August 26, 2016


JAC met with AZ Senate candidate Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick.

JAC members with Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick. (l to r: Linda Ruder, Jacki Parmacek, Daniel Jankelow, Ann Kirkpatrick, Janna Berk,
Andy Berk.)

From l to r : Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick and JAC intern Julia Mati. 

Planning on attending a candidate event, getting out the vote, attending rallies or other JAC-related activities? Take a picture and send it to us to add to the EZ Read!
[email protected] 

Talking Points Highland Park
Election 2016
featuring Jon Carson
former Director of Organizing for America
Tuesday, September 6
10:00 am
Highland Park, IL


Michigan Membership Meeting
October 10th
details to follow 

For more information and to RSVP, contact the JAC office at 847.433.5999 or [email protected]

An Evening with
Brad Schneider
candidate for IL-10
Rep. Ted Deutch (FL-19)
August 29th
7 pm
Highland Park, IL
click for details

An evening with
Rep. Robin Kelly
September 1st
6:30 pm
Highland Park, IL
click for details

For more information and to RSVP, contact the JAC office at 847.433.5999 or [email protected]
Featuring Guest Speaker 
Andy Borowitz

Monday, September 26, 2016 
Donald Trump offers a dog whistle to his most hateful supporters.
"It's a disturbing preview of what kind of President he'd be. ...A man with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far reaches of the internet, should never run our government or command our military."
JAC Statement on Donald Trump
Donald Trump's campaign, which is built on racism, anti-semitism, and xenophobia, aims to divide and weaken our democracy. He strives to legitimize the conservative, fringe, hate movement in this country. As a Jewish community, we know too well the devastating impact that hateful language and religious divisiveness can have. Trump has a disturbing pattern of courting white supremacists and promoting racial divides. He has helped an ugly, radical element get within reach of the most powerful office in the world. We can never let that happen.
As President, Hillary Clinton will work to unite our country, fight prejudice, and "prove once again that America is great because America is good."
Meet the Candidates 
Former U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) is seeking to regain the seat he lost in 2010. He previously served three terms in the Senate and was a member of the Foreign Relation Committee, where he gained a a deep understanding of the Middle East. He has always been committed to a strong U.S.-Israel relationship.

"We must never forget the depth and breadth of our alliance and always do our utmost to reinforce a relationship that has benefited both nations for more than six decades," he wrote in a letter to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Feingold is running against an extremely conservative, anti-choice candidate. While in the Senate, Feingold earned a 100 percent pro-choice rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America.
His opponent has boasted about eliminating student loans and "keeping interest rates high." (Click here to see Feingold's ad.)

President Obama has called Feingold "an honest, independent-minded public servant who's not driven by what's politically expedient; he's driven by what he knows is right..." 

This competitive Senate race offers the Democrats an excellent pick-up opportunity. Feingold needs your support.  

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Israel & the Middle East
The Invaluable U.S.-Israeli Alliance
The latest Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), set to go into effect in 2018, will provide Israel with about $3.9 billion a year in military aid for 10 years.  The real value of this agreement, however, isn't in the dollar amount, but in the defense technology that Israel will receive and the depth of the security cooperation between the two countries. 
Netanyahu, Putin Discuss Israeli-Palestinian Peace
A statement issued by the Kremlin said the phone call was initiated by Netanyahu and dealt with the peace process and other regional issues.
Turkish Parliament Approves Israel Deal
Under the deal, Israel will pay Turkey $20 million (17.7 million euros) in compensation for a botched Israeli commando raid on a Gaza-bound Turkish aid ship in 2010 that left 10 Turks dead.

