September 18, 2015

JAC members were out and about across the country this week. Here are a few highlights.
JAC Executive Director Marcia Balonick with former President Bill Clinton at a function for Hillary for America in Chicago

Dana Gordon with former President Bill Clinton

Jill Zipin and Betsy Sheerr in Philadelphia 


Talking Points Highland Park
with special guest 
Rep Ted Deutch (FL-21)
September 21
Northbrook, IL  
12:00 - 1:30


Talking Points Highland Park
with special guest 
Gidi Grinstein 
October 28 
Highland Park, IL 
Details to come
Detroit Membership Event 
Details to come

Want to host a JAC event near you? Plea
se contact the JAC office and we will help coordinate.

For more information and to RSVP, contact the JAC office at 847-433-5999 or [email protected]

Women for Brad Brunch 
Brad Schneider 
Candidate for IL 10th
September 27
Northbrook, IL  
11:00 - 1:00


Meeting with
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
October 14 
Chicago Area 
Details to follow 

For more information and to RSVP, contact the JAC office at 847-433-5999 or [email protected]

The anti-choice House JUST
voted to defund Planned Parenthood AND 
punish abortion doctors.

Women's reproductive freedom is in jeopardy.

The Senate votes on TUESDAY.  


Tell your Senator to PROTECT  
Women's Health and not hold the country hostage.

Meet The Members

Rep. Ted Deutch (FL-21), a strong supporter of all of JAC's issues has long been a supporter of women's reproductive rights. Watch his statement during a Congressional hearing on Planned Parenthood.
Rep. Ted Deutch (FL-21)
Join with Hillary

If you would like to support Hillary,
please contact the JAC office at
847-433-5999 or
[email protected]

Our combined contributions make our voices stronger.  There IS
Calling All Students!

Join the National Day of Action October 2nd on campuses around the country to call for action on climate change. Know Tomorrow is a growing organization of students who demand action on the climate.

Israel & the Middle East
Statement on the Visit of Israel PM Netanyahu to Washington
President Obama on November 9, 2015 will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House. The President looks forward to discussing with the Prime Minister regional security issues, including implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action to peacefully and verifiably prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, and countering Tehran's destabilizing activities. 

Obama, Netanyahu & the Future of the Jewish State 
A congregational rabbi acquaintance of mine called in search of sermon advice in advance of Rosh Hashanah. One suggestion was to place Zionism in a context understandable to young American progressives: Explain that Zionism-the movement to create and support a Jewish state in the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people-is the equivalent in many ways of the American civil-rights movement, which, like Zionism, seeks equality and justice for an oppressed people. The rabbi laughed. "Who's going to believe that anymore?" he asked. Well, I said, the president of the United States, for one. In fact, I told him, this wasn't my formulation. It was Obama's. 
The Iran Nuclear Deal - a concise Congressional overview 
On July 14 the President negotiated a deal with Iran and several members of the United Nations to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. The United States offered to reduce sanctions so long as Iran allowed the International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, to monitor the country's nuclear development programs.The deal caused a partisan rift.   
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Israel's outgoing UN envoy 'felt like I was on 1 vs. 100 game show' 
Outgoing Israeli ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor slammed the agency as "toothless" in addressing Middle East unrest, and denounced its institutionalized discrimination against the Jewish state, in an interview aired Friday.  
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In 5775, the White House met with Jewish leaders a ton of times 
As the Jewish year of 5775 comes to a close, Jewish Insider looked back at the White House's calendar of events as it pertains to Jewish outreach since Rosh Hashanah 2014-and it was a busy Hebrew calendar year indeed for the Obama administration's outreach efforts to American Jews, with at least 63 events, or an average of about one every week.  
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Ann Coulter accuses GOP candidates of pandering to 'f-ing Jews'
In a series of tweets during the Republican presidential debate Wednesday night, conservative political pundit Ann Coulter slammed the candidates for pandering to "f-ing Jews."
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Kiev's Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial Torched
On the first night of Rosh Hashanah in Kiev, Ukraine, the brass menorah erected over the slope of the Babi Yar ravine was torched. It serves as a memorial to Kiev's 34,000 Jews-at the time about 20 percent of Kiev's Jewish population-who were shot dead by German SS troops over two days in September of 1941, in what was one of  the largest single massacres of the Holocaust.
Reproductive Rights

