October 19, 2016
The 10-day Blitz - Why Participation Matters
A big thank you to all of the families who have already supported this year's Annual Fund! Every gift moves us closer to our goal of 100% participation and that makes a huge impact when we seek grants and other funding from outside organizations and foundations. They want to know that our Board of Trustees, our teachers and staff, and our parents believe in our mission and make the school one of their philanthropic priorities. How can your family help us reach our goal? Make a gift or pledge your support today! Reach out to Development Specialist, Angela V. Harrison, for more information.
High School Transition Meeting Tonight
All 8th grade parents are invited to attend our high school transition parent meeting tonight, Wednesday, October 19, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm in King Parlor. Amanda Gordon, TCS Curriculum Specialist, will provide information about public and private high schools, magnet programs, graduation requirements, open houses, admissions processes, and more.  If you have a specific question or topic that you would like to learn more about, please email Mrs. Gordon.
Book Fair
The Christ School Book Fair ends this Friday, October 21. Our Media Center is filled with brand-new books, games, puzzles, and more to celebrate reading! Book Fair hours are 8:00 am - 4:00 pm on Thursday, and 8:00 am - 3:00 pm on Friday. All lower school classes will visit the book fair at scheduled times, and parents are invited to attend with their child's class. Middle school students can visit as their schedule permits. Click here for the class visit schedule. Contact Hayes Schardt with questions.  
"Cashual" Day This Friday
This Friday, October 21, TCS will have a "Casual" day. Students may dress in casual clothing for a minimum of a $1 donation. Proceeds will help provide relief to the victims of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti. Students must adhere to the dress guidelines for casual Day. 

Beefy King Lunch On Fridays

Our weekly Friday lunch option will be from Beefy King. For $5, students will receive a roast beef sandwich, chips, and a dessert. To participate, please send $5.00 with your child on Friday. Exact change or a check for $5.00, payable to The Christ School, only. Orders must be placed before 9:00 am.

One Great Day of Service is October 28
Next Friday, October 28, The Christ School students, teachers, and parents will spend the day serving in a variety of ways throughout Central Florida. Watch for more grade-specific information over the next week. Sponsorship opportunities are still available for this awesome day! Contact Angela V. Harrison to learn more.
Have you seen The Christ School on TV? We are excited to once again partner with WUCF-TV to share the news of our school with the Central Florida community. You can find our sponsor ad on WUCF during their daily  "Kids' Block." If you see us, let us know!

Parent Teacher Fellowship

Our Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) Council held a meeting this past Thursday, October 13. Please see the meeting minutes so you can be up-to-date on the many events and activities our PTF Council members have been working on and learn how you can get involved.  All TCS parents are members of PTF and are welcome to attend PTF Council meetings.  The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 10, at 8:15 am at TCS. Please contact PTF President, Tami Vais, for more details.
TCS Siblings - Enroll Now!
Sibling enrollment is open for the 2017-2018 school year. The Christ School will waive the $150 application fee for our families enrolling an older or younger sibling for the first time. Apply on or before December 16, 2016, to take advantage of this discount. The discount is for TCS siblings applying for Transitional Kindergarten - 8th grade for the first time. The Christ School Online Application is a quick and easy process. We encourage you to apply early as waiting pools are expected in several grades for the upcoming school year. Please contact Joanne Fleming, TCS Director of Admission, if you have any questions.
Lower School Service Club
Our next Lower School Service Club project will be held on Wednesday, November 2 at 3:30 pm. Students and parents will have the opportunity to thank our veterans by serving Camaraderie Foundation. Co-founder of Camaraderie and TCS alumni mom, Marnie Waldrop, will join us for the project. She will help us understand the challenges our veterans face and how we are making a difference in the community by serving them. Please contact Angela V. Harrison for more information.
The Christ School Christmas Program 
All TCS families are invited to attend our annual Christmas Program on Thursday, December 1 at 7:00 pm in the FPCO Sanctuary. This year, students may wear casual, festive attire for the program! We ask that students do not wear athletic apparel or shorts, and avoid large head wear (like reindeer ears or big hats) that may obscure the view of a friend. Keep it comfy with jeans and a Christmas sweater or dress it up with a nice dress or pants and a bow tie. Your choice!
TCS News Shines

Our TCS News team created another highly-anticipated segment of TCS News and presented it in Chapel, much to the excitement of our students! Under the direction of TCS Technology Specialist Rich Magee, TCS News students write and produce the stories, serve as anchors, film the segments, and edit the final broadcast of each episode. You can find the latest episode on RenWeb under Resource Documents. It is located under the heading of Newsletter Archive, and is titled TCS News - Episode 3 - Fall 2016. Enjoy! For the safety of our students, please do not share the video on social media.
Exploring Ecosystems

Ms. Forbes' 5th grade students simulated the roles of both predators and prey in a fun outdoor activity called Woodland Chase. Ms. Forbes added modifications to the game such as additional predators, the spread of disease, and safe zones to challenge her students. The activity was a great way to wrap up their unit on ecosystems.  

Delicious Science

Sixth grade earth scientists modeled the rock cycle by baking fudge! They observed how heat could change individual ingredients like sugar, chocolate chips and marshmallows into fudge, just as the heat in earth's crust can change sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks into new rock forms. This hands-on activity was a fun and very tasty way to help the students understand this concept. 

TCS Talents

Kudos to TCS student Ashlyn MacNichol for her recent performance in Theater at the J's Bye Bye Birdie. Ashlyn played Margie Adams and sang the songs "Telephone Hour," "We Love You Conrad," and more.  She was also showcased as Sad Girl in "Put on a Happy Face." Way to Roar! 

Lions' Sports Update
Spirit Day is Monday, October 31! Please join us in the gym at 2:15 pm to celebrate our awesome fall sports teams. Wear your TCS colors and bring some noise Lions! This is not a required dress uniform day; TCS spirit wear is encouraged. 

Click here for Lions' Sports News.  
Thank you to our Mane Sponsor for One Great Day of Service, 
Hale, Hale & Jacobson! 

The Christ School prayer team is happy to lift our families up in prayer.  If you would like to have them pray for you or someone in your family, please submit your prayer request.
Mark Your Calendars
Lions' Den Open
Every Monday
8:15 - 9:30 am 
Continuing Through Friday, October 21
TCS Annual Fund 10-day Blitz 

Continuing Through Friday, October 21
TCS Book Fair 
Library & Media Center

Wednesday, October 19
High School Transition Parent Meeting
6:30 - 7:30 pm
King Parlor
Thursday, October 20
Moms in Prayer
8:15 am
TCS Room 219
Friday, October 21
"Cashual" Day
Friday, October 28
One Great Day of Service
Monday, October 31
Spirit Day!
2:15 pm
Wednesday, November 2
Lower School Service Club
3:30 pm 
Friday, November 4
Student Holiday/Staff Development Day
No School
Thursday, November 10
PTF Council Meeting
8:15 am
TCS Room 217
Friday, November 11
Veterans Day Chapel
8:15 am
Saturday, November 12
TCS Choirs Perform at the Festival of Trees
11:00 - 11:30 am
Orlando Museum of Art
Monday - Friday, November 21 - 25
Thanksgiving Break
School Closed

Thursday, December 1
TCS All School Christmas Program
7:00 pm