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 Adobe updated all their Creative Cloud video applications this week. I have more on that in my blog, below. And we have a webinar on Adobe's new features this Wednesday. As I was preparing this week's Top 3 list, I was reviewing my website's log files and discovered that my blog on the new Mac Pro set a new record for total views. Lots of interest from all over the world. (If you want to know which articles are the most popular, visit my Training Library and look in the column "Most Popular Articles in the Last 7 Days.") LARRY'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL HITS 1 MILLION!
 Thinking of views, we've had more than 1 million views on our YouTube channel. To keep it fresh, we upload new videos several times a week covering both Apple and Adobe software. If you haven't visited recently, make a point to stop by. Visit: www.youtube.com/LarryJordanFCP.

I was reading Kevin McAuliffe's blog about whether Final Cut Pro X is ready for professional use. While I don't agree with much of what he wrote, there were two statements that I want to clarify:
1. The definition of "professional" has expanded far beyond Hollywood. Whether Avid or Adobe or Apple, all can deliver professional results. This means that editors around the world can earn a living editing video with the tools they choose. To define "professional" solely in terms of editing broadcast TV or feature films is too limited.
2. I have never been paid by anyone to write a review. To me, that is highly unethical behavior. Nor, for that matter, have I ever been paid by Apple to talk, write, or present Final Cut Pro X. I pick the products I train in and the articles and reviews I write. From time to time, I have been hired by other companies to create video tutorials for their products, and I've always disclosed that fact.
You are always welcome to agree or disagree with me, but I want you to know that there is no hidden money under the table determining what I write.
Robin Harris writes:
Larry, a quick alert on what is probably the most important Mavericks feature for Mac power users: memory compression.
I've been using it on my 2012 8GB MacBook Air and it has dramatically reduced the need for restarts and made app switching much faster. It's like getting another 4-6GB of RAM for free!
I wrote about it on ZDNet: http://www.zdnet.com/mavericks-memory-compression-review-7000022515/
Recently, I've been exporting video files and computer-generated files and comparing the differences. While I still think ProRes 422 is an excellent overall codec for video files, I am VERY impressed with the improved color fidelity when exporting computer-generated files - such as from Keynote, After Effects, or Photoshop - using ProRes 4444.
Yes, the file sizes are larger - about 2.5 times larger than ProRes 422. But the improvements in image quality and sharpness make it worth using.
So, use ProRes 422 to transcode most video files. And use ProRes 4444 for exporting media which originates on the computer. (I'm doing compression tests later this month and will let you know how well both these formats compress when I'm done.)
 This week, we devoted the entire Buzz podcast to casting. We heard from two casting directors, an actor, a producer and a director -- all talking about casting. So, this week, I'm featuring an interview with the legendary Jane Jenkins, co-founder of The Casting Company. From Princess Bride to the Transformers; Pirates of the Caribbean to A Beautiful Mind, Jane and her partner, Janet Hirshenson, have cast hundreds of successful films. Learn her secrets of casting in this interview. Listen to Jane Jenkin's interview here. Listen to the entire show here. We are now offering complete text transcripts for each Digital Production Buzz episodes, courtesy of Take1.tv. Read the transcript for this show here.
I have two new articles this week: one on Adobe's latest updates and the other is a cool, quick tip for Final Cut Pro X user.
And, as always, I've updated our Top 3 lists. Enjoy!
Adobe Updates Creative Cloud Video Software
 Last week, Adobe updated all the video applications in the Creative Cloud. This includes Premiere Pro, After Effects, Prelude, and many others. In this blog, I write about some of the new features and what makes this update so interesting.
Create an Import Favorite
Here is a quick, but totally non-intuitive tip on how to speed importing files. Its called a Favorite, or a shortcut, in the Media Import window. You can learn how in five steps -- and this article shows you every one of them!
Learn Apple Compressor 4
 Ultimately, all our projects end up on the web. Which means that if we don't know how to compress our video to make it look good, all our work during production and post is wasted. In this in-depth video training, Larry Jordan shows you how to make the most of Apple Compressor 4. Whether you are a new or experienced editor, this training will help you make your media look and sound great!
 Here are the top three articles, webinars, and audio interviews for the past seven days. ArticlesYay, a NEW #1! We expanded this to the Top 4 to add more variety: For an index of all our articles, visit here. Webinars This list is based on the webinars watched most often by our monthly subscribers. For a list of all our webinars, visit here. Digital Production Buzz Audio Interviews For a list of all the audio interviews we've conducted on The Buzz, visit here.
This is the training the pros turn to when they want to learn Final Cut Pro X.From set-up to editing to effects to export, everything you need to know to master this new software is contained in this training.
Over 200 movies, more than 20 hours of training, covering all the latest features and hidden shortcuts.
Save time, save money, save your sanity. Watch this training and learn how it's supposed to work.
We are committed to providing the highest quality training at the lowest possible price and distributing it as widely as possible.
From subscriptions to individual downloads to free techniques and articles -- we've got your back. And there's lots more to come.
Larry Jordan Larry Jordan & Associates www.larryjordan.biz
P.S. I always love hearing from you. Feel free to write.