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Last week, I had a unique opportunity to teach Final Cut Pro X at the Anderson Ranch Art Center in Aspen, Colorado. While my students were great and I always love teaching, what made this last week special was spending time with the other artists at "The Ranch." Founded almost 50 years ago as a way for visual artists to learn from each other, Anderson Ranch has entire buildings devoted to creating sculpture, pottery, painting, ceramics, wood-working; and their newest addition: digital images. It was very cool sitting down to breakfast with someone who creates wooden bowls on a lathe, or talk at lunch with students who are painting ceramics, or throwing pots and sweating over what glazes to use. In the evening, after class, just wandering the campus was like walking through an unfolding museum exhibit where all the works were "in progress." It is so easy for each of us to get wrapped up in the pressures of visual storytelling - but, every so often, it is exciting to break free, if only for a moment, and take a look at the much bigger creative world of which we are all a part. I look forward to going back next year. TWO COOL NEW WEB THINGS
We launched two, new, cool web features this last week. First, on the Digital Production Buzz site, we are now tracking the most popular interviews, based on listenership on the website, for the last seven days. This joins the lists of most popular news stories and most popular shows. You can see all three lists here, on the lower left of the home page: www.digitalproductionbuzz.comSecond, we are now tracking the most watched training videos on the LarryJordan.biz website. These are the videos most popular to our subscribers. (You need to be a subscriber to watch the videos, but not to view the list.) member.larryjordan.biz/subscriptions/popular-videos/Both lists update daily and both lists track popularity over the past 7 days. I am always fascinated by what people are watching. What especially impresses me is the range of interests. Also, some of these videos are more than a year old, yet among the most popular.
- The folks at Pond5 had developed a new plug-in for Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 that gives you access to Pond5's massive collection of stock images from inside Premiere. Take a look here. www.pond5.com/adobe
- DV Expo is coming to Pasadena Sept. 19-21. This is always a fun show and I'll be there doing interviews for The Buzz. Register here: https://elandregistration.com/v2/elandreg/reg1.php?e=tvIjjHwNgbk%3D
- I'm doing another free webinar for Filmmaking Webinars on Sept. 27: Audio Editing Techniques for Video Editors. Register here.
- For those that plan ahead, I'll be presenting at Postapalooza in October. Yes, its a long way away, but this is a killer post conference and I look forward to seeing you there. Here are the details.
This Wednesday, I'm presenting: New Stuff in Final Cut Pro X as our weekly webinar. No, Apple hasn't released a new version, but there is lots of cool stuff in FCP X that you may not have discovered for yourself.
From keywords to keying, from trimming to transitions, join us to take a look at some of the features in FCP X to make your editing more interesting, faster, or fun.
Click here to register.
Remember, subscribers can attend any weekly webinar for free. I'll have new titles for September a bit later this month, as soon as I figure them out. ADD SOME HUMOR TO YOUR LIFE
Our little book of aphorisms - Editing Truths for Better Living - is now available at Amazon. The collected wisdom of some of the finest - and, perhaps, most stressed - editors on the planet. If clients are getting you down, you need this little $4.99 book.
Five! new articles this week. Three biggies and two more to fill in the corners. All the details, as usual, are below.
I've been getting a lot of questions on RAIDs, SSDs, where to store media, how to improve performance... not so much questions on what gear to buy, but on how the gear works. In this article, I explain what each of these do, where to put them in your system, what to do to improve performance, and explain how to make sense of the marketing terms you read on the web. This is for all Final Cut users, from FCP 4 to FCP X. If you are puzzled by hardware, you'll enjoy this article. Read the article here.
Last week, I discovered that I haven't written on how to create and edit multicam clips in Final Cut Pro X.
This article was written for my FCP X book, but never published. So, I wanted to share it with you here.
A READER REPORT Installing an LTO-5 Tape Drive
Archiving media files is driving us all nuts - unless you've got a big budget and some IT help.
In this article, reader Sal Guarisco reports on his successful installation of an LTO-5 tape drive into his MacPro that was both inexpensive and effective.
TECHNIQUE: FINAL CUT PRO X Faster Trimming with the Keyboard
Trimming clips is both necessary and time-consuming. So, in this article, I illustrate some keyboard shortcuts that you may not know about that can make your trimming go a lot faster!
TECHNIQUE: FINAL CUT PRO X Changing Clip Creation Date and Time
Here's a new feature that first showed up in the 10.0.3 release of Final Cut Pro X. In a few short steps, you can change the creation date and time for any clip. And, you can also make those changes visible in the Finder!
This is the training the pros turn to when they want to learn Final Cut Pro X.From set-up to editing to effects to export, everything you need to know to master this new software is contained in this training.
Over 170 movies, more than 18 hours of training, covering all the latest features and hidden shortcuts.
Save time, save money, save your sanity. Watch this training and learn how it's supposed to work.
We are committed to providing the highest quality training at the lowest possible price and distributing it as widely as possible.
From subscriptions to individual downloads to free techniques and articles -- we've got your back. And there's lots more to come.
Larry Jordan Larry Jordan & Associates www.larryjordan.biz
P.S. I always love hearing from you. Feel free to write.