I have four new articles for you this week - storage and media management, inside tips on FCP X, and a big "gotcha" when working with digital audio. More on these in a bit. Do you realize the NAB Show was only a week ago? Amazing... The Digital Production Buzz now has all shows and interviews posted and available to you at NABShowBuzz.com. Stop by and check out the latest news from some of your favorite companies. Let's see.... I have more favorite iPad apps, two interesting Short Notes, an update to our Compressor training, a very cool featured interview from The Buzz, and updated Top 3 lists. Plus four new articles. All kinds of lovely goodies this week. Let's get started.
 Last week, I mentioned some iPad apps that readers recommended. I have more for you this week. Chuck Savadelis writes: Adam Wilt's Cine Meter is the best light meter / lighting & scene analyzer available for iOS. Jon Chappell, from Digital Rebellion, writes: Cut Notes is an app that allows you to take notes during a screening. It syncs to the timecode of your NLE (FCP 7, FCP X, Avid, Adobe Premiere, Pro Tools) and uses preset note buttons to minimize the time you have to spend looking down to write. You can then export the notes to a variety of formats and use our free Marker Import tool to bring them back into your NLE. It also has cloud features like group note-taking sessions through our Kollaborate cloud workflow system. www.digitalrebellion.com/cutnotes � CinePlay is an iPad / iPhone video player aimed at professionals. Unlike other video players on the App Store, it's designed with timecode in mind and will automatically detect the timecode track in a movie clip. It has other features like masking / blanking to various aspect ratios, timecode overlays, markers (which can be exported to various formats) and safe areas. It also has Dropbox playback support and more advanced features with our Kollaborate cloud workflow platform like automatic color correcting via CDLs. www.digitalrebellion.com/cineplayiosMINOR UPDATE TO COMPRESSOR 4.1 TRAININGWe made a minor update to our Apple Compressor 4.1 video training. If you are a subscriber, the new video is already live in our subscription site. If you purchased a download we'll send you a link to download the revised file later today.
The update is free to all subscribers and purchasers of our Compressor training.
Thinking of Jon Chappell, Digital Rebellion has an outstanding repair bundle for Avid, Premier, and Final Cut users. I've been a fan of Jon's free utilities since forever. Now, he's bundled them all into a single package.
It isn't free, but it is a WHOLE lot cheaper than a system that doesn't work. What I like best is, regardless of what application you edit with, these utilities can fix a problem, then keep your system running smoothly thereafter.
Tom Coughlin, president of Tom Coughlin Associates, is requesting help with his annual survey on media storage. This is a really important survey because Tom is extremely well-wired into the storage community with influence on the storage systems developers create this year for us to purchase next year.
If you have opinions on how to improve media storage, or, even if you don't, take five minutes and complete this survey. I promise that this is not a sales gimmick. And as soon as Tom sends me the results, I'll share them with you. (The survey deadline is the end of April.)
We had some amazing interviews this week on the Digital Production Buzz. One that I especially want to call to your attention is Nic Novicki, the founder of the "48-hour Disability Film Challenge."
Nic is an actor, comic and producer. But he was struck by the fact that people with disabilities are often excluded from working in media. So, he started the Challenge to correct this.
Listen to his interview here.
We also have an outstanding interview with Christina Lee Storm, who produced the definitive documentary on the death of "Rhythm & Hues," and the strains the entire VFX industry is under today.
Listen to the entire show here.
I had a hard time deciding which article to lead with. Each is important and applies to all of us: the first article is a primer on media management. Written in Question/Answer format, this is a great article to send to newbies. Then, I have a collection of inside tips on Final Cut Pro X.
Next, as our work increasing moves to include digital audio there is a big gotcha when converting analog audio to digital, which I detail in my article on "Why I Returned a Mackie Mixer." I'd love your comments on this article.
Finally, I've written a lot about storage when it is attached directly to our computer. But the rules change when we are connecting storage to a server. In my last article, I explain the factors you need to consider when purchasing a RAID to attach to a server.
Plus, as usual, I've updated our Top Three lists. And let me know what you think.
The Basics of Media Management
 Media management confuses everybody. So, this week, I decided to write a basic article that describes media management, shows how it works and the variety of options we have when it comes to storing media. This is a perfect article to send to someone just getting started, to bring yourself up-to-speed on the latest technology, or just help you understand what's going on "under the hood." This article is relevant regardless of what editing software you are using.
Tech Notes on Final Cut Pro X
 Most of the time, I can answer reader questions by referring to an existing article or my knowledge of the program. Most of the time, but not always. This article began as a collection of reader questions that required some research to answer. I finally had time to wander Apple's website. Then, I wrote up the results here.
Why I Returned a Mackie Mixer
 The intersection of analog with digital audio can be tricky. As I was prepping for our NAB coverage, I ordered a brand new Mackie mixer which was great for analog audio, but not so good for digital. This article describes the problems I had, and points out a hidden trap that can prevent you from recording your best audio. The problem is easy to fix, if the manufacturers are interested in fixing it.
Specs To Consider When Buying a RAID
 Storage is even more important to our editing system than the speed of the computer. But, which storage should we buy? And what do specs mean and which ones should we pay attention to? Discover the Five Factors you need to consider when buying a RAID. If you are buying storage to directly attach to your computer, you need to pay attention to different specs than if you are attaching the RAID to your server. In this article, I explain the terms, illustrate the specs, and tell you which ones you need to pay attention to and why.
This title contains everything you need to learn Apple's Final Cut Pro X v.10.1!
This title includes both: * FCP X: Workflow & Editing * FCP X: Effects All in one place, for one great price! Start with initial setup and media management to editing, effects, and output, there's no finer training on the market. * Need to get started in a hurry? We condensed everything you need into one chapter.
* Need to learn just the new features? We've got you covered.
* Need in-depth training on everything you need to know to become a video editing pro? Start at the beginning and work your way to the end.
You'll be amazed at how much you learn!
Over 200 movies, more than 22 hours of training! Each movie is laser-focused to get you the information you need exactly when you need it. (The average movie length is about seven minutes.)
One title - everything you need - available right now.
 Here are the most popular articles, webinars, and audio interviews for the past seven days across all my websites. ArticlesWe expanded this list to the Top 4 for more variety: For an index of all our articles, visit here.
Webinars This list is based on the webinars watched most often by our monthly subscribers. For a list of all our webinars, visit here. Digital Production Buzz Audio Interviews For a list of all the audio interviews we've conducted on The Buzz, visit here.
Learn Apple Compressor 4.1
 With the release of Final Cut Pro X v10.1, Apple also updated Compressor to version 4.1 An all new interface, improved compression settings and better monitoring. So much changed, in fact, that we went back and re-recorded all our training for the new version. - Better organized
- More informative
- Tighter focus on making your images look great.
These days, everything we do ends up on the web. Which means that if we don't know how to compress our video to make it look good, all our work during production and post is wasted. In this in-depth video training, Larry Jordan shows you how to make the most of Apple Compressor 4.1. Whether you are a new or experienced, this training will help you make your media look and sound great!