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And The Hits Just Keep On Coming!

Adobe released their latest CS6 software yesterday -- and we released our latest training on Adobe Audition CS6 about two hours later. If you are a subscriber log-in and check out all our latest training. You'll notice we've added an entirely new section - Adobe CS6 - to our subscription area. Audition is only the start! I finished recording training covering the all new Adobe Prelude, which can be used for both Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro 7. We plan to release this new Prelude training next week. Other Adobe titles are already in development.
If you want to stay current in our industry, now is a perfect time to subscribe -- or, if you prefer, purchase our latest Adobe Audition CS6 training.STORAGE SURVEYHave you ever wanted to get storage vendors to pay attention to you? Well, now we can. Thomas Coughlin runs a very well respected research and consulting firm (Coughlin & Associates). Every year, he hosts conferences for storage manufacturers, and his summer event looks at the storage needs of the media and entertainment industry. Tom has a short (six minute) survey that asks about how we are using storage, how much we need, and how fast our needs are growing. I encourage you to take the survey.
Tom writes: "This survey is intended for media and entertainment professionals and is designed to determine the industry's digital storage needs and expectations for the capture and creation of raw content, editing and post production, distribution of content, digital archiving as well as digital conversion and preservation. The results of this survey will be used to create the Coughlin Associates report on Digital Storage for Professional Media and Entertainment. A summary of the survey results will be made available to survey participants who give us their email address at the end of the survey."
Our Weekly Webinars are back! This Wednesday - May 9 - discover the "New Features in Final Cut Pro X." Apple continues to rapidly update this software, join us and see what's new. May 16 learn how Adobe Story and the brand new Prelude CS6 can make a big difference in your production planning. Click here to join in. (Subscribers can attend any live webinar FREE! Click here to tell us which webinar you want to attend. If you aren't a member, this is a great time to join! Click here to join.) NEW ARTICLES
This week, I have two new blogs for you. Check them out below. And, as always, I look forward to your comments.
BLOG Keep Yourself Copyright Legal
You finish the project and deliver it to the client, only to have them screaming on the phone a few hours later. Why? Because YouTube sent them a notice of potential copyright violation. And it is totally in error! This blog looks at whether you can use material that Apple ships with Final Cut Pro in your own projects, then at how YouTube treats royalty-free music. This grew out of interviews and discussions on the whole issue of royalty-free. This is one blog you need to read. Read Larry's Blog here.
BLOG Why We Created Closed Caption Training
Last week, we released a new version of my Final Cut Pro X video training which included closed captions. This blog explains why we did it, and answers a reader who took me to task for charging for it. This is an issue I could use your opinions on. Read my blog here.
Final Cut Pro X - Workflow and Editing
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Our most popular Final Cut Pro X training series is now fully closed captioned! Over 90 movies - more than 11 hours of material - all closed captioned by the expert team at JFD Communications! If English is your second language, if your hearing is less than perfect, or if you learn faster when you can read as well as hear - this title is for you. Available as either a download or DVD. Click here for the download. Click here for the DVD.
We are committed to providing the highest quality training at the lowest possible price and distributing it as widely as possible.
From subscriptions to individual downloads to free techniques and articles -- we've got your back. And there's lots more to come.
Larry Jordan Larry Jordan & Associates www.larryjordan.biz
P.S. I always love hearing from you. Feel free to write.