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Our new Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 training is getting great reviews! If you are a subscriber, be sure to log in to your account and check out more than eight hours of new training on Premiere Pro! Subscriber log-in. Become a subscriber. Details on our Premiere Pro CS6 training. Our incredible Massive Adobe Training bundle.
I got a message this weekend from Drew Lahat, of Precision Productions+Post about a new (free) utility that could come in handy for editors: it batch-removes video or audio tracks from a list of QuickTime files. This is written in Applescript and can be modified by the user. Learn more about the utility here. I haven't run this myself, so ALWAYS TEST THIS on files you don't care about.
Thanks, Drew, for sharing this with us.
You would need to be dead not to know that Apple is announcing new goodies tomorrow. The rumor sites are in full manic gonzo overload; which is kinda fun to watch from the sidelines. Sort of like being a spectator at a demolition derby. We will all know what the real story is tomorrow and if there is anything announced that would be useful for editors to pay attention to, I'll have a new blog posted as fast as possible. Personally, I think tomorrow will be a very interesting day. Stay tuned. No webinars this week, I'm off to San Antonio for some private training, webinars start again next week.
In the meantime, I have three new articles for you this week - including a new one for Final Cut Pro 7. Plus, our expanded Top 3 Lists -- see what others are learning and join the fun!
As always, the details are below.
TECHNIQUE: FINAL CUT PRO X Multi-Image Transitions
Here's a short and sweet article on some of the new wipes in Final Cut Pro X. Specifically, we look at drop-zone wipes and multi-image transitions. Read the article here.
TECHNIQUE: FINAL CUT PRO 7 Why Images Display Poorly
Suddenly, I'm getting a lot of emails about this. So, even though this is about Final Cut Pro 7, I wrote an article about it this week. The Canvas and Viewer don't display still images, or video for that matter, the same way. This article explains the difference and what you can do to compensate for it.
TECHNIQUE: FAQ Quality Problems with Scaling Video
This was another popular email question this week - why does changing the size of a video image make it look bad? In this article, I explain how video images are created from pixels and how you can scale images smaller with no problems, but scaling bigger is a mess. (By the way, this article applies to all video editors, not just Final Cut Pro.) Read the article here.
This is the training the pros turn to when they want to learn Final Cut Pro X.From set-up to editing to effects to export, everything you need to know to master this new software is contained in this training.
Over 170 movies, more than 18 hours of training, covering all the latest features and hidden shortcuts.
Save time, save money, save your sanity. Watch this training and learn how it's supposed to work.
We are committed to providing the highest quality training at the lowest possible price and distributing it as widely as possible.
From subscriptions to individual downloads to free techniques and articles -- we've got your back. And there's lots more to come.
Larry Jordan Larry Jordan & Associates www.larryjordan.biz
P.S. I always love hearing from you. Feel free to write.