April 5, 2017
LION Strong!

The Christ School celebrates 8th grade student Alejandra Gonzalez-Acosta, who was chosen as the winner of the Barnes and Noble "My Favorite Teacher" contest!  Alejandra wrote an outstanding essay on her favorite teacher, Mrs. Tracy Sheldon. Not only was Alejandra the local winner at the Colonial Barnes and Noble store, she was also the regional Barnes and Noble winner!  Alejandra and Mrs. Sheldon were recognized yesterday during a teacher appreciation reception at the Colonial Barnes and Noble store. Way to ROAR, Alejandra! 
PTF Council Meeting 

All parents are welcome to attend the upcoming Parent Teacher Fellowship meeting on Thursday, April 13, at 8:15 am in Room 217. Parents will have the opportunity to hear from school leaders as well as the volunteer chairs of our upcoming events. Please contact PTF President, Tami Vais, for more details. 
Parent Teacher Conference Day 

The Christ School will be closed on Friday, April 21, for Parent Teacher Conference Day. Please look for a link this week from your child(ren)'s homeroom teacher to sign up for your conference. Child care (for TCS students only) will be available in room B-12, located across from the TCS Library and Media Center, during your child's conference time.  

Volunteer Opportunities for Middle School Students

Student volunteers are needed at First Presbyterian Church of Orlando (FPCO) to help hand out small plants for church attendees to use as Easter invitations. Help is needed before and after worship services on Sunday, April 2 and April 9. Volunteers will meet in the Edington Ministry Center lobby. Service hours will be recorded. If your child would like to help, please sign up here. Please be sure your child wears their TCS dress uniform!
FPCO also needs assistance assembling 6,000 bulletins on Wednesday, April 12 and Thursday, April 13 from 3:40 to 5:00 pm. The bulletins will be used for Easter worship services at Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. TCS parent Dale van Gelder will meet student volunteers in The Christ School lobby after school, escort them to room 320 in Edington Ministry Center, and chaperone the event with FPCO staff. Students will be escorted back to TCS at 5:00 pm for parent pickup. Sign up here to volunteer. For questions, Please email Dale van Gelder. 
TCS Talent Show

It's almost time for The Christ School Talent Show! The show will take place on Thursday, April 20, at 6:30 pm in Lee Fellowship Hall. This is always a fun event that highlights the many talents of our Lions. We hope you will come and enjoy the show!
Father Daughter Dance

The Christ School's Father Daughter Dance will be held on Saturday, April 29, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the Marks Street Complex. Dads, relatives and family friends are welcome to escort our young ladies. Tickets are $35 per family, billed to your FACTS account.  If you would like to attend, please complete this reservation form by April 21. Volunteers are needed to provide refreshments and to help at the event. 
Vote for TCS! 

We encourage you to vote for TCS in Orlando Magazine's Best of 2017 Ballot. You can vote for TCS in 2 categories: 
Best Private School (K- 5)
Best Private School (6 - 8)
Cast your votes here and share the link with friends, family and on social media! Voting ends May 1. 

Tell Your Friends about TCS Tuesdays!

Invite your friends to come and explore The Christ School at TCS Tuesdays! Prospective families will learn about The Christ School as they tour our campus and classrooms and see our mission in action. RSVPs are requested. 

Money Savvy

Seventh grade students in Personal Finance class are learning that a budget is a written plan for their money. They discovered that when they have a written plan, they will know where their money is going instead of having to ask the question, "Where did my money go?" To begin organizing their budget, they are putting together an envelope system for their cash (give, save, spend).  

Florida History

TCS 4th grade students recently visited historic St. Augustine. While there, they learned that the Old Jail was originally painted pink to look like a hotel. They explored the Castillo de San Marcos and saw 300 year-old cannons that helped defeat the French and the British. They ventured to the Spanish Military Hospital where they learned that early medicine was made from plants and herbs. As they investigated what life was like as a Spanish colonist in the 1500's, they concluded that life is much easier in 2017!
Building Basics

Transitional Kindergarten students welcomed Mr. Rick from RNursey Builders to their classroom to enhance their unit on construction. He brought several of his tools and showed the students how to use them. He also displayed blueprints and pictures of the completed project. Mr. Rick emphasized the importance of following directions and teamwork. As a follow up activity, the class worked in teams to draw a design plan, make a foundation and construct a building from boxes and recyclable materials. 
Lions' Sports Update
Get ready to cheer for our Lion athletes! Our soccer lions have games on Saturday, April 8, and our volleyball lions have matches on April 10. Let's ROAR!  

The Christ School prayer team is happy to lift our families up in prayer.  If you would like to have them pray for you or someone in your family, please submit your prayer request.
Mark Your Calendars
Lions' Den Hours
8:15 - 9:30 am
April 6 - 7, April 10 - 13
CTP Standardized Testing

Thursday,  April 13
PTF Council Meeting
8:15 am
Room 217
Friday, April 14
Good Friday
School Closed
Monday, April 17
Professional Day/Student Holiday
Thursday, April 20
TCS Talent Show
6:30 pm
Lee Fellowship Hall
Friday, April 21
Parent/Teacher Conference Day
Student Holiday
Saturday, April 29
Father Daughter Dance
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Marks Street Complex
May 2 - 5
7th Grade Class Trip to North Carolina
May 3 - 5
6th Grade Class Trip to Pathfinders, Lithia, FL
Tuesday, May 9
TCS New Parent Breakfast
8:30 - 10:00 am
Lee Fellowship Hall
Friday, May 12
Spirit Day!
2:15 pm