Israeli Forces Raid West Bank Weapons Factories
Israeli security forces shut down six illegal weapons manufacturing factories in the West Bank in what the army said was the biggest such operation of an ongoing crackdown. 
Anti-Semitism & BDS
Starting College? Prepare for Anti-Zionism
If you're Jewish, you should probably also prepare yourself for the various forms of anti-Israel sentiment, and maybe even anti-Semitism, you're likely to encounter on your new college campus.
How Paris Public Schools Became No-Go Zones for Jews
"Enrolling a Jewish kid into a public school was normal when I was growing up," Tayar said in a recent interview as he waited with two helmets in hand to pick up his youngest from her Jewish elementary school in eastern Paris. "Nowadays forget it; no longer realistically possible. Anti-Semitic bullying means it would be too damaging for any Jewish kid you put there."
Reproductive Rights
How Zika Could Change the Politics of Late-Term Abortion
For years, most Americans have opposed abortions late in pregnancy.
Zika could change that, potentially undermining support for a national ban on abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy as more women infected with the virus find themselves in the crosshairs of the abortion wars if they choose to end their pregnancies.
Cost of Keeping Women Safe from Violence Closes WI Clinic
After two civilians and one police officer were killed at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs last November, the women's health care provider reworked its security plans for each affiliate. The Appleton clinic, which provides a range of reproductive health services beyond abortion to Wisconsin women, is unable to fulfill the new requirements.
Anti-Abortion Activists Sue over Chicago's 'Bubble Zone' 
Anti-abortion activists filed a federal lawsuit alleging that Chicago's 2009 abortion-clinic "bubble zone" ordinance violates their constitutional rights. 

GOP Reps Attack Women's Health Care - Every Single Day
The "war on women" is nothing new. But what is new is the frequency, the pervasiveness of the attacks that are coming every day on women's rights from every angle in states and in Congress.
Separation of Religion & State
25 Religious Right Justifications for Backing the Donald
One outlandish claim? God is using Trump to pave the way for the Second Coming.

How Donald Trump Divided, Conquered the Religious Right
Just as Trump divided and conquered the Republican Party, so he has divided and conquered the religious right, the voting bloc of white conservative Christians that has been a cornerstone of the Republican Party's outreach for decades.
Beyond the Core
Stanford's New Alcohol Policy Protects Campus Rapists
In an attempt to address recent concerns over campus rape, Stanford University has introduced a new policy that will protect students who decide to rape in the future.

Republicans May Rethink Merrick Garland
When the Senate reconvenes on Sept. 6, there may be a new faction supporting the confirmation of Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court: Republicans. 
Protests over Huge North Dakota Oil Pipeline
The $3.7bn Dakota Access pipeline has prompted huge protests, notably in North Dakota where Native Americans have halted its construction. It is planned to run 1,168 miles through Iowa, Illinois, North and South Dakotas, and under the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, upstream of one of the largest aquifers in the nation.
A Mom's Effort to Build a Safe Community
Last year, a woman was shot and killed on 75th and Stewart in Englewood. Most people have that moment when enough is enough. This was Tamar Manasseh's. Right after the murder, she decided to organize Mothers Against Senseless Killings, or M.A.S.K.
Political Byte
How Big a House Wave Could There Be? Watch these Races
Following changes in the "generic ballot" poll question is one way to track the fight for the House, but there is an alternate way is to look at key races: various levels of competitiveness should indicate whether a wave is developing and, if it is, how big it might be. 
What Is The "Alt-Right"? 
The "alt-right" opposes diversity and immigration, arguing that those policies are a form of "white genocide." It embraces racism, sexism, anti-Muslim bigotry, and anti-Semitism and sees its goal as usurping the traditional conservative movement, which it views as feckless and weak, in favor of a brand of nationalism.
Women Poised to Lead Democratic Return to Senate Power 
Female candidates are leading the push for a Democratic return to power in the Senate as Donald Trump's sagging poll numbers leave the Republican majority under extreme pressure. 
Episcopal Churches, Community Partners Register Voters 
With an Oct. 11 state voter registration deadline approaching, Carlos Duarte, Mi Familia Vota's Texas state director, said he hopes to reach additional voters who feel marginalized and who may not have engaged the process in previous years. And he is not alone. 
Hillary Clinton Flatters Mainstream Republicans
She also went out of her way to deny that this aspect of Trump and Trumpism has anything to do with the Republican Party mainstream.

