Compass Center for Women and Families
This Month's News and Events
July 2012
The Women's Center and Family Violence Prevention Center Merge July 1
"Zero Birthday Party" for the new
Compass Center for Women and Families!


Board members, staff, and friends from the community met at The Standard on Saturday June 30th to salute the merging of two organizations: Family Violence Prevention Center of Orange County and The Women's Center. With a vision of strengthening our longtime collaboration to better meet the needs of clients, stakeholders from both organizations worked intensively for more than a year to create an organization that will help individuals address immediate crises and teach them how to create longer term success for themselves and their families.


The result? Compass Center for Women and Families. Through crisis response, court advocacy, community education, adolescent empowerment, and career, legal and financial programs, Compass Center for Women and Families helps women, girls and families prevent and end domestic violence and become self-sufficient. 


We welcome your support for Compass Center for Women and Families. Our new website,, is under construction. Please visit The Women's Center's website to make a donation and help us launch the new organization!


Ann Gerhardt and Hudson Fuller toast the merger!
Volunteer Susan Lindsay, Board Members Roxanne Henderson and Sharon Ringwalt.


Interested in supporting our services and programs? Please make a donation to Compass Center today by mailing your contribution to P.O. Box 1057, Chapel Hill, NC 27514; by calling us at 919-968-4610; or by donating online. 

Thank You for Your Support!
In This Issue
Zero Birthday Party!

Ann J.  Gerhardt, Executive Director 

Ardith Burkes,
Client Services and Programs Director 

Susan Friedman, Domestic Violence Crisis Response Coordinator

Hudson Fuller,
Director of Finance and Administration

Jennifer Hinchey, 
Court Advocacy and Community Response Coordinator 

Marya McNiesh,
Development Director

Laura Meyers,
Director of Career and Legal Programs 

Kristi Page,
Director of Financial Education

Nancy Sowa,
Administrative Manager

Madison Ward,
Director of Teens Climb High
You can add friends and family to our newsletter mailing list! Email us today! 

For help with domestic violence issues please call our 24-hour Crisis Hotline:



For career, legal and financial programs call 



Board of Directors
Sharon Ringwalt, Chair; Doris Friend, Vice Chair; Sarah Ederle, Treasurer; Hallie Sessoms, Secretary; Lydian Altman; Paul Brock; Roxanne Henderson; Melissa Israel; Jane Leserman Madison; Yvette Mathews; Mark Phillips; Tracy Proctor; Jeremy Purbrick; Brandie Revoy; Nancy Rickard; Lynne Scattolini; Linda Stryker-Luftig

Henderson Street House Foundation
Mimi Fountain; Joan Gillings; Margie Haber; Jay Miller; Sara Morgan