July 31, 2015

The Iran Nuclear Deal Resources
White House Iran Deal Fact Sheet

The White House has assembled fact sheets, a Twitter account (@TheIranDeal) and more to answer your questions about the Iran Nuclear Deal.

JCRC Washington Iran Nuclear Deal
Resource Page
Statements, fact sheets, articles and analysis about the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Flashback Friday! Photos of JAC with some of the candidates running for the U.S. Senate in 2016.

JAC Director of Membership & Outreach Dana Gordon and Executive Director with Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO).

Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) with Carole Kohn on
Martha's Vineyard.

Former JAC President Betsy Sheerr with
former-Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) in Washington, DC.

Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) with former
JAC President Lois Zoller and her husband Jim Mills.

Rep. Patrick Murphy (FL-18) with
Jeri & Norm Jacobs in Palm Beach.

Rep. Tammy Duckworth (IL-8) with former
JAC President Gail Yamner in New York.   

Do you have photos from JAC events or with JAC-supported candidates? Send them to info@jacpac.org to be included in future EZ Reads!

Fundraising Lunch with
Rep. Raul Ruiz (CA-36)

August 12
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Northbrook, IL


Talking Points Los Angeles 
Details to come

Detroit Membership Event 
Details to come

Want to host a JAC event near you? Plea
se contact the JAC office and we will help coordinate.

For more information and to RSVP, contact the JAC office at 847-433-5999 or info@jacpac.org



Representative Raul Ruiz (CA-36)     


Representative Dr. Raul Ruiz has shown strong support in Congress for JAC's issues throughout his two terms. Raised in Coachella, CA, his parents were farmworkers. Graduating from UCLA magna cum laude, he went on to become the first Hispanic to receive three degrees from Harvard University: an MD, a Master of Public Policy, and a Master of Public Health.

When it comes to Israel, Ruiz has said that "our support for Israel and our security is not partisan and should never be partisan." He supports a strong U.S. Israel Partnership and supports Israel's right to self-defense.  He believes that the security of Israel and its people is "inextricably connected to the security of the United States and our citizens..."
He has also been a strong and consistent voice on choice issues, earning a 100 percent rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America.  Ruiz co-sponsored the Women's Health Protection Act,  the Paycheck Fairness Act and other legislation aimed at helping women and families.        

Tell Congress

Protect Planned Parenthood


(202) 224-3121 


Senator Mitch McConnell will introduce a dangerous bill to defund Planned Parenthood on Monday.

Millions of women depend on Planned Parenthood for their healthcare needs: mammograms, cancer screenings, pregnancy and wellness care, birth control and much more. One in five women in the U.S. have visited Planned Parenthood in their life - your mother, sister, daughter, neighbor, best friend.


Call your Senator today and
tell them you stand with
Planned Parenthood.

(202) 224-3121


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Join with Hillary

If you would like to support Hillary,
please contact the JAC office at
847-433-5999 or

Our combined contributions make our voices stronger.  There IS
Israel & The Middle East 
The 'Truth' About The Iran Deal
A former U.S. Mideast negotiator throws some doubt on supporters' and critics' certainties about the pact.
One thing that critics and defenders of the Iran nuclear agreement seem to have in common is the certainty, conviction and authority with which they present their views. It's an historic breakthrough; no, it's an historic catastrophe; it's this agreement or war; and my favorite - this deal sucks; negotiations, more sanctions or threat of military force could have produced an infinitely superior one. 

Opposing the Iran deal endangers US and Israeli security
by Steve Sheffey  
I've long believed that we should never force Israel to act against its own security interests. Israeli politicians from across the political spectrum oppose the P5+1's (the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, plus Germany) deal with Iran and are urging members of Congress to block the deal, yet Israelis who know the most about security risks - former heads of Israel's security and military establishments - support the Iran deal.
Israel Ambassadors Support Deal With Iran 
A day after Mike Huckabee said that President Obama was "marching the Israelis to the door of the oven," former U.S. ambassadors to Israel strongly supported the nuclear deal reached between Iran and world powers. The ambassadors joined with former under secretaries of State in a letter to congressional leaders applauding the agreement to shrink, freeze and monitor Iran's nuclear program. They urged those against the deal to consider carefully the consequences of such an action.
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We Must Confront Iran's Sinister Ambitions in the Middle East
by Tzipi Livni 
While much of the world celebrated the Vienna deal with Iran, deep concern has enveloped Israel, where there is harsh criticism, crossing party lines, involving central aspects of the agreement. My aim here is not to rehearse the arguments about the deal itself. Instead, I want to draw attention to the urgent need to make some critical complementary strategic decisions to confront Iran's destructive regional agenda-whether the U.S. Congress backs the Vienna agreement or not.
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Why Jonathan Pollard's Release Means Little
Although the Israelis have demanded his release for decades, the imminent parole of convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard after almost 30 years in prison is not likely to put even a dent in the iciness between President Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu surrounding the Iran nuclear deal. And that is evidence of just how far Washington and Jerusalem have to go before they can get to the place both countries desperately need to be: cooperating closely to deal with a volcanic Middle East.

