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Mike Horton and I got a case of the giggles on last week's Digital Production Buzz. (For such a professional guy, Mike cracks up in a heartbeat...) Anyway, I was thinking of recommending a specific interview, but the whole show was good; weird, but good. Alexis Van Hurkman talks about the challenges of writing the user manual to DaVinci Resolve while the programmers keep changing the software. Jonathan Handel then proved that lawyers have a sense of humor by explaining how he put a camera on the hood of his Porsche, then crashed it... into his cat's water dish! (OK, so maybe the weirdness wasn't all our fault.) Michael Kammes ponders the future of the MacPro. Philip Hodgetts explains what gear he selected to shoot a documentary from a boat with limited power and space. At the end, Mike and I attempt to answer a listener's question about fixing General Errors, but the Live Chat starts talking about hamsters on bicycles, which spills over into the show, and, well, Mike just loses it. I mean, it certainly wasn't MY fault...! Listen to the entire show here, I'm still chuckling. MASSIVE INTERVIEW ARCHIVES
Thanks to the incredibly hard work of Tori Anderholt - who has sadly left us to go back to college - we now have 700 individual interviews available online from The Buzz! These date back to 2009 with an interview we did with Isidore Mankofsky at DV Expo. These are searchable by name, company, keyword or year. It is an amazing collection of industry history, gossip, and tales of production and post. Check it out here.
- I'm spending a week teaching Final Cut Pro X in Aspen - a place I've never visited - at the Anderson Ranch Arts Center. I'm looking forward to the trip, as I've always enjoyed the mountains.
- The folks at Pond5 had developed a new plug-in for Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 that gives you access to Pond5's massive collection of stock images from inside Premiere. Take a look here. www.pond5.com/adobe
- I have a new app - which we JUST revised - for the iPad specifically for Final Cut Pro X training. Learn more - and rate it - here: http://tinyurl.com/LarrysFCPXApp
- I'm doing another free webinar for Filmmaking Webinars on Sept. 27: Audio Editing Techniques for Video Editors. Register here.
- DV Expo is coming to Pasadena Sept. 19-21. This is always a fun show and I'll be there doing interviews for The Buzz. Register here: https://elandregistration.com/v2/elandreg/reg1.php?e=tvIjjHwNgbk%3D
- My next webinar is Wednesday, Aug. 22, talking about Cool New Stuff in Final Cut Pro X.
- For those that plan ahead, I'll be presenting at Postapalooza in October. Yes, its a long way away, but this is a killer post conference and I look forward to seeing you there. Here are the details.
Thinking of webinars, if you want to see all the different training available to subscribers, click here.
Click the software listed under Available Titles in the sidebar on the left to see what we have for each product. Click the icons on the right to get more details.
For one low monthly, or annual, fee, you can access more than 400 movies - more than 100 hours of training - instantly. All you need is Internet access.
Become a member - click here. HAVE YOU VISITED OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL? We are getting close to 400,000 views on YouTube. Why? Because our training covers much more than just Final Cut Pro. We have all the earlier versions of Final Cut Studio, plus the new FCP X, Motion 5, Compressor 4, along with Adobe Production Premium, and Autodesk.
It is a vast array of video training - and it's all free!
Take a look and let us know what new stuff you want us to create.
Both new and revised articles this week, that I hope you find interesting. As always, the details are below.
Enjoy your summer - remember to take time to rest.
Have you wondered what audio analysis is and what Final Cut Pro X is doing to your clips? This article explains what you need to know, and why you should say "Yes," when FCP asks. Read the article here.
TECHNIQUE: FINAL CUT PRO Intro to Color Correction
Whether you are working with Final Cut Pro X, 7, or 6, the process of color correction - and reading scopes - is essentially the same.
In this article, I show you how to understand what the video scopes are showing you, and the impact of making changes to grayscale and color.
If you have always been confused about color correction, this article will make things a lot clearer.
VIDEO: MOTION 5 Publishing Effects to Final Cut Pro X
Final Cut Pro X effects are really Motion templates. This means you can create effects in Motion specifically for use in Final Cut Pro X.
In this nine-minute video, I show you how to create a Final Cut generator, how to create and publish settings that can be adjusted in Final Cut Pro X, and how to save the Motion template so FCP X can see it.
TECHNIQUE: FINAL CUT PRO 7 Creating Speed Changes
There are four ways to change the speed of a clip in Final Cut Pro 7: freeze frames, fit-to-fill edits, constant speed changes, and variable speed changes.
When Apple released Final Cut Pro 7, they added some new features which make changing clip speed easier.
This is the training the pros turn to when they want to learn Final Cut Pro X.From set-up to editing to effects to export, everything you need to know to master this new software is contained in this training.
Over 170 movies, more than 18 hours of training, covering all the latest features and hidden shortcuts.
Save time, save money, save your sanity. Watch this training and learn how it's supposed to work.
We are committed to providing the highest quality training at the lowest possible price and distributing it as widely as possible.
From subscriptions to individual downloads to free techniques and articles -- we've got your back. And there's lots more to come.
Larry Jordan Larry Jordan & Associates www.larryjordan.biz
P.S. I always love hearing from you. Feel free to write.