This is going to be an exciting year, and we have some great stuff to get you started. First, I encourage you to attend our seminar next week looking at the new Mac Pro, the latest version of Final Cut X, and high-resolution media. This one-day event in Burbank, CA, features some of the leaders in our industry giving practical examples of how all this stuff works together. You'll find the details below. Second, our webinars start again this week, with a look at the new version of Final Cut Pro X. Check the sidebar at the lower left. Third, we are getting ready to release some great new training - which I'll tell you about next week. For now, though, I've got three new articles and a revision to two others. All the details are below. Plus a TON of cool other stuff this week. REMINDER: SPECIAL UPGRADE PRICING ENDS
Just a reminder that our special 50% off upgrade pricing ends today for our latest Final Cut Pro X v10.1 Workflow and Editing training. If you've purchased any Final Cut Pro X training from us, check your email folder for the upgrade code. And, if you are thinking about buying our latest training, now is the perfect time. Click here to purchase your copy today! (If you are an existing user, we've extended upgrade pricing until Jan. 7. Check your email for the upgrade code.) "VERY COOL NEWS" DEPARTMENT
Our web team was working overtime over the holidays and I'm delighted to announce a new feature on our website: we now have posted links to all the back issues of my weekly newsletters since 2011. You'll find the link in the sidebar to the left of all our web pages. Or, you can click here to see them for yourself. This is a great reason to encourage your friends to subscribe. Thanks, Tori! Great work. LAST CALL: LARRY'S 4K SEMINAR
If you want to check out the new Mac Pro, see the latest version of Final Cut Pro X in action, or talk to the experts about working with high-resolution media - such as 4K - you need to attend our one-day workshop next week in Burbank, California.
This event, hosted at Pickwick Gardens, brings together leading third-party manufacturers, industry leaders, demos, panels, and formal presentations to help you plan for the switch to UltraHD and 4K workflows.
One-day ONLY - Tuesday, Jan. 14 - in Burbank, CA. Attendance is limited - this is an event that we won't be repeating soon.
We have four new webinars planned for January:
* Jan. 8: Final Cut Pro X v.10.1 In-Depth * Jan. 15: Apple Compressor In-Depth * Jan. 22: Media Management in Final Cut Pro X * Jan. 29: First Look at Motion 5.1
Click here to register. Subscribers, as always, can attend for free. SHORT NOTES
 The new Mac Pro has changed its audio ports. TOSlink is still there, but only for output. Here's an Apple KnowledgeBase article with all the details.  I've been researching video compression in creating my latest Compressor 4.1 training - which is available now to subscribers and coming shortly to our store. Because of this, I updated two articles to reflect what I've learned: Alexander Snelling, a well-respected Final Cut guru based in the UK, has written an outstanding paper on media management, collaboration, and backup that I want to call to your attention. You can view the PDF here. Alex Raccuglia has written a very cool iPad program that does essentially one thing very well: it allows you to record the movements of the fingers (up to ten) on the screen of the iPad and then send that tracking data as keyframes to Adobe After Effects to animate the contents of the screen. Watch the video here. Visit his website here.
 The Digital Production Buzz team did it again - we fearlessly faced the future and prognosticated on the probabilities. In other words, we dissected 2014 to spot the trends you need to keep an eye on. Join our regulars and listen in.
- Philip Hodgetts - technology
- Michael Kammes - editing systems
- Jerome Courshon - distribution
- Michele Yamazaki - plug-ins
- Ned Soltz - cameras
- Jonathan Handel - labor
- Jessica Sitomer - job hunting
The show was a wide-ranging, interactive discussion that covered a lot of ground in a short period of time. Listen to the entire show here. We are now offering complete text transcripts for each Digital Production Buzz episodes, courtesy of Take1.tv. View the transcript here.
I have thee new articles this week, including a speed test comparing the Mac Pro to the iMac, how to collaborate using Final Cut Pro X, and ways to speed up Compressor 4.1. Tons of great reading to start your week.
Plus, as always, I've updated our Top 3 lists. Enjoy!
Mac Pro vs. iMac: Video Compression
 I'm continuing to explore what the new Mac Pro can do. So, this week, I ran a series of video compression tests comparing the performance of the Mac Pro with a recent model iMac. Whether you are compressing video for YouTube, DVDs, your company website, or squeezing an audio podcast into MP3, you need to read this article.
Final Cut is great for solo editors, but it is also designed for teams as well. In this article, I explain what collaboration means, how Final Cut is designed to support collaboration, and provide specific scenarios you can consider in setting up your own workgroups.
A Tip To Increase Speed
Compressor has supported running multiple instances of itself for many years. But what does that mean and does it really increase speed? The answer is "yes, but..." In this article, I explain what instances are, when you should use them and, more importantly, when using them will cause you problems. Video compression has evolved, and this article explains what you need to know. Also, as a note, I've updated my article on Hardware Acceleration because the original version had some errors I needed to correct.
All new training for Apple's latest: Final Cut Pro X v.10.1!
From initial setup and media management to editing and output, there's no finer training on the market. * Need to get started in a hurry? We condensed everything you need into one chapter.
* Need to learn just the new features? We've got you covered.
* Need in-depth training on everything you need to know to become a video editing pro? Start at the beginning and work your way to the end.
You'll be amazed at how much you learn!
Over 130 movies, more than 15 hours of training, covering every version since Final Cut Pro X was first released.
Save time, save money, save your sanity. Watch this training and learn how it's supposed to work.
 Here are the most popular articles, webinars, and audio interviews for the past seven days across all my websites. ArticlesWe expanded this list to the Top 4 for more variety: For an index of all our articles, visit here.
Webinars This list is based on the webinars watched most often by our monthly subscribers. For a list of all our webinars, visit here. Digital Production Buzz Audio Interviews For a list of all the audio interviews we've conducted on The Buzz, visit here.
Learn Apple Compressor 4
 Ultimately, all our projects end up on the web. Which means that if we don't know how to compress our video to make it look good, all our work during production and post is wasted. In this in-depth video training, Larry Jordan shows you how to make the most of Apple Compressor 4. Whether you are a new or experienced editor, this training will help you make your media look and sound great!