OTL Spring Newsletter 2014

In This Issue
Canvas to Replace Blackboard
OTL Conference Takeaways
8 Things about Online Learning
Voice for the Professor
Adobe Visits DU
Quick Links

OTL Homepage


DU CourseMedia

Video Manager

 DU Portfolio 




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Help us celebrate the career of Julanna Gilbert!
You are cordially invited to a reception to acknowledge and celebrate Dr. Julanna Gilbert's career at DU as a faculty member in Chemistry and as Executive Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning.
 Monday, May 19, 2014
3:00 - 5:00 pm
290 Anderson Academic Commons

*Light refreshments will be served

 For questions about the event, contact cheryl.jackson@du.edu 

Open Position: 

Associate Provost for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning

With Julanna Gilbert's retirement this summer, the search for new leadership for the OTL is underway. 
A newly reclassified position has been posted. DU is currently accepting applications for an Associate Provost for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning.

OTL Contacts

OTL Helpdesk
Academic Technology
Alex Karklins
Ryan Shiba
DU CourseMedia
Alex Karklins
Alex Martinez
Video Manager
Alex Martinez

DU Portfolio

Alex Karklins
Carrie Lorenz
Clickers (Student-Response Systems)
Ryan Shiba


Lecture Capture
Alex Karklins

Adobe Connect

Kim Hosler

Adobe Tools and Services
Joseph Labrecque
Faculty Technology Lab
Alex Karklins

Cheryl Jackson 


Graphics, Audio, and Video Production

Joseph Labrecque 


Mobile and Desktop Software Projects
Joseph Labrecque

ECTD (Electronic Capstone, Theses and Dissertations)
Alex Martinez
Gary Taylor

UTS Help Desk

Teaching Resources

Bridget Arend
Kathy Keairns
Teaching Resources and Consultations
Julanna Gilbert
Bridget Arend
Online Teaching
Kathy Keairns
Ryan Shiba
Kim Hosler
Bridget Arend

Hybrid Teaching

Virginia Pitts

Funding Opportunities

Faculty Grants

Julanna Gilbert 
Cheryl Jackson

Canvas will replace Blackboard as DU's Learning Management System   



DU is adopting Canvas as its new learning management system after a very successful Winter/Spring 2014 pilot. This cloud-based system created by Instructure, Inc. promises to meet the expanding needs of DU faculty and students for a truly robust and reliable web-based learning platform to support teaching and learning. Over the next year, DU will transition from Blackboard to Canvas. 


Learn more about the transition to Canvas and support for instructors.


Read the report from the Winter/Spring Canvas Pilot.


OTL Conference: Takeaways and Next Steps  


The OTL Conference in April gathered nearly 160 DU faculty and staff members to discuss ideas and best practice around Empowering Students to be Self-Directed Learners.

Visit our website to:

Have you been trying out teaching methods that encourage students to be self-directed learners? If so, please contribute to our collaborative document, where we hope instructors will share strategies, attempts, and challenges with implementing self-directed learning activities in their courses. We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences!


8 Things You Should Know about Teaching Online @ DU          



DU is committed to providing our students with quality online courses, and the OTL staff is dedicated to helping faculty members design engaging and interactive  courses. Below are some things to consider if you are thinking about developing an online course. 

  1. Online course development and facilitation requires a high level of organization and a different method of delivery than traditional classroom instruction.
  2. You must successfully complete the Teaching Online Workshop (TOW) before teaching an online course at DU. Over 150 DU faculty members have completed the workshop. 
  3. Measurable and clearly stated learning objectives are especially important in an online course. 
  4. Understanding the basics of computers and the Internet is essential when teaching an online course.
  5. Experience as an online student in our Teaching Online Workshop will give you insight into what works and what does not work in an online class. 
  6. Online courses at DU are mostly asynchronous, meaning that you will not be meeting with your students in real-time. However, online courses at DU are "high-touch" and instructors actively participate and interact with their students.
  7. You need regular and stable access to a computer and a high-speed Internet connection while teaching your online course.
  8. There is a minimum duration of four weeks for online courses and we recommend that online course enrollment be limited to no more than 20 students.
    Learn more: What You Need to Know About Online Teaching.
Workshop: Voice for the Professor 
Thursday, May 22nd
4:00 - 5:30 pm
Sturm 286

Faculty members across disciplines depend on their voices to communicate clearly. Happily, the use of the voice is a skill that can be improved. Anne Penner and Greg Ungar, Assistant Professors in the Department of Theatre, present a workshop on how to most effectively use, and save, your busy voice.  
Adobe Visits DU
On May 14th, representatives from Adobe visited our campus for a dialog around Creative Cloud software solutions and the Digital Publishing Suite. Attendees of this event had many questions and we'd like to keep this conversation going. Faculty and staff are encouraged to get in touch with Joseph Labrecque at the OTL for any follow-up questions.