Larry, himself. |
Two new articles, a new webinar, and a video demo this week.
After last week's webinar on
Adobe Audition, I was in an audio frame of mind, so I wrote two audio articles - one of which includes a video demo. You'll see them both below.
This week's webinar shifts over to
Final Cut X: Speed Changes and Optical Flow. Apple changed how speed changes work in FCP X. Click here to learn more, then join us this Wednesday. (By the way, if you are a
member of my website, you can attend ANY live webinar for free!)
Here are all our currently listed
By the way, I'll be at the Apple Store in San Francisco this Thursday at 5 pm, showing the inside tips of Final Cut Pro X. Then, on Friday, I'll be at the
Supermeet in San Francisco. Be sure to stop by the Peachpit booth and say Hi!