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 The BIG news this week was Apple announcing the new MacPro will ship in December. Next, Adobe says they are releasing the latest versions of their video apps in October. And, Apple will release the next version of Final Cut Pro X in December. It's been a heck of a week for announcements... now, all we have to do is wait. (And I hate waiting...!) Still, I have a thoughts about configuring the new MacPro, which I'll share with you in a minute. A CAUTION FOR FINAL CUT PRO 7 EDITORS
 Last week, I cautioned Final Cut Pro 7 editors about upgrading to Mavericks because we didn't know enough. (I long ago learned to take a cautious approach to upgrading applications and operating systems essential to my business.)
This week, we know more. Based on recent reports I'm reading and additional conversations, FCP 7 seems to work fine on Mavericks. (Though I had a report of a few generators not working properly on the new OS.)
Keep in mind that all development on FCP 7 has ended. And, at some point, FCP 7 will not work on a future Mac operating system. While FCP 7 is not optimized for Mavericks, it does run. If you need to upgrade, go ahead. However, my personal recommendation is to not upgrade the operating system of any computer primarily devoted to FCP 7 editing. Instead, run FCP 7 on the operating system for which it was designed.
Your time with FCP 7 will not last forever. It is time to start planning your migration.
 Based on Apple shipping both the MacPro and a new version of Final Cut Pro X in December, we've decided to delay our " 4K & Final Cut Pro X" live event until January 14. When you step-up to higher resolutions, everything about your editing system gets pushed to the max. We want to see how the new MacPro and FCP X can enable UltraHD editing. This one-day seminar answers your questions and illustrates how to prepare for the new world of high-resolution acquisition, storage, editing, and archiving. We'll showcase the new MacPro, plus the latest version of Final Cut Pro X.
Click here to learn more. SAVE $20 when you register - enter EARLYBIRD as the registration code.
Alexis Van Hurkman sent me a note that his latest book - Autodesk Smoke Essentials - is available on Amazon.com. I always enjoy Alexis' writing. If you are interested in learning more about Smoke, his book is a good place to start.
Michael Fiala sent me a note about a potential problem of FCP X and Mavericks. "When I fired up FCP X on my dual-monitor system, my window layout reverted to one monitor. (I prefer to use a second monitor for the Event Browser.) However, I was able to solve this by right-clicking the FCP X app icon in the dock and selecting "All Desktops". My pre-Mavericks window layout restored itself and I can drag video from my events viewer on screen 2 into my Timeline on screen 1. Hope this can help someone."
 This week, I'm featuring an interview with Bryce Button. Bryce is the Product Marketing Manager for AJA Video Systems. During this interview, he talks about the transition to high-resolution video and the increasing importance of Thunderbolt to video editing. Listen to Bryce Button's interview here. Listen to the entire show here. We are now offering complete text transcripts for each Digital Production Buzz episodes, courtesy of Take1.tv. Read the transcript for this show here.
NOTE: Yay, us! The Buzz has recorded and posted over 1,000 audio interviews with filmmakers all over the world, along with all the leaders in our industry. Wow!
THREE NEW ARTICLES THIS WEEK! I have three new articles this week: "Thoughts on the new MacPro," a think-piece on understanding bit rates, and a product review of new plug-ins from Final Cat Pro.
And, as always, I've updated our Top 3 lists. Enjoy!
Thoughts on the New MacPro
 Most of us were overwhelmed with geek lust when Apple announced the new MacPro last spring. This week, Apple gave us a lot more details - including a ship date of December. But, since most of us are not made of money, how do we balance getting great performance while spending as little as possible. I wrote this article to provide some answers.
An Analogy About Bit Rates
Based on my email, lots of folks are confused about video compression. What is the best file to use for compression? Does it matter if the source file is really big? And what can I do to make it look great. All these answers start by understanding "bit rate," a truly arcane concept that totally controls file size and partially controls image quality. This article helps explain what bit rate is, why we care, and why the size of the source file doesn't matter. This is a cool analogy wrapped in a short story. You'll like it.
Final Cat Pro Utilities
 Final Cat Pro is a new start-up, based in The Netherlands, that is creating new editing utilities for Final Cut Pro. Recently, they asked me to review their products. So, this week, I did. If you are an FCP X editor that spends more time editing than creating effects and need to deliver projects on a deadline, this utilities can make your editing go faster.
Learn Apple Compressor 4
 Ultimately, all our projects end up on the web. Which means that if we don't know how to compress our video to make it look good, all our work during production and post is wasted. In this in-depth video training, Larry Jordan shows you how to make the most of Apple Compressor 4. Whether you are a new or experienced editor, this training will help you make your media look and sound great!
 Here are the top three articles, webinars, and audio interviews for the past seven days. ArticlesWe expanded this to the Top 4 to add more variety: For an index of all our articles, visit here. Webinars This list is based on the webinars watched most often by our monthly subscribers. For a list of all our webinars, visit here. Digital Production Buzz Audio Interviews For a list of all the audio interviews we've conducted on The Buzz, visit here.
This is the training the pros turn to when they want to learn Final Cut Pro X.From set-up to editing to effects to export, everything you need to know to master this new software is contained in this training.
Over 200 movies, more than 20 hours of training, covering all the latest features and hidden shortcuts.
Save time, save money, save your sanity. Watch this training and learn how it's supposed to work.
We are committed to providing the highest quality training at the lowest possible price and distributing it as widely as possible.
From subscriptions to individual downloads to free techniques and articles -- we've got your back. And there's lots more to come.
Larry Jordan Larry Jordan & Associates www.larryjordan.biz
P.S. I always love hearing from you. Feel free to write.