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We Understand PricelessJanuary 2014 
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Cindy Web
Cindy Donaldson, Director of Marketing & Sales - Founders Insurance Group


Happy January!


Winter time always brings its challenges to us insurance folks:  Lot's of claims due to bad weather and lots of activity around the office after the fun of the holidays!  No worries - we are here and have you covered.


Few quick reminders:



Please make sure you set the temperature no lower than 60 degrees when you are away.  Burst pipes are one of the biggest reasons for a property insurance claim this time of year.  Beyond the expense - it is a real mess!

Consider getting a low temp monitor - trust us, it works!

For your autos:

  • Make sure you do the maintenance - check all the fluids, brakes etc
  • Insure you have the right tire pressure
  • Be prepared if you get stranded - do you have blankets, flares, jumper cables?
If you take care of these few simple things  - they can be life savers!  
Homeowners  - CLICK HERE to check out an old blog I wrote about the cure for Ice dams.  To this day it is one of our most requested documents!  (yes that's me in the pic - I've got a new look!)  
As always - you can pick up the phone and give us a call - we are here to help!
860-482-3506 (Torrington)  or 860-435-2507  (Lakeville)
Darlene Sullivan
Benefits Account Manager
Employee of the Quarter
Q-4 2013
Last but not least - 
A big Kudos to Founders Darlene Sullivan, Benefits Account Manger for achieving the honor of Employee of the Quarter
Darlene went above and beyond last quarter (as she always does!) to insure all of our clients were well taken care of during the health insurance changeovers.  
Well deserved Darlene!

Connect with us online!

Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterFind us on Google+Visit our blogView our videos on YouTubeView our photos on flickr


Attention Medical Practices, Physicians Groups, 

Dental Groups, PT & OT Practices 


  • Are you concerned about your practice's vulnerability when it comes to cyber attacks?
  • Are you struggling with Workers Compensation claims, and/or return to work issues?
  • Are you worried that you may be under insured?
If you are looking to work with someone who really understands your industry and your struggles, than...

Founders HealthCareProtect  and Peggy Hill may be your answer



Contact  Peggy Hill, BSIE, MBA to learn more about our programs and to see if Founders Insurance Group is a fit for your medical practice.


Click here to Email Peggy Now!


or call..860-482-3506  ext 11608  


Visit our website






Team Founders....What's happening!


Once again, Founders Insurance Group is a proud sponsor of Leadership NW!  This year, Founders' Commercial Lines Account Manager Adam Winters and Benefits Account Manager Darlene Sullivan have stepped up to the plate for the class of 2014!  Stay tuned to hear about their projects as they work to make NW Connecticut a better place to live, work & play! 



Need help?  Here's who to call:

Have questions about your insurance coverage?  Have a claim? Know a friend who could use our services?  
We are a phone call or an email away!

Bryan Johnson 
P&C Operations Manager
860-482-3506  ext 11313

Michael Noddin
Benefits Manager
860-482-3506  ext 11605

Cindy Donaldson
Director of Marketing & Sales
860-482-3506  ext 11310
Many of our carriers allow you to pay your bill on-line!  Click here
Important Claim Information!  Click here