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July 9 New Features in Premiere Pro CC (2014)
Wow! The big news this week was Adobe updating all its Creative Cloud applications; plus releasing new hardware and several iPad applications.
So, to celebrate, I have an all-Premiere issue this week. Yup. Four new articles covering some of the big new features in Premiere. (As the month goes on, I'll also share the new goodies in Audition, AME, and Prelude; all of which added major new features.)
As a note, our webinars resume July 9 with a special session devoted to the new features in Premiere Pro. Put this on your calendar now - I'll have a registration link for you next week.
Plus, this week, I have an in-depth interview with Philip Bloom on whether shooting and editing 4K video makes sense or not.
Later this month, I have some very interesting product reviews - so June looks to be pretty exciting on the new product front.
Adobe announced a potential problem when running Premiere Pro and/or Adobe Media Encoder on Macs running OS X 10.9.3. You can read the announcement here. Both Apple and Adobe are aware of the problem and currently working on it.
Personally, I was unable to get the new version of Premiere to run at all on my 10.9.3 iMac. It would install, then crash on launch. In order to write this week's articles, I moved the application to an older system.
As always, if you are on a deadline, finish your project first, then upgrade the software!
Just hours after this newsletter is released, I'm back on CreativeLIVE with three days of in-depth, on-camera, live software training showcasing Final Cut Pro X.
The folks at CreativeLIVE are fun to work with and I've enjoyed spending the last few days thinking about this training. If you are self-taught, or just want to see what all the fuss is about, tune in and watch.
These live sessions are free - all you need to do is sign up. I look forward to seeing you there.
Here's the Final Cut Pro training link.
The featured interview this week on the Digital Production Buzz is Philip Bloom, noted filmmaker and director.
The week before last, Philip and I shared the stage as part of the TV-Bay Tour across England. During that time, he and I sat down to a long interview discussing the benefits and problems with 4K video.
This is the first part of a two-part interview, where he shares his experiences shooting - and making money with - 4K video. We had so much fun chatting that I extended the interview to next week, where Philip will discuss the "best cameras" to use for shooting 4K video.
Listen to Philip's interview here.
Listen to the entire program here.
We've added text transcripts for each show courtesy of Take1.tv. Read this week's transcript here.
By the way, editor Kim Furst provided a wonderful insight into how she became an editor and director. If you enjoy listening to biographies, you'll like Kim. Listen to it here.
I have four new articles -- all of them showcasing major new features in Adobe Premiere Pro CC (2014). Premiere got lots of love in this update - these articles show you how these new features work.
Plus, as always, I've updated our Top 3 Lists. Enjoy your week and chat with you next Monday.
Track & Mask
 One of the big new features is a little thing: every effect can now include motion tracking and masking directly inside Premiere Pro. (Well, all except for a very few effects...) While After Effects remains the king of motion tracking, many times we just need something simple and easy. In this article, I show you how this new feature works, what it's good for and what it isn't. Once you understand it, its amazingly easy and lots of fun.
Live Text Templates
 One of the new features in Premiere that I am really excited about is Live Text Templates. These allow us, or someone more graphically talented, to create an After Effects comp that we can load into Premiere, then modify the text as necessary for our projects. In this step-by-step tutorial, I explain how this works. It is surprisingly tricky and you need to read this article to avoid making mistakes.
Master Clips
 Master clips allow us to apply an effect to one clip, and have that effect instantly applied to all the clips related to that master clip. This makes color correction a whole lot easier; especially when you are bouncing between two different master clips, each edited multiple times to the Timeline. This article shows you how this works and gives you ways you can take advantage of it.
Auto-Sync Project Files to Creative Cloud
 New with this version of Premiere is the ability to automatically backup project files to the Creative Cloud. We've had the ability to share settings between computers using the Cloud. Now, we can automatically backup project files both to a local folder and the Creative Cloud. This step-by-step tutorial shows you how to set up this entire process. And, once you have it setup, backups become automatic instantly.
This title contains everything you need to learn Apple's Final Cut Pro X v.10.1!
This title includes both: * FCP X: Workflow & Editing * FCP X: Effects All in one place, for one great price! Start with initial setup and media management to editing, effects, and output, there's no finer training on the market. * Need to get started in a hurry? We condensed everything you need into one chapter.
* Need to learn just the new features? We've got you covered.
* Need in-depth training on everything you need to know to become a video editing pro? Start at the beginning and work your way to the end.
You'll be amazed at how much you learn!
Over 200 movies, more than 22 hours of training! Each movie is laser-focused to get you the information you need exactly when you need it. (The average movie length is about seven minutes.)
One title - everything you need - available right now.
 Here are the most popular articles, webinars, and audio interviews for the past seven days across all my websites. ArticlesWe expanded this list to the Top 4 to add variety: For an index of all our articles, visit here.
Webinars This list is based on the webinars watched most often by our monthly subscribers. For a list of all our webinars, visit here. Digital Production Buzz Audio Interviews For a list of all the audio interviews we've conducted on The Buzz, visit here.
Learn Apple Compressor 4.1
 With the release of Final Cut Pro X v10.1, Apple also updated Compressor to version 4.1 An all new interface, improved compression settings and better monitoring. So much changed, in fact, that we went back and re-recorded all our training for the new version. - Better organized
- More informative
- Tighter focus on making your images look great.
These days, everything we do ends up on the web. Which means that if we don't know how to compress our video to make it look good, all our work during production and post is wasted. In this in-depth video training, Larry Jordan shows you how to make the most of Apple Compressor 4.1. Whether you are a new or experienced, this training will help you make your media look and sound great!
We are committed to providing the highest quality training at the lowest possible price and distributing it as widely as possible.
From subscriptions to individual downloads to free techniques and articles -- we've got your back. And there's lots more to come.
Larry Jordan
Larry Jordan & Associates
P.S. I always love hearing from you. Feel free to write.