Header5a - RH
Issue: Vol 3 # 12      
December, 2011     
In This Issue
Learn & Play in January 2012 ....
Start The New Year Off Right ...
Support The Project This Holiday Season ...
Search, Shop, Dine for The Project ...

January 12, 2012: Free CLE, 10 am to noon
Founders' Room,
LSBA, 601 St. Charles Avenue
Getting a Handle on Interdictions
Come learn the ins and outs of handling an interdiction case from attorneys, Carole C. Neff and Erik M. Schorr, both from Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel, LLC. Carole is a Board Certified Estate Planning and Administration Specialist, certified by the Louisiana Board of Legal Specialization.
Register by emailing LINTON CARNEY or calling at 504.681.4043 x 201 
* * * * *
2011 Bowling Tourney Logo 
Join the Young Lawyer's Section of the NOBA for their annual Pro-Bowl-O Tournament benefitting The Pro Bono Project.
When: Sunday, January 29, 2012, from 12 noon to 3:00 pm
Where: Rock 'n Bowl, 3015 S. Carrollton Avenue corner Tulane
Individual Tickets: $40 through January 27th; $45 at the event. Special pricing for young attorneys at online registration.
Team Play: $200 for a team of six.
All ticket costs includes play time, shoes and food and drink during the event.
Prizes will be awarded for highest individual and team score, best team name and costume.
Register: NOBA YLS BOWLING or mail/drop off your check or credit card information to The Project, 615 Baronne Street, Suite 203, NOLA 70113
For more information contact: Kristen Schorp, 504.299.3570 or Monica Manzella, 504.568.1761
Start The New Year Off Right ... Support The Project Now!

LA Giving B&W

Celebrate pro bono and please help us open the door for our clients and volunteers. Support The Project by clicking on the Louisiana Giving logo above. 

Become a
Partner for Pro Bono
by checking the
"make this a recurring donation" box on The Project's donation page when you click the above link. Make your Annual Donation over 12 months.

 Help us plan for the future by contacting
Rachel PIercey at 504.581.4043 about the Pro Bono for Life Planned Giving program.

Follow-up Links
JFAB 2011



     As we come to the close of our 25th year of service to the residents of New Orleans and the six parishes we support, we want to take advantage of the nonrecurring opportunity such an occasion provides to reassess the mission and accomplishments of The Pro Bono Project.


     Founded a quarter-century ago to provide access to the civil justice system to those who otherwise would have been unable to afford a lawyer, The Project is one of our most enduring civic resources. At year-end, as we reflect on what it has achieved, we can take pride in our organization's history and impact on our community.


     Over the 25 years, we've successfully handled more than 25,000 cases, using over 200,000 recorded hours of volunteer time from thousands of attorneys and other professionals with a value of over $70 million in legal services provided. 


     You have played an enormous role in this success through your generosity and commitment to pro bono, and we offer you our thanks and gratitude for your unwavering support.


     No matter how much we think "the numbers" capture the value of our work-the true value of what The Project does cannot be accounted for by numbers, percentages, awards, or landmark cases. 


     Instead, it is best represented by The Project's ability to respond to the needs of the community and to take appropriate actions to ensure that all of our citizens have access to the civil justice system.


     To that end, 2011 has been a year marked by collaboration with other local, regional, and national legal service organizations to address three critical areas in need of The Project's expertise:


  • Post-Katrina Housing Issues - The Greater New Orleans Foundation funded a grant to The Project, along with partner agencies Southeast Louisiana Legal Services, Louisiana Appleseed, and Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law to address the on-going systemic title-clearing roadblocks faced by those who lost their homes to Katrina. With this funding, we not only are able to provide pro bono civil legal assistance to homeowners, but to educate them and attorneys alike about their options.
  • Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill - A collaborative effort between The Project, the Mississippi Center for Justice, and other state and regional legal service organizations has enabled us to share information important to victims of the spill and to better address their unmet civil legal needs. As a result of this collaborative, The Project was able to add a staff attorney dedicated solely to resolving oil spill-related issues for pro bono clients.
  • CDC Self-Help Resource Center - The Project plays an integral role in recruiting volunteers from area law firms and law schools to staff the newly-created Self-Help Resource Center at the Orleans Civil District Court, which helps pro se litigants access the civil justice system on their own.

     These collaborative partnerships represent a natural evolution of proactive leadership and growth, which benefits The Project's dual priorities of serving the needs of our clients and of our volunteers. They are the culmination of 25 years of relationship-building efforts at the local, regional, and national levels.


     The value of this collaboration and The Project's continued ability to respond to the needs of our community cannot be underestimated. The Project's model represents a good investment of dollars as we leverage the time and talent of highly-skilled attorneys in the private bar, and support them with the critical expertise of our staff in key legal areas that reflect the ever-expanding civil legal needs of our community.


     Our results clearly speak for themselves. We are making a profound difference in the lives of our constituents and, at the same time, enriching the experience of our volunteers and other supporters.


     When those in need of civil legal services knock on our door, we always have found a way to open it. You are one of our keys. 


     We know that you receive appeals from many worthy organizations seeking to rebuild and revitalize our beloved Louisiana. We also know that you are a special friend of The Pro Bono Project, making it possible for us to keep our doors open and provide our clients with the important access to justice they both need and deserve. 


     As we open the door to our next 25 years, we ask that you donate as generously as you can during this holiday season to help us continue to provide access for all those in need. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent the law allows. We thank you in advance for your support.


Wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday Season,

Rachel                  Norm  

Rachel Piercey              Norm Rubenstein

Executive Director       Chair, Resource Development Committee


PS -- Spread the word about The Pro Bono Project by using the new social media buttons and connect this newsletter to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media page. Thanks!    Find us on Facebook 

Support The Project This Holiday Season 

The work of The Pro Bono Project does make a difference in our community. Please consider making a donation to The Project this holiday season.


Donate by Phone: 504.581.4043

Donate by Fax: Fax your name, address, company/firm, phone number, email, amount and credit card information (number, expiration, and security code) to 504.561.0518

Donate by Mail: Mail your name, address, company/firm, phone number, email and your check, made out to The Pro Bono Project to 615 Baronne Street, Suite 203, New Orleans, LA 70113

Donate In Person: Drop by our offices with your check or credit card information at 615 Baronne Street, Suite 203
All donations are tax-deductible to the extent the law allows. 

Thank you for your generous support of our work in metro New Orleans and the six parishes where we open the door for all to access civil justice. Happy Holidays!
GoodSearch, GoodShop, GoodDining
good Search logo
Earn money for The Pro Bono Project every time you do the things you do everyday: Search, Shop and Dine. Use GoodSearch, GoodShop or GoodDining and participating merchants will donate a percentage of your purchase to The Pro Bono Project. Thanks for your support!  
Our Mission

The Pro Bono Project's mission is to provide free, quality civil legal services to the poor by engaging volunteer attorneys to render pro bono services. The Project serves Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Tammany and Washington Parishes with funding from the Justice For All Ball and other sources. The Project works in collaboration with other legal and social service providers to improve the quality of life for our clients and our community.