Mylan Should 'Immediately' Lower EpiPen Prices
Hillary Clinton said that the price of EpiPen is "outrageous" and called on manufacturer Mylan to lower the price of the life-saving device used to treat serious allergic reactions. 

Dershowitz to Play Trump in Hillary's Debate Prep
On "All Things Considered, it was reported that "the Clinton campaign has been looking for a surrogate to play Trump so she can practice and they are bringing in the well-known criminal and constitutional law attorney Alan Dershowitz." 

Clinton Critical in Expanding Emergency Contraception Access 
In the midst of election-year talk and debates about political controversies, we often forget examples of candidates' past leadership. But we must not overlook the ways in which Hillary Clinton demonstrated her commitment to women's health before she became the Democratic presidential nominee. 

Hillary Clinton Proposes New Federal Fund To Combat Zika  
If elected, Clinton would create what she's calling a "Public Health Rapid Response Fund" to help federal agencies and local hospital systems respond faster and more aggressively - similar to how the government responds to a natural disaster.
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AP's Expose on Clinton Foundation Donors A Flawed Mess  
This week the Associated Press released the results of a review of State Department appointment data that they used to make some striking claims about Hillary Clinton's schedule as secretary of state. It's a striking piece of reporting that made immediate waves in my social media feed, as political journalists of all stripes retweeted the story's headline conclusions. Except it turns out not to be true.
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Trump Watch
Changes on Immigration Won't Fix Trump's Damage to GOP 
No matter which policy prescriptions for immigration Trump finally lands on, the Republican Party's fortunes with Latino voters are inextricably tied to a candidate who has already done long-term damage to the Republican brand. 

New Campaign Boss: Trump is the Alt-Right Choice
The term "alt-right" is a fairly new one in the political lexicon. It encompasses a grab bag of anti-establishment, alternative right-wing folks who have bedeviled Republican Party leaders at least since they capsized House GOP Leader Eric Cantor's reelection run in 2014. 

The 258 People, Places and Things Trump Has Insulted
Since declaring his candidacy for president last June, Donald Trump has used Twitter to lob insults at presidential candidates, journalists, news organizations, nations, a Neil Young song and even a lectern in the Oval Office.

Trump's New Ad Television Lies About Social Security
The Trump Presidential campaign rolled out its first major television ad last week, aimed at voters in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. For Social Security experts and advocates, it wasn't worth waiting for.
Israeli Breakthrough May Lead to Melanoma Cure  
Israeli and European researchers say their collaborative research has unraveled the metastatic mechanism of melanoma, the most aggressive of all skin cancers.

Anne Frank Today Is a Syrian Girl
"No one takes their family into hiding in the heart of an occupied city unless they are out of options," notes Mattie J. Bekink, a consultant at the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. "No one takes their child on a flimsy boat to cross the Mediterranean unless they are desperate."

Our members count on JACPAC to provide information on current events, candidates, and elections.  JACPAC depends on membership support to make this possible.


If you have not renewed your membership, please consider doing so today, to help us pursue a strong US-Israel relationship, reproductive rights, and separation of religion and state.  Together we can make this a better world!



Marcia Balonick, Executive Director
Joy Malkus, Research Director

Dana Gordon, Membership & Outreach

Hollis Wein, Communications Director 

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Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a pro-Israel PAC with a domestic agenda. We support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and advocate for reproductive health and the separation of religion and state and incorporate other issues of importance to the Jewish community, including gun violence prevention and climate change. In addition to providing financial support for U.S. Senate and House campaigns, JACPAC educates our membership with outreach events designed to inform and activate their participation in the political process.
Paid for by Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs. Contributions or gifts are not tax deductible. Contributions may total up to $5400 per individual ($2700 for the primary election, and $2700 for the general election). Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Corporate contributions and contributions from non-US citizens who are not lawfully admitted for permanent residence are prohibited. All contributions by individuals must be made from personal funds and may not be reimbursed or paid by another person.