January 22, 2016

JAC met with former-Senator and current candidate for U.S. Senate from WI Russ Feingold at the JAC office. (l to r: Hollis Wein, Nancy Levun, Susan Berk, Jacki Parmacek, Marcia Melamed, Russ Feingold, Art Berman, Renee Kahan, Brad Schneider, Maureen Lewis)

JAC met with Rep. Chris Van Hollen (VA-8), candidate for U.S. Senate, in Chicago. (l to r: Robert Muller, Hollis Wein, Chris Van Hollen, Marcia Balonick)

It's never too early to learn the ropes! JAC's youngest member learns the business from Grandma (and JAC Executive Director) Marcia Balonick. 

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
February 25-26
Details to follow

Reception with
Rep. Patrick Murphy (FL-18)
U.S. Senate Candidate for FL
March 20
West Palm Beach, FL
Details to follow
  For more information and to RSVP, contact the JAC office at 847-433-5999 or [email protected]
Meet the Members
Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) 
Sen. Murray is the 4th ranking member of Democratic leadership, serving as  the Conference Secretary. JAC has always counted on Murray to advocate for JAC's issues.  She has been a Senate leader in the fight for women's reproductive rights and freedom of choice throughout her public career. She introduced the 'Affordability is Access' bill to make oral birth control available over-the-counter nationwide.

Murray has also always worked in the Senate to promote a strong U.S-Israel partnership.

Murray is up re-election in 2016. We MUST keep her in the Senate - Murray needs our help.  DONATE NOW.

This Election, Your Vote will be a Vote for Women's Reproductive Rights
As Roe v Wade turns 43, the right of women to make their own decisions about reproduction and health has never been more under attack. In the first week of 2016, the new Speaker of the House kicked off the legislative session with a definitive anti-choice agenda when he asked Congress to again vote to defund Planned Parenthood. Additionally, the Supreme Court will be hearing a case that could leave the state of Texas with only 10 clinics state-wide, setting a dangerous precedent for other states to reduce access to women across the country. States are still trying to implement personhood bills that would grant full rights to an unborn fetus.

It is absolutely essential that we support Congressional and Senate candidates, as well as state and local candidates, that will continue to support a woman's right to choose. Since 2010, over 288 restrictions have been enacted around the country, and more women (57%) live in states hostile to reproductive rights than not.

Elections matter -- especially when it comes to Reproductive Rights. This election when you vote, think about the Reproductive Rights of you, your children and your grandchildren.

Tell Congress they represent ALL Americans.

On the 43rd anniversary of Roe v Wade, call Congress and tell them YOU support women and expect them to do the same.

 Not sure who your Representative or Senator is? 
Click here.

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Israel & the Middle East
John Kerry: Fight with Netanyahu is Over  
Sec. Kerry said this week "the fight's over" between the Obama administration and the Israeli government in light of the Iran deal's completion.
Netanyahu: U.S., Israel close on military aid agreement 
The U.S. and Israel are finalizing details of a 10-year military aid package that will likely be larger than the $3.1 billion in aid the U.S. provided this year. 

On Iran: A Long-Game of Diplomacy, Sanctions, and Sabotage
What Mr. Obama does not say - because he cannot without describing classified programs - is that many of his own aides believe that an American covert sabotage program, begun in the Clinton administration and steadily escalated over the next 15 years, also played a critical role in persuading the Iranians to cash in the program.

White House: Robert Levinson Likely Not in Iran 
The Obama administration continues to believe that a Jewish American who disappeared from Iran in 2007 is no longer in that country. 

Israel: Superpower for Women and Women's Rights 
Suddenly, Israel is not just a producer of medicines, agricultural technological developments, leading high-tech companies, scientific discoveries and advanced methods of defense. Today Israel is also a superpower of the status of women, but there is more to do.
Anti-Semitism & BDS
Clear Connection Between BDS & Targeting of Jewish Students 
There is a "clear relationship" between anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions activism and the targeting of Jewish students on college campuses across the US, a new study finds. 
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5 (Foolproof) Tips To Avoid Hate Speech on Facebook  
To restrict hate speech or not on Facebook, that is the question. And a controversial question it is. In Germany, the answer right now is, 'yes' -- at least when it comes to censoring hate speech.
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British Doctors Seek to Oust Israel from World Medical Association   
In the latest anti-Israel/BDS attack, a group of 71 British doctors signed a letter seeking to expel the Israeli Medical Association from the World Medical Association, claiming Israeli doctors carried out 'medical torture' on Palestinian patients.
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43 Years of Roe v. Wade
How Roe v. Wade Survived 43 Years of Abortion Wars 
Forty-three years ago today, the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade. The landmark case established a woman's constitutional right to an abortion. Ever since then, anti-abortion politicians and activists have tried to chip away at it with over 1,000 restrictions and Supreme Court rulings that keep limiting access. 

