Office of Teaching and Learning
Early Summer Newsletter 2015
NBC Learn Video Collections

Did you know that you have access to collections of video resources, primary source documents, historic footage, images and mini-documentaries designed for use in the classroom through our NBC Learn license?  Click Here to Search NBC Learn videos. 


To activate NBC Learn in your Canvas course, email DU Canvas support at to get the code & instructions for installing it for use in your Canvas course.  

New Position in the OTL

The OTL will soon be hiring a Multimedia Designer. Please be on the lookout for this job posting and share with any interested individuals!


OTL Contacts

OTL Helpdesk
Academic Technology
Alex Karklins
Terri Johnson
DU CourseMedia
Alex Karklins
Alex Martinez
DU VideoManager
Alex Martinez

DU Portfolio

Alex Karklins
Carrie Lorenz
Clickers (Student-Response Systems)
Terri Johnson
Alex Karklins


Lecture Capture
Alex Karklins

Adobe Connect
Adobe Tools and Services
Joseph Labrecque
Faculty Technology Lab
Alex Karklins

Cheryl Jackson 


Graphics, Audio, and Video Production

Joseph Labrecque 


Mobile and Desktop Software Projects
Joseph Labrecque

UTS Help Desk

Teaching Resources

Bridget Arend
Kathy Keairns
Teaching Resources and Consultations
Bridget Arend
Virginia Pitts
Online Teaching
Kathy Keairns

Hybrid Teaching

Virginia Pitts

Quality Matters 
Kathy Keairns 

Instructional Design
Terri Johnson
Heather Tobin

Funding Opportunities

Faculty Grants

Cheryl Jackson

Faculty Learning Communities (FLC) 


Are you looking to discuss and reflect on your teaching and connect with other faculty members across campus? Consider joining a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) next year.


In the 2015-16 academic year, the OTL will continue to sponsor three ongoing FLCs:


Announcing a NEW FLC: SoTL Research Group!


The OTL will begin a new faculty learning community for those who want to engage in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Participants will develop their own research projects based on teaching and learning topics and are eligible for a stipend. 


Find out more about the new SoTL Research Group and let us know if you are interested in joining!

Peer Visit Program  


The OTL is developing a Peer Classroom Visit Program for interested DU instructors. The program will begin in the Fall of 2015 and is designed to provide a mutually supportive opportunity for self-reflection and sharing of good practice.    


If you are interested in learning more about this program, please visit our webpage and fill out a quick survey to stay in the loop.  


If you previously filled out the survey but did not have a chance to share your name, please submit the survey again! 

Summer Workshops

Replace a Paper Assignment with a Video Assignment

Are you interested in having your students demonstrate their knowledge and skills with a video assignment? Video projects allow students to organize, plan, collaborate, and analyze their research topics. This workshop will demonstrate video examples, sample assignments, grading rubrics and resources for video assignments. This will be an online webinar.

June 9, 11:00-12:00pm               Register Now 
Incorporating Infographics: How to Make Your Research Projects Fun and Creative

This workshop will introduce participants to infographics, an emerging visual tool to communicate complex research information. Bring your creativity to this hands-on session that will help you learn tips and tricks on making awesome infographics. In addition, we will provide many classroom examples of student activities that you can try out in your next course. We will meet in the OTL conference room (ACC 345). Yummy snacks will be provided!


June 11, 11:00-12:00pm               Register Now


Intensive Summer Programs

Hybrid 3D Workshop 


Are you planning to teach a hybrid course and wanting to learn more about how to best go about it? The Hybrid Course Design, Development, and Delivery (Hybrid 3D) Workshop is for faculty who will be teaching a hybrid course within the coming academic year. The purpose of this five-week, mostly-online workshop is to prepare participants to design, develop, and deliver hybrid courses that maximize student learning and engagement. The workshop begins on June 18. To learn more about this workshop and to register, please contact Virginia Pitts.


Teaching Online Workshop 


Since 2009 the OTL has offered the Teaching Online Workshop (TOW), an intensive online workshop designed to prepare faculty members  to teach an "online" course. This five-week workshop is delivered entirely online and instructors experience online learning first-hand from the student perspective while they develop their own online course. TOW will be offered this summer starting on July 13. Contact Kathy Keairns if you are interested.


New Faculty Workshop


The New Faculty Workshop introduces new faculty members to DU and the resources available to them, as well as provides an overview of the latest best practices in higher education pedagogy and educational technology. The workshop is offered online in August through a series of interactive online modules, discussion forums, and live webinar sessions with a few face-to-face sessions in the early fall. All new full-time faculty members will be contacted with registration information. Contact Bridget Arend with any questions.  



"One New Thing" Mini Grants 


Do you have an idea for "One New Thing" to improve your students' learning experience?

OTL's new mini-grants program, "One New Thing," is designed to help you explore ways to make your classes even better - one strategy, tool, or activity at a time.

Visit our website to find out more.
Canvas Countdown 

Canvas will replace Blackboard as DU's Learning Management System after the Spring quarter.

Blackboard will be available only until June 20, 2015.

If you haven't yet made the switch to Canvas, now is the time! Make sure to back up all materials still in Blackboard that you don't already have saved!

Below are some resources you may find helpful during this transition period. 


Please contact the OTL for assistance moving your course into Canvas.