House votes to freeze federal funding for Planned Parenthood
The House on Friday voted along party lines to freeze federal funding for Planned Parenthood after weeks of escalating tension surrounding its use of fetal tissue.In a 241-187 vote, nearly all Republicans and two Democrats approved legislation that would block Planned Parenthood's federal funding for one year, giving time for Congress to fully investigate claims of wrongdoing by the provider. Lawmakers also passed a bill tightening restrictions on abortion doctors who violate infant protections in a 248-177 vote.
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Senate weighs Planned Parenthood options
The Senate will vote on Tuesday to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Lawmakers and aides sketched out a path from there: First, the Senate would take up a government spending bill that cuts Planned Parenthood funding, knowing that it will fail. Assuming that maneuver is blocked, at the 11th hour the Senate would proceed to a spending bill that includes funding for Planned Parenthood. Lawmakers and aides believe that "clean" spending bill would draw Democratic support and clear the Senate's 60-vote threshold.
Court rules against ObamaCare birth control mandate
A federal appeals court on Thursday ruled against ObamaCare's birth control mandate in a decision that could invite a Supreme Court review. The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that four Christian nonprofits should not have to comply with the ObamaCare rule that all employer healthcare plans include contraception options or face a fee. The decision is particularly important because it directly contradicts another federal court's ruling.

28 Groups That Work With Rape Victims Think The Safe Campus Act Is Terrible
A bill being considered in the House that would restrict colleges from punishing students accused of sexual assault is meeting near-universal opposition from advocacy organizations who work with rape victims. The Safe Campus Act, originally sponsored by Republican Reps. Matt Salmon of Arizona, and Pete Sessions and Kay Granger of Texas, would prohibit colleges and universities from punishing a student accused of sexual assault and battery unless the reporting victim also goes to police with the complaint.

Separation of Religion & State
George Takei on How Kim Davis Violated the First Amendment
Kim Davis and her various supporters are adamant on one point: Her religious freedom has been stripped away. To them, her case is the first step toward putting good Christians in jails for their beliefs. Her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Kentucky is, in their view, a matter of faith with which the government has no right to intervene. They hang their collective hat on the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of religion-without articulating, let alone differentiating, the two co-equal components to that very freedom. So let us go back to high-school civics.
Beyond the Core
Why guns on campus are such a dangerous idea
The proponents for campus concealed carry repeat a steady mantra of basically two justifications. They cite the Second Amendment rights of all citizens and the idea that a good guy with a gun is the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun. First, this is not a Second Amendment issue. Many people opposed to guns on our campuses strongly support the Second Amendment. Several of our rights under the Constitution have limitations, usually to protect the general public.

Read more here:
A Watershed Moment for Voter Registration
The California legislature just passed a bill that has the potential to add millions of new voters to the rolls. If Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signs it into law, the plan would dramatically modernize voter registration in the Golden State by replacing old-fashioned, ink-and-paper cards with a system that automatically registers eligible citizens when they visit the DMV. Automatic registration in the most populous state in the country is a watershed moment in the effort to fix our broken election system.
Political Byte
Bernie Sanders Gets Respectful Welcome at Conservative Christian College
Liberty University, the conservative, religious college that has been a mainstay for Republican presidential hopefuls for decades, got its first visit of the 2016 election cycle from a Democratic presidential candidate on Monday.
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Watch Hillary Clinton's ad mocking the Republican debate
Hillary Clinton's campaign is out with a light-hearted new ad that makes a serious point about Wednesday night's CNN Republican presidential primary debate: There wasn't much talk about kitchen-table issues.
Wednesday's GOP debate transcript, annotated
Eleven leading Republican candidates for president gathered at the Ronald Reagan library in California for the second GOP debate on Wednesday night. This is a full transcript of the debate, which has been annotated by Washington Post reporters and readers using Genius.
Debunking 5 Absurd Comments About Planned Parenthood from GOP Debate
Most Republican 2016 hopefuls are falling all over themselves to appeal to the party's anti-choice base and talk about how badly they want to defund Planned Parenthood. Here are five of the most absurd comments about Planned Parenthood from the people who want to be the Republican nominee for president.
Israel holds the solution to world water crisis
Despite its desert terrain, rapid population growth and meager rainfall, Israel currently boasts a water surplus. It shares water with Jordan and the Palestinian-administered territories in the West Bank and Gaza. It exports water technologies worth $2.2 billion and growing. "Israel has gotten savvy about water use on just about every level, and it's a remarkable story."
GOP Candidates asked to pick the woman they want on the $10 bill
As the second GOP presidential debate neared the end of its third hour, the questions started to get a little more lighthearted. Moderator Jake Tapper asked each candidate which women they'd like to be added to the $10 bill, a move that's been planned for 2020.

Our members count on JACPAC to provide information on current events, candidates, and elections.  JACPAC depends on membership support to make this possible.


If you have not renewed your membership, please consider doing so today, to help us pursue a strong US-Israel relationship, reproductive rights, and separation of religion and state.  Together we can make this a better world!



Janna Berk, President
Marcia Balonick, Executive Director
Joy Malkus, Research Director 

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Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a national network committed to the special relationship between the US and Israel and a social agenda that includes reproductive rights and separation of religion and state.  JACPAC supported US Senate and House candidates who uphold this agenda and maintains ongoing dialogue with those it helps elect.  In addition, JACPAC serves as a political resource for the Jewish community, furnishing information about candidates, elections and issues.