has our Top 3 lists, you'll find it by scrolling down just a bit.
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It has taken us about three months, with lots of mistakes, to finally get live video streaming working. This article describes what we did, what works and what doesn't.
We will be writing more about this as we get all our settings and gear dialed in. The good news is that streaming is now reliable, scalable and great quality.
(Co-written by Megan Paulos.)
We've scattered goodies all around our new website. Here are clues on where to find them. Tip of the DaySocial Media - Nav Bar > Socialize
See what the world is saying.
Most Popular Articles Home Page
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Larry's Best Training:
Final Cut Pro X 10.1x: Complete
This title contains everything you need to learn Apple's Final Cut Pro X v.10.1.x!
This title includes both: - FCP X: Workflow & Editing
- FCP X: Effects
From initial setup and media management to editing, effects, and output, there's no finer training on the market.
- Need to get started in a hurry?
- Need to learn just the new features?
- Need in-depth training on everything you need to know to become a video editing pro?
We condensed everything you need into one chapter. With over 200 movies--more than 22 hours of training--all under one title, you're one click away from everything you need!
(And is current for the 10.1.3 and 10.1.4 releases.)
Improved Video Compression
Apple Compressor 4.1
Apple continues to update Compressor with an all-new interface, improved compression settings and better monitoring. We created new training just for this version.
- Better organized
- More informative
- Tighter focus on making your images look great.
These days, everything we do ends up on the web. Which means that if we don't know how to compress our video to make it look good, all our work during production and post is wasted.
In this in-depth video training, Larry Jordan shows you how to make the most of Apple Compressor 4.1.x.
Whether you are a new or experienced, this training will help you make your media look and sound great!
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