"Getting" Paul: "In view of this impending crisis..." 


Dear Bible Challenge participants,


In many ways, 1 Corinthians is a great text to read in order to "get" Paul's world view, his lens.  In addition to keeping in mind that Paul is writing to particular communities, it is helpful also to consider Paul's lens through which he sees everything.  That lens was revealed in 1 Corinthians 7, when Paul is discussing sexual morality, as well as other varieties of life status (slavery, circumcision, etc). In six words (or five in Greek), Paul says it all:


"...in view of the impending crisis..."


Paul's lens is in large part colored by his belief that the parousia, the second coming, is just around the corner. Because it is so near, in his world view, considerations such as marriage, slavery, and the like are simply not important, and concerning oneself with such matters is not a good use of time, thought or energy, "for the present form of this world is passing away..." (v 31).


So, to Paul's mind, if you have to be married, in order to avoid temptation, so be it, but (as he said in a memorable moment during his trial in Acts,) he'd rather everyone be just like him... in this case, celibate (instead of "without these chains..." he was wearing in Acts. He'd like us to be without what he perceives to be the chains of marriage and other worldly considerations.)


These are times when prayer for the Spirit's insight can be helpful... when do we take Paul's words as they stand, and when do we listen for the Spirit and spirit of his words, as we consider our own lives?  These puzzles do not trouble me, for in this way we experience how our faith, and our relationship with scripture continues to be alive in Christ.


Now we are enjoying Paul's "body language," from whence comes our theology of the Church as the Body of Christ... we partake of the Body in the Eucharist, so we can be the Body in the world.  Enjoy these readings over the next couple of days, as we thank God for the privilege of being the Body of Christ...


As ever, thank you for being on this journey!




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the Rev. Paige Blair

Office (858) 755-1616 Ext. 101 * Cell 858-248-7247