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* Low-cost. * Wide variety. * Instantly available. * Over 500 movies! * Over 150 hours!
Click here to learn more. Access your membership by clicking the red "Log In" in the navigation bar at the top of my website.
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Here are all kinds of new goodies for you this week! But, first, for those distraught over the missing Command+E reported last week, never fear.... It has been FOUND! (Details in a minute.) I NEED YOUR ADVICE
In two weeks, I'm doing a webinar showcasing cool new plug-ins for Final Cut Pro X. During this one-hour session, I'll have time to cover about 15 of them.
If you have a favorite NEW plug-in, or you are a developer that would like a mention, send me an email. I'm trying to decide which to pick, and your advice would be really helpful.
Email me your recommendations here.
NEW! AN EDITING MASTER CLASS I'm trying something different with this Editing Master Class. Rather than concentrate on technology, I want to talk about story-telling, editing technique, and craft. My Editing Master Class is Tuesday, May 14, in Thousand Oaks, California. The class is limited to 14 seats. Bring your projects and we'll work on them together. Whether you use Final Cut, Adobe, or Avid, the goal is to improve our craft skills and make our stories better. Click here to learn more. "ASK LARRY ANYTHING" WEBINAR
Last week's webinar - "Ask Larry Anything" - should be posted to our subscription service later today.
This one-hour seminar covered over 30 subjects and will be exclusively available just to subscribers (though we will be offering some excerpts on my YouTube channel, which also start posting later today).
I always have fun presenting these and hope you enjoy it as well.
Click here to become a member.
Click here to visit my YouTube Channel.
I have a very cool webinar for this Wednesday, but I can't tell you what it is, yet. Announcements going out soon.
Here's our current webinar schedule:
There's a limit of 80 seats in each session, and we have two sessions: 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM, Los Angeles time.
Registration is only $19.99, but subscribers always attend FREE! This is a great reason to become a subscriber, click to become a member!!
Don't want to subscribe? Click here to register for any webinar.
Contrary to my write-up last week, Command+E is alive and well, but living in a different location. (And I want to thank the dozens of you, sigh, that wrote to, ah, "reassure" me that Command+E was still among the living.)
I decided this was a learning experience and provided an opportunity to write a new article covering exporting master files and detailing how to assign this newly-relocated-but-no-longer-missing keyboard shortcut. You'll find it in the articles list below.
This week, we restored listing the most popular news stories, interviews, and programs for the last seven days to the Digital Production Buzz website. These lists are on the lower left-hand side of The Buzz home page.
Because we generate so much material each week on The Buzz, calculating ranking was surprisingly hard to get working right. Now that it is, you can see what other people are listening to.
Click here to view the "Most Popular on The Buzz" lists. (Remember, look left and down.)
Each week, I feature a different interview from the Digital Production Buzz. This week, I want to highlight Ron Hanks, comedy filmmaker Ron is the producer and host of "Golden California," a web-series taking a light-hearted look at life in the Golden State. In this interview, we talk about the challenges of creating and filming comedy, then keeping it fresh throughout the editing process. I was very interested in what Ron had to say. Listen to Ron's interview here. Listen to the entire show here. TRACKING FAVORITES FOR SUBSCRIBERS
Last week, we added new Favorites and Watch Later tracking to our subscription service. ( Here's an article that describes how this works.) I'm delighted that so many of you are using these new features - it makes all the development time worthwhile. If you haven't tried, it, read the article and give it a try. By the way, do you want to know what the #1 Favorite movie is? Webinar 88 - Final Cut Pro X Fundamentals, by a wide margin. NEW STORAGE SURVEY
Tom Coughlin, CEO of Coughlin Associates, specializes in studying the data storage market. Each year, he publishes the results of a new survey looking at storage needs and trends.
Want two scary facts? By 2014 the average US household will have about 12 Terabytes of stored digital content. And by 2015 the size of personal content storage will greatly exceed commercial content.
Take his free survey - NO sales people will call - and contribute your thoughts to the future of data storage for media.
Here are the latest winners from our "Editing Truths For Better Living" contest. It doesn't cost anything to enter, and, in fact, studies have shown that entering can actually make you feel better. Sharing the pain helps...
Cara Gordon - caragordon.weebly.com/An editor only needs two tools: caffeine, and one more day. Alexis CosarIf you're almost sure you have a back up for this... then you most certainly do not. Hector Ramirez - www.rkp.mxClient: "Everything in our promotional video is fine, with only two minor changes: all of the audio and all of the video" Jason WhissellAn edit suite is like the Tardis... you're never quite sure what time/day it will be when you exit.
To learn what all the fuss is about - click here. NEW ARTICLES THIS WEEK
New blogs and new articles. The blogs cover how to select the right video frame rate and short, random thoughts on using Final Cut Pro X.
The two new articles show how to export a Master File (and apply the Command-E shortcut) and explaining some current problems exporting from Final Cut Pro X.
And, as always, I've updated our Top 3 lists.
Pick the Right Video Frame Rate
In the old days, we had three frame rates: 24, 25, and 30 (rounding slightly). Today, there are almost ten! How do you decide what's the right frame-rate for you? In this blog, I explain what changes as the frame rate changes, so you can decide what works best for your.
Short, Random, Thoughts
 Every so often, I have a collection of cool things that don't deserve their own article, but are too interesting to ignore. So, I gather them up into a blog and share them with you. Read this blog to learn a bunch of totally unrelated, random, and interesting things about Final Cut Pro X.
Export a Master File
 With the release of the 10.0.6 update, Apple changed how Sharing works. And they also changed the keyboard shortcut for Sharing. In this article, I explain how to export a high-quality Master File and how to change the keyboard shortcut FCP X uses to flag the default setting. (If you were worried that Command+E had disappeared forever, this is the article that explains where it went.) Read the article here.
Export Problems
 Last week, I wrote about problems exporting directly to YouTube from Final Cut Pro X. This week, a couple more export problems popped up, so I've consolidated them all in one article. Read the article here.
 Here are the top three articles, webinars, and audio interviews for the past seven days. ArticlesFor a list of all our articles, visit here. Webinars This list is based on the webinars watched most often by our monthly subscribers. For a list of all our webinars, visit here. Digital Production Buzz Audio Interviews For a list of all our audio interviews, visit here.
This is the training the pros turn to when they want to learn Final Cut Pro X.From set-up to editing to effects to export, everything you need to know to master this new software is contained in this training.
Over 200 movies, more than 20 hours of training, covering all the latest features and hidden shortcuts.
Save time, save money, save your sanity. Watch this training and learn how it's supposed to work.
We are committed to providing the highest quality training at the lowest possible price and distributing it as widely as possible.
From subscriptions to individual downloads to free techniques and articles -- we've got your back. And there's lots more to come.
Larry Jordan Larry Jordan & Associates www.larryjordan.biz
P.S. I always love hearing from you. Feel free to write.