Office of Teaching and Learning Newsletter 
January 2016
Two New Teaching Resources for the DU Faculty! 

20-Minute Mentor

The OTL now has a campus subscription to the 20-Minute Mentor Commons through Magna Publications, an on-demand collection of 20-Minute programs, covering a broad range of faculty development topics. 

To access this resource, go to the Magna site license page, fill out the form and enter our DU group Authorization Code: DU1759.

Teaching Professor Newsletter

In addition, the OTL now has a campus subscription to the Teaching Professor Newsletter, an 8-page document published 10 times per year with articles containing ideas and inspiration about current teaching issues. If you'd like to join a list to receive copies of electronic newsletters as they are published, send 
an email to

OTL Contacts

OTL Helpdesk

Academic Technology
Ben Johnson
Ben Johnson
DU VideoManager
Alex Martinez

DU Portfolio 
Clickers (Student-Response Systems)
Ben Johnson
Lecture Capture
Ben Johnson

Adobe Connect
Adobe Creativity Software
Joseph Labrecque

Instructional Multimedia Development
 Rich Path
Streaming Technologies

Mobile and Desktop Software Projects
Joseph Labrecque

UTS Help Desk

Teaching Resources

Bridget Arend
Kathy Keairns
Teaching Resources and Consultations
Bridget Arend
Virginia Pitts
Online Teaching
Kathy Keairns

Hybrid Teaching

Virginia Pitts

Quality Matters 
Kathy Keairns 

Instructional Design
Terri Johnson
Heather Tobin

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)


Program Assessment

Funding Opportunities

One-New-Thing Grants

Susan Zvacek

The OTL's Second Annual 

The OTL will be hosting Teaching and Learning Week during the second week of February. We hope you can choose a few sessions that meet your interest and join in!

Tues, Feb 9: Unconference and Technology Fair
Conversations about teaching and learning
Sessions and discussions with faculty around teaching, learning, technology, and more! 

Wed, Feb 10: Invited Guest Speaker Dee Fink
Teaching for impact
Dee Fink will conduct an intensive hands-on workshop and a luncheon keynote address about high impact practices.

Thurs, Feb 11: Faculty Panels
Teaching for impact at DU
Faculty members who are implementing these practices will share their examples and discuss strategies and challenges.

Additional information and registration links can be found below and on the OTL website
"Unconference" and Technology Fair

9:00-3:00 on Tuesday, February 9

Drop by Anderson Academic Commons on Tuesday for short presentations and guided discussions led by DU faculty members. Topics range from "Teaching Online in the Humanities" to "Teaching with Cases." Unconference sessions will be running concurrently along with the Technology Fair where you can also learn about the hardware and software tools that help to engage students and improve learning.

Registration is not necessary and drinks and refreshments will be available throughout the day. Stop by to support and network with your fellow DU colleagues. This event is also open to educators throughout Colorado. 

Guest Speaker Dr. L. Dee Fink 

Dee Fink will join us Wednesday, February 10th for a morning workshop and keynote luncheon.

Dr. L. Dee Fink is a nationally and internationally-recognized consultant on college teaching and faculty development and author of the popular book, Designing Significant Learning Experiences
Workshop: Designing Your Courses for Significant Learning
This 3-hour workshop will expand participants' vision of the kinds of learning that are possible and walk participates through a process of designing courses for Significant Learning - learning that truly makes a difference in the way students think, act, and feel after college. This workshop will be capped so register right away!

Keynote Luncheon: 5 High Impact Teaching Practices
In this keynote presentation and luncheon, Dr. Fink will offer his list of five high impact teaching practices. Implementing any one of these can improve almost anyone's teaching; implementing two or three of them will provide an amazing experience as exciting for the professor as it will be for the students. 

Teaching for Impact at DU 
Faculty Panels

On Thursday, February 11, three panels of DU instructors will discuss how they are teaching for broader impact. Explore examples of DU classes that prepare students to address real world problems, develop intercultural competence, work collaboratively, and become innovative and inquisitive thinkers. These faculty panels will include short presentations of specific strategies followed by sharing and in-depth discussion of how to apply these ideas in your own classes.

Please register for the panels that you plan to attend.

How do we prepare students to address real-world problems and challenges? Morning panel
9:00-10:30 am, Anderson Academic Commons 345 

How do we intentionally help students develop intercultural competency and explore multiple perspectives?
12:00-1:30 pm - Anderson Academic Commons 345 

How do we prepare students to address real-world problems and challenges? Afternoon panel
2:00 - 3:30 pm - Anderson Academic Commons 345 
Faculty Showcase

The Faculty Showcase Series is an informal brown bag lunch series designed to share best practice in teaching among the DU faculty. 
Take a look at our upcoming Faculty Showcases and join the next one in the series:
Making Student Practice Visible
Wed, Feb 24, 12:00-1:00 pm, ACC Room 345
Juli Parrish and Sarah Hart Micke, Writing Program
Hannah Adams Ingram, Religious Studies
(h)Appy Hours

Join us for a collaborative exploration of apps that promote learning! Appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided.

This re-occurring event takes place on the third Thursday of every month in the OTL conference room AAC 345. The next (h)Appy Hour is scheduled for February 18th.

Assessment Workshops

There are some great workshop opportunities in assessment in the next few weeks. Click the registration links for additional information.

February 18, 9:00 - 10:30 AM

February 19, 1:00 - 2:30 PM

Canvas Basics

Join in our next Canvas Basics course!
Thurs, Feb 18, 10:00 - 12:00 pm
AAC 275