Americans Aren't As Divided on Abortion Rights as It Seems 
Findings suggest that, although lawmakers keep fighting to defund Planned Parenthood and restrict access, voters are relatively supportive of abortion.  Most voters "actually want a woman who has decided to have an abortion to be supported...to be able to have it accessible, affordable, in her community without embarrassment, without pressure."

How the Supreme Court Could Strengthen Roe in Texas Case 
The stakes couldn't be higher in Whole Woman's Health v. Cole. A ruling in favor of abortion providers could put an end to TRAP laws once and for all. As for a ruling that goes the other way, with the potential to unleash a flurry of even more restrictive TRAP laws across the country? It would be devastating. 
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1 in 3 Women Will Have an Abortion. Real People with Real Stories
Actresses Share Real Abortion Stories: Draw the Line Monologues
Reproductive Rights
Still Challenging to Determine a Health Plan's Abortion Coverage 
As the third open enrollment period winds down on the health insurance marketplaces, one thing hasn't changed much since the online exchanges opened: It's still often hard to find out whether a plan covers abortion services. 

Supreme Court Rejects Arkansas 12-Week Abortion Ban 
The U.S. Supreme Court, which will hear arguments in March in a critical abortion case from Texas, rejected a bid by Arkansas to revive a state law banning abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Anti-Abortion Group Joins Battles Over Frozen Embryos 
Anti-abortion activists are seeking a new battlefield: custody disputes over frozen embryos, leading to complications for couples who sought IVF and are going through divorce. 

The Disney Princesses Are Going to the Gyno
January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, so the Disney Princesses are taking control of their health, learning about things like birth control, STIs and more. 
Belle gets a prescription for birth control and in on emergency contraception. 
Separation of Religion & State
Judge Rules Hospitals Can Impose Religious Restrictions on Patients
A CA judge has ruled that bishops, not doctors, can make medical decisions. A Catholic hospital may deny a woman a tubal ligation during a c-section based on the religious tenets of the hospital, even if it is the only birthing center for miles.

The Case Against Separation Church and State?
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case considering whether the separation of church and state is unconstitutional - specifically if Missouri's state constitution violates the U.S. Constitution by discriminating against religion.
"Only Christian Men Are Qualified for Political Office"
Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission has released a new video explaining 'biblical qualifications for political office,' by which he meant that all of our elected officials must be Christians -- and men.
Gary Cass claims only Christian men are qualified to hold public office
(source: Right Wing Watch)
Beyond the Core
Access to Safer Guns Favored by Most in U.S. 
Nearly 60% of Americans, including 42% of gun owners, say if they were to buy a new gun, they would choose one with technology that prevents it being fired by an unauthorized user. 
Water Crisis: Flint Wasn't the First, Likely Won't Be the Last 
Almost the same thing happened in Washington, D.C. and many communities across the country may face the same risk. 
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New Visa Waiver Program Rules Take Effect 
New restrictions are being implemented to the visa waiver program that Congress passed last month. They prevent nationals of 38 countries who have traveled to Iraq, Syria, Iran or Sudan since 2011, or hold citizenship in those countries from coming to the U.S. without applying for a visa. 
Political Byte
Palin: Not 'Drunk' or 'Stupid,' but Calculated 
Sarah Palin understands, probably better than anyone besides Donald Trump, how thinking is the enemy of the conservative populist mission. What she wants to do is make you feel, to have those feelings of bitterness and misplaced entitlement wash over the crowds until they are screaming for more blood. In this, she succeeded. 
A State Is Not A Business - Quit Trying to Run Them That Way 
The water crisis in Flint underscored the limitations of an entrepreneurial method of governance in a way that could resonate beyond Michigan. 

Cruz Campaign Donating Water in Flint - To Anti-Abortion Groups
Cruz's Michigan state director announced that the campaign had coordinated with Flint Right to Life to collect water bottles to be distributed only to anti-abortion 'crisis pregnancy centers' in the area. But hey, at least he's doing something, right? 
Flag from Exodus Ship Finds Home at U.S. Holocaust Museum
The flag that once flew on the Exodus, the ship carrying refugees from Europe that was turned away from British Palestine to return to Germany, has found a home at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of JAC member Billy Silverstein and his brother Tom.

Bill and Tom Silverstein donate a flag that flew over the Exodus in 1947 to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. (Source: Zach Gibson/The New York Times) 

Our members count on JACPAC to provide information on current events, candidates, and elections.  JACPAC depends on membership support to make this possible.


If you have not renewed your membership, please consider doing so today, to help us pursue a strong US-Israel relationship, reproductive rights, and separation of religion and state.  Together we can make this a better world!



Marcia Balonick, Executive Director
Joy Malkus, Research Director

Dana Gordon, Membership & Outreach

Hollis Wein, Communications Director 

better jac logo
Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a pro-Israel PAC with a domestic agenda. We support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and advocate for reproductive health and the separation of religion and state and incorporate other issues of importance to the Jewish community, including gun violence prevention and climate change. In addition to providing financial support for U.S. Senate and House campaigns, JACPAC educates our membership with outreach events designed to inform and activate their participation in the political process.