In This Issue
NOBA YLS LIberty Bell Award
Rocking 'n Bowling
GiveNOLA Day 2014: It's A Wrap


Thanks to all who supported The Pro Bono Project on
Tuesday, May 6 during this city-wide day of giving!

We raised over $7,000 in just 24-hours, and made some new friends here and across the country.

This was the first time for this event in New Orleans and we're looking forward to participating again next year.

In addition to the funds we raised, we also got loads of tweets and Facebook shares, helping to strengthen our online presence and spread the word far and wide!

If you haven't connected with us, please take the time to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Linked In.  Like and share our posts; retweet and favorite our tweets to help us broaden our network and raise awareness of our mission.

Again, from the Board and Staff of The Project, thank you for your help in making GIveNOLA day a success!! 
Save The Date
Six hours of training to be qualified to represent abused or neglected children.

Time: TBD
Place: Bar Center, 601 St. Charles Avenue
Credit Hours: 6 

More info in the June In Brief and on the website

See the story for details or register now!

Justice For All Ball: 9/19/2014
Mark your calendar for the third Friday 
in September from 8:00 pm to midnight
We'll be eating, drinking and dancing at The Audubon Tea Room 

We have some real surprises in store for ball goers when it comes to this year's entertainment. We'll have more info in an upcoming In Brief.
In the meantime, we're looking for raffle prizes.
If you have a special place you shop or eat, a vacation home or something that would add more spice to our bounty of raffle offerings, please let us know via email and someone from our
Raffle Committee will be in touch.

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Justice For All Ball 

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Our Mission

The Pro Bono Project's mission is to provide free, quality civil legal services to the underserved by engaging volunteer lawyers to render pro bono services. The Project serves Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Tammany and Washington Parishes with funding from the Justice For All Ball and other sources. The Project works in collaboration with other legal and social service providers to improve the quality of life for our clients and our community.

NOBA YLS: Liberty Bell Award

The New Orleans Bar Association, Young Lawyers Section is a great supporter of The Pro Bono Project. This group of up-and-coming lawyers is stepping up to the plate regularly to help The Project achieve its mission. As it turns out, this issue of In Brief is all about the YLS and its unique relationship with The Project.


The Liberty Bell Award, given annually by the YLS, recognizes non-lawyers for their outstanding contributions in encouraging respect for the law and courts.


Norm Rubenstein
Norm Rubenstein

On June 11, 2014, The Project's Board member Norm Rubenstein will receive the Liberty Bell Award at noon in Judge Christopher Bruno's courtroom at Civil District CourtNorm serves as our 2nd Vice-Chair, as Co-Chair for the 2014 Justice For All Ball, and as a member and former Chair of the Resource Development Committee (RDC).


Nominated by The Pro Bono Project for this award, Norm is an exemplary role model, who meets the YLS criteria for this award at the highest level:

  • upholds the rule of law
  • contributes to good government in the community
  • stimulates a sense of civic responsibility
  • encourages respect for the law and the courts

A trailblazer in legal marketing and currently a partner with the Zeughauser Group, Norm has worked for and with many of the nation's largest and most notable law firms and lawyers. 


He became involved with The Project in 2008 as a way of giving back to his hometown following Katrina and other disasters that affected metro New Orleans. 


Norm served initially as a volunteer, heading up the RDC, and quickly was invited to join the Board.  His commitment to The Project has been recognized on several occasions at the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Awards event:

  • The 2008 Distinguished Donor Award. Norm's financial commitment to The Project lead to the creation of this award
  • The 2010 Leadership Award
  • Zeughauser Group was named the 2012 Corporate Pro Bono Partner
  • Consistently has donated over 100 volunteer hours annually since coming to The Project in 2008

"Norm has time and again shown his commitment to The Project and to the legal industry. His expertise and his willingness to go above and beyond, to support our mission and this community, are evident by the amount of time and financial commitment he makes annually to us. 


"We are delighted by this award and grateful to the Young Lawyers Section for recognizing Norm's leadership within metro New Orleans and the legal community across the country," said Rachel Piercey, The Project's Executive Director and herself a two-time recipient of this award. 


Norm holds a BA and MA from Tulane University and completed his doctoral studies at the University of Virginia. He lives in New Orleans and in Washington, D.C. Read more about Norm at: NORM 

Rocking 'n Bowling With NOBA YLS For The Project
2011 Bowling Tourney Logo It's time to beat the summer heat and join NOBA YLS at Rock 'n Bowl for an afternoon of fun, food and laughter at the 2014 NOBA YLS Pro Bowl-O-Tournament on Sunday, July 20 from 1:00-4:00 pm. Teams, sponsors and spectators can REGISTER NOW!! All proceeds benefit  The Pro Bono Project.

"Last year's event was completely sold out for teams, so we're encouraging players and spectators to sign up early.  We have loads of room for family, friends and colleagues who want to cheer on their favorite team," says event Co-Chair, Kristen Schorp, who along with her co-chair Aaron Greenbaum, promise loads of fun in store for all!!
Winning Teams 
Da' Winners 2013!! 
Will you be in this photo in 2014? 
Awards will be plentiful this year. Will you be the highest scoring man or woman? Does your team have the best costume?  What's your plan to be the #1 team? Are you among the top three teams? If this sounds like it's right up your alley, then there's a prize with your name on it!!

There are several changes this year, including no additional fee for purchasing your tickets at the door.  As always, shoes, food/drink and play time are included in team and sponsorship packages; spectators also get food and drink for their $25.

Come out and bowl, cheer and rock for your favorite team!! For more information and to register: 2014 NOBA YLS Pro Bowl-O-Tournament.


The Project is so pleased to have such close ties to the NOBA YLS. It's wonderful to know that these young lawyers are taking cases, opening doors for our clients and continuing the tradition of giving back to their community through their pro bono work.

We appreciate their efforts on our behalf through events such as the Pro Bowl-O-Tournament.  With awards such as the Liberty Bell, they recognize the significant contribution our Board, volunteers, and staff make to metro New Orleans by providing access to the civil justice system for our clients. Together we make New Orleans work for everyone!
Rachel (Signature)
Rachel Piercey
Executive Director
The Pro Bono Project
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