FIVE new articles for you this week: covering Compressor, Premiere Pro CC and Adobe Media Encoder! I've focused on video compression for this week.
Well, we are fully into fall around here and there is LOTS going on. Last week, Adobe updated all their Creative Cloud applications. (I have a news story on the announcements below.) This week, Apple is holding another big press event where, it is rumored, just about anything you can imagine will be announced, upgraded, released or improved. (Smile... we shall see.)
For now, though, I've got a variety of goodies for you, starting with some interesting Short Notes, a webinar designed to help you get more work and a fascinating interview on the Digital Production Buzz.
MediaSilo announced QuickLinks this week. It's "the first app that takes sharing rough cuts to a whole new level. Simple drag and drop, fast file transfers, and no file size limit make QuickLinks a power tool for any video pro. Download the app for free and connect with your MediaSilo account." Here's the link for more information. MotionVFX released a new package of effects called "Vintage." 20 effects that create a "beautiful aged color grading effect." Here's the link. The support team over at Intelligent Assistance took a break to send me the following note: "If you are translating Final Cut Pro X XML for import into Adobe Audition or After Effects, before creating the XML file, break apart any Compound Clips in your Final Cut Project. Then select only that Project in the Event before exporting the XML file, so that the single Project will be translated into a single Sequence. The easiest way to locate your Compound Clips is using the Timeline Index. In Final Cut Pro X select multiple Compound Clips and choose Clip > Break Apart Clip Items before exporting the project XML from Final Cut Pro X."
 Last week, Adobe upgraded all their Creative Cloud applications, including Adobe Media Encoder. So, I decided to showcase the new features in AME and compare them with Apple Compressor. Adobe actually added a lot of goodies. And, I realized that I haven't talked about how to improve the compression speed of Apple Compressor. So, what started out as a comparison, turned into an intermediate to advanced discussion covering how to improve image quality, improve speed, and check out the latest features. I know, it sounds scary, but this is actually a great webinar because I could move beyond the basics into helping you become a lot more productive. Download the webinar here.
And, remember, subscribers can watch any webinar FREE at any time in our Video Training Library. Save money and subscribe today.
 This is one of my favorite subjects - helping editors find work, negotiate, and keep clients happy. (It is also the highlight of most of my classes, based on what students tell me.) If you know someone who is looking for work, or you just want to polish your job hunting skills, you need to attend this session. Discover simple marketing techniques that keep your name in front of potential clients, tips to negotiating, and ideas on how to find clients who are unhappy with their current team. (And, how to keep them happy with you!) Registration to the live show is free but we have a limit of 100 seats. Act fast! Sign up here.
This week's Digital Production Buzz was fun. "The Equalizer," a new film starring Denzel Washington, had most of its effects created by ZEROvfx in Boston.
This week, we spoke with Brian Drewes and Sean Devereaux, co-founders, about how they created more than 600 effects shot, their tools and workflow, and how they manage to keep their business afloat in very challenging economic times.
Listen to their interview here.
Listen to the entire show here.
Thanks to the folks at Take1 Transcriptions, you can read, as well as listen to each show. Read this week's show transcript here. (You'll also find show transcripts on each Buzz show page.)
Five new articles this week, looking at Adobe's latest announcements, a better way to determine how your video compression looks, plus articles on Adobe Media Encoder, Compressor and the latest version of Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
And, as always, I've updated our Top 3 lists. Enjoy!
Adobe Updates All Creative Cloud Applications
Last week, Adobe announced an update to all their Creative Cloud applications at Adobe MAX. I was sitting in the audience when it happened, then went on to a briefing from their top executives about the new software. I first published this report that day in my blog, and I'm sharing it with you again today in case you missed it.
Measuring Video Compression Quality
 I've been thinking a lot about video compression and compression quality this last week. And I came up with a way to measure how accurate your compressed files are. Its fast, its easy, and it helps you remove the guess work. I explain it all here.
New Features
 Adobe Media Encoder (AME) was updated along with the rest of the Creative Cloud applications. While Photoshop may have received more stage time, AME is at the heart of Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Prelude, because AME handles all the export and compression duties for all those programs. In this short video tutorial, I explain all the new features and show you how the most relevant ones work. If you exclusively compress your work with Apple Compressor, you are missing some real power and speed which Adobe has finally engineered into Media Encoder.
Create a Compression Network
 As I was researching this week's webinar, I realized that two key features in Compressor, which can improve speed, are turned off by default. In this short video tutorial, I illustrate one of them: how to build a compression network consisting of multiple computers all compressing video at the same time. I also explain when this technique will speed your work and when using it will slow things down. If you are looking to speed compression, you need to watch this.
New Mask and Track Features
 Adobe Premiere Pro CC was also updated last week. In this article, I show you how to use one of the highlight features from the spring update that was enhanced last week: Mask and Track. This is a very cool feature, which is now even more flexible and powerful than before.
This title contains everything you need to learn Apple's Final Cut Pro X v.10.1!
This title includes both: * FCP X: Workflow & Editing * FCP X: Effects All in one place, for one great price!
Start with initial setup and media management to editing, effects, and output, there's no finer training on the market. * Need to get started in a hurry? We condensed everything you need into one chapter.
* Need to learn just the new features? We've got you covered.
* Need in-depth training on everything you need to know to become a video editing pro? Start at the beginning and work your way to the end.
You'll be amazed at how much you learn!
THIS TRAINING INCLUDES ALL THE NEW FEATURES IN THE FCP X 10.1.2 UPDATE (It is also current for the 10.1.3 release)
Over 200 movies, more than 22 hours of training! Each movie is laser-focused to get you the information you need exactly when you need it. (The average movie length is about seven minutes.)
One title - everything you need - available right now.
 Here are the most popular articles, webinars, and audio interviews for the past seven days across all my websites. ArticlesThis list expanded to the Top 4 to add some variety: For an index of all our articles, visit here.
Webinars This list is based on the webinars watched most often by our monthly subscribers. For a list of all our webinars, visit here. Digital Production Buzz Audio Interviews For a list of all Buzz audio interviews, click here.
Learn Apple Compressor 4.1
 Apple continues to update Compressor with an all new interface, improved compression settings and better monitoring. This application has some much new stuff inside that we went back and re-did all our training for the new version. - Better organized
- More informative
- Tighter focus on making your images look great.
These days, everything we do ends up on the web. Which means that if we don't know how to compress our video to make it look good, all our work during production and post is wasted. In this in-depth video training, Larry Jordan shows you how to make the most of Apple Compressor 4.1.x. Whether you are a new or experienced, this training will help you make your media look and sound great!