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I am delighted to introduce our NEW Subscription Membership for all my video training, webinars, and tutorials.
* Low-cost. * Wide variety. * Instantly available. * Over 400 movies! * Over 100 hours!
Click here to learn more. Access your membership by clicking the red "Log In" in the navigation bar at the top of my website.
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After a two-year hiatus, " 2 Reel Guys" went back into production last week creating our second season of 13 episodes. See the photos and read the story below. FREE WEBINAR THIS THURSDAY
The folks at Boris FX have asked me to present a free webinar this Thursday at 10:00 AM Los Angeles time. The subject is: Must-Have VFX in Final Cut Pro X.Totally free. Sign up here.NEWS, GOSSIP, AND FREE STUFF
- I am presenting a free "Pizza and Post" at Video Symphony this Tuesday evening in Burbank.
- I'm teaching a week-long Final Cut Pro X workshop at Anderson Ranch in beautiful Aspen, Colorado, starting August 13.
- Register for free expo tickets to DV Expo in Pasadena, Sept. 19-21.
Thanks to the folks at Anywhere Education, we turned our Final Cut Pro X training into an app for the iPad and iPhone. Take my Final Cut Pro X training anywhere - put it on your iPad or iPhone. Get my FREE app at: tinyurl.com/LarrysFCPXApp. And, if you would take a few minutes to review and rate it, I'd be grateful.
Along with our FCP X video training, this app also includes more than a dozen technical articles to help you make the most of the software. HAVE YOU VISITED OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL? If you haven't visited our YouTube channel recently, you're missing a lot of interesting video training -- all free and immediately available.
Laura and Tori have been sprucing things up around the site recently with better playlists, descriptions and links. Take a look here: youtube.com/larryjordanfcp.
Our subscription library continues to grow - more than 400 movies and more added each week. Now is a great time to become a member. Remember - subscribers can attend any of our live Wednesday Webinars free! Discover what many other people have already discovered: This is the greatest deal in the history of the Internet (or, um, close...). Click to learn more and sign up. DIGITAL PRODUCTION BUZZ HAS A NEW LOOK
The Digital Production Buzz has a brand-new look. Our six-month redesign is complete and includes access to the last three years of shows as well as individual interviews from more than 300 shows.
On this week's show, we are talking with Blackmagic Design about their announcement last week acquiring Cintel - along with the latest on DaVinci Resolve 9.
JOIN US ON FACEBOOK - AND TWITTER!Come visit us on Facebook, we have lots of lively discussions on editing and technology and I'd love to see you there. And, for you Twitter types, you can find us here. NEW ARTICLES THIS WEEK
I have a new blog on 2 Reel Guys returning to production, along with a fascinating book on editing, adding Ease-in/Ease-out curves in Final Cut Pro X and the basics of surround mixes in Adobe Audition.
Details - as always - are below.
BEHIND-THE-SCENES 2 Reel Guys Returns to Production
After a two-year hiatus, 2 Reel Guys, a video podcast devoted to the craft of filmmaking, returns to production for its second season of episodes. Take a behind-the-scenes look at the latest 13 episodes, which are sponsored by Avid Technology. Read the details here.
BOOK ALERT! A Worthwhile New Book on Editing
Linton Davies has written a book that analyzes the editing in the original Star Wars movie.
Editing is more than technology, it is also pacing, story arcs, parallel storylines, and a ton of other stuff that Linton looks at in this easy to read, 80-page book.
TECHNIQUE: FINAL CUT PRO X Add Ease-in / Ease-Out Curves to FCP X
Sometimes you need more subtlety to a keyframed transition. It should start slowly end slowly, or both.
Well, we can do this in FCP X, and this article shows you what you need to know.
TECHNIQUE: ADOBE AUDITION Introduction to Surround Sound Mixing
Have you wondered about 5.1 surround sound mixing, but didn't even know where to start?
This article can help - starting with the gear you need, how to configure Adobe Audition CS6, and a tour of the Audition Track Panner for Surround Sound. This won't make you an expert, but it will get you started in the right direction.
ARCHIVES: FINAL CUT PRO 7 A Glowing Lantern Effect Using Light Rays
Here's an article from the archives on how to create a glowing lantern effect using the Glow > Light Rays filter and some video generators.
The cool thing is that the foreground lantern can be as cool or cheesy as you want, the effect is created by what's behind it.
This is the training the pros turn to when they want to learn Final Cut Pro X.From set-up to editing to effects to export, everything you need to know to master this new software is contained in this training.
Over 170 movies, more than 18 hours of training, covering all the latest features and hidden shortcuts.
Save time, save money, save your sanity. Watch this training and learn how it's supposed to work.
We are committed to providing the highest quality training at the lowest possible price and distributing it as widely as possible.
From subscriptions to individual downloads to free techniques and articles -- we've got your back. And there's lots more to come.
Larry Jordan Larry Jordan & Associates www.larryjordan.biz
P.S. I always love hearing from you. Feel free to write.