Larry, himself. |
A big announcement, two new articles, and two new blogs, just for you this week!
First, the announcement. I've had a lot of requests to include our Final Cut Pro X training as part of our subscription membership. So, starting today, we've added the
entire FCP X - Effects training title to our Premium membership.
This means you can either own a download that you can play anywhere, or access a streaming version via an Internet connection. We are very excited about this - it took over a month of work to prepare and I'm looking forward to your reaction.
Click here to learn more about becoming a member.
While I write new articles every week, I generally only write blogs when I have something to say to the larger community. I have two blogs and two articles for you this week -- all listed below.
Due to some scheduling challenges, we moved our
next two webinars to later in February. I'll have more on this in a couple of weeks.
Also, if you are in the UK, I'm presenting six times at the upcoming
Broadcast Video Expo, covering FCP X, Compressor 4, and Motion 5. If you are attending the show, stop by and say hello - I'd love the chance to meet you. I'm speaking on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.