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I have LOTS of Adobe goodies for you this week -- and some Final Cut X stuff as well - SIX new articles and videos! Plus, plenty more things to talk about, including new contest winners. QUICK ADOBE AUDITION TIP
We are still learning new things about Adobe Audition CC. For instance, if you own Acid Loops, you can use them in Audition. The Acid Loop WAV files should import and loop with no problem, but Audition doesn't currently support any Acid-specific metadata like key or interfile loops/loop points. Toggling loop mode on a clip should let you drag it out to extend it and the stretch controls in Audition should allow you to quickly match tempo or key. Acid Loops behave as standard audio files. However, the packaged .ACD files won't work, because those are just Acid's proprietary multitrack session formats - not audio files themselves. LARRY IS GOING TO ASPENI've been invited back to Anderson Ranch Art Center in Aspen, CO, in August to teach two week-long classes: I'm looking forward to both classes - especially the second. We'll divide the class into small teams and spend the week shooting, editing, and critiquing documentaries of the artists in residence. We'll post the best ones to the web. If you have the time - I'd love to see you there. It will be a fun two weeks! NEW WEBINAR: COLOR CORRECTION IN PREMIERE PRO
We are continuing to grow our Adobe Creative Cloud training. Our latest release is Reading Scopes and Color Correction in Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
This is one of my favorite classes, because once you understand how video scopes and color correction work, you'll never be at the mercy of bad video again.
In this one-hour session, learn how to access and read scopes, correct problem video, and give your images the glossy look they deserve.
Click here to download. (Subscribers, this is already posted to the subscription website.) Click here to see all our Adobe webinars.
P.S. I just posted a new Adobe webinar for July 24, an in-depth look at video compression using Adobe Media Encoder.
JOIN US WEDNESDAY FOR A FINAL CUT PRO X WEBINAR In all the excitement of the new Adobe software, I haven't forgotten Final Cut Pro X. This Wednesday, I'm conducting a webinar looking at creating keyframes and animation in Final Cut Pro X. If keyframes scare you, and the thought of animating something makes you itch, you need to watch this webinar. Because, once you understand how keyframes work, you'll wonder how you ever lived without them. Subscribers, register here to attend for free. To learn more about the webinar, click here.
Each week, I feature a different interview from our podcast: Digital Production Buzz. This week, I want to highlight Jess Hartmann, CEO of Promax. Promax is a long-time player in our industry, but recently, they've been reinventing themselves. I caught up with Jess recently at the Creative Storage Conference and spent time talking about where Promax is headed and one of their newest products. Listen to his interview here. Listen to the entire show here.
Our contest: Editing Truths for Better Living ends July 28. So, if you've always wanted to enter, but need an extra push - NOW IS THE TIME!!!We began this contest last February and we've had hundreds of entries. My hope is to put all the winners together in an eBook, once the contest is over. Entering is free and the rules are simple. Everything you need to know to enter - including the email address, is in that link. Here are our winners for this week:
Keith Woolford www.archmovingmemories.co.ukSo, all project files are corrupt, all the cards have been written over, there's absolutely no original media, and no one thought to have made a back-up. Mmm, bit of a challenge, then.
Rick CumminsClient: "Can you output the project as a QuickTime file so I can edit it with iMovie on my iPad?"
Jordan MarshallYou will likely know far more about the type of compressed deliverable the webmaster will need than he/she does.
Karl Schmidt - www.bristolproductions.comClient: Here's some footage we found.... what can you build?
To learn more about this contest and the free stuff you can WIN - or just to review past winners - click here. NEW ARTICLES THIS WEEK
Six new articles this week! Two written tutorials and four video tutorials. (One of the articles was submitted by a reader - I'm always grateful for all your comments.)
As a note, two of the videos are excerpts from my Audition CC training. One illustrates about how to move files between Premiere Pro CC and Audition, and the other shows how to move files between Final Cut Pro X and Audition. Bookmark these so you can find them when you need them.
Then, I got tired of the same three articles in our Top 3 list -- so, I expanded it to the Top 4!
Defining Gray-Scale Ranges
 Whether you use Final Cut Pro X, Premiere Pro, or any other video editing software, video scopes always work the same. In this short video, I define the different gray-scale ranges so that when people say "highlights," or "shadows," you will know what they are talking about.
Create a Multicam Clip with Multiple Discreet Audio Channels
 This short article was sent in by Allynn Wilkinson. In it, she describes how to create a multicam clip containing multiple tracks of discreet audio. This is both very easy and very cool.
Using the Video Limiter
 The Video Limiter effect is designed to safeguard video levels so all your projects stay "legal." In this article, I show you what the Video Limiter is, how to use it, and how to set it to keep you out of trouble.
Using the Video Limiter
 In case you don't want to read about it, this short video illustrates how the Video Limiter can protect your video projects from excess levels.
Send Files to Adobe Audition CC
 There are times when the audio power in Premiere is just not enough. You need to send your projects to Adobe Audition for repair, editing, or final mixing. This video tutorial shows you everything you need to know to move sequences between Premiere and Audition and, then, bring them back.
Send Files From FCP X to Audition
 Final Cut Pro X is an amazing program - until you get to audio. Then, it is somewhat, ah, underpowered. Not to worry, you can easily send files from Final Cut Pro X to Adobe Audition for repair, editing, and mixing, then quickly bring them back to Final Cut Pro X. This video shows you everything you need to know.
 Here are the top three articles, webinars, and audio interviews for the past seven days. ArticlesWe expanded this list to the Top 4 to get some more variety here: For a list of all our articles, visit here. Webinars This list is based on the webinars watched most often by our monthly subscribers. For a list of all our webinars, visit here. Digital Production Buzz Audio Interviews For a list of all our audio interviews, visit here.
This is the training the pros turn to when they want to learn Final Cut Pro X.From set-up to editing to effects to export, everything you need to know to master this new software is contained in this training.
Over 200 movies, more than 20 hours of training, covering all the latest features and hidden shortcuts.
Save time, save money, save your sanity. Watch this training and learn how it's supposed to work.
We are committed to providing the highest quality training at the lowest possible price and distributing it as widely as possible.
From subscriptions to individual downloads to free techniques and articles -- we've got your back. And there's lots more to come.
Larry Jordan Larry Jordan & Associates www.larryjordan.biz
P.S. I always love hearing from you. Feel free to write.