Iraqi MP: 'Iraq should establish ties with Israel'
Mithal al-Alusi further slammed the Arab World for not recognizing the Islamic State as an Arab-Islamic creation and chided his colleagues for blaming its creation on the West and on Israel.
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Likud minister to Huckabee: Nobody marches the Jews to ovens anymore
The storm of controversy over US Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee's comments about the Iran nuclear deal continued to spread on Tuesday, with Transportation Minister Israel Katz (Likud) weighing in. Katz took offense to the comments, implying that Israel is stronger than Huckabee may think.
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Anti-Semitism & BDS

Verbal abuse against Jewish students 'fact of life' on US Campuses 

Jewish students on campus are still feeling the aftermath of last summer's Gaza War, according to a new Brandeis University report. Findings reveal that during the 2014-2015 academic year, one in four Jewish college students was blamed for Israel's actions during the war, and nearly three quarters of students experienced anti-Semitic comments.   

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The French Jewish Community Asks: Is It Time to Leave?
For Ghozlan, July 2014 was the tipping point, after years of escalating anti-Semitic violence: "There was no debate in our family. We all knew-it is time to go. Leaving is better than running away," Ghozlan later told me. He would ultimately come to think of the summer riots as the predictors of the catastrophes that would play out six months later.
Reproductive Rights
How Planned Parenthood could shut down the government
Calling next week's Senate roll call to defund Planned Parenthood a "legislative show vote," GOP firebrand Ted Cruz said Republicans should do everything they can to eliminate federal money for the group - even if it means a government shutdown fight this fall. He's not alone.
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'Culture' Change Needed to Curb Campus Assaults
A key Senate committee is considering a bipartisan bill to help reduce sexual assault on college campuses. The Campus Accountability and Safety Act would amend the broader Higher Education Act, which Congress is working to reauthorize. It would require schools to gauge how often sexual assaults occur on their campuses and offer confidential advisers for victims. "We can't expect to fix this problem just by changing the rules," Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash. "We have to do something much more difficult, and that is to change culture."

Alabama Moves To Deny Inmate Parental Rights So She Can't Have Abortion

A fight over an incarcerated Alabama woman's ability to have an abortion took a strange turn as the state moved to terminate the woman's parental rights in order to prevent her from accessing the procedure.     

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Separation of Religion & State
Ruling: Washington can require pharmacies to dispense Plan B
Washington state can force pharmacies to dispense Plan B or other emergency contraceptives, a federal appeals court said Thursday in a long-running lawsuit brought by pharmacists who said they have religious objections to providing the drugs.
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photo credit: Outside the Beltway

OK top court agrees Ten Commandments at Capitol must go
Oklahoma's Supreme Court on Monday (July 27) said the state must remove a Ten Commandments stone monument first placed at its Capitol in 2012, rejecting an appeal to reconsider an earlier decision.
Beyond the Core
A sensible, state-based answer to gun violence
One week after five U.S. military service members were killed in a mass shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee, a gunman opened fire July 23 in a movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana, killing two people. Some five weeks earlier, a shooting at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, left nine people dead. The question that inevitably arises from each event is how can we best keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them. Debate about this issue, which encouragingly is getting some attention on the presidential campaign trail, ought to be driven by evidence of what has proved to be effective. 

How We're Winning Against Gun Violence at the State Level in 2015

Dem senators urge gun stores to tighten background checks

Reflecting the realities of a Capitol Hill run by Republicans, Senate Democrats on Tuesday called on large retailers to voluntarily close a loophole in federal gun background-check laws. The plea by Democratic Sens. Chuck Schumer of New York and Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal, both of Connecticut, is a simple one: Follow the lead of Wal-Mart.

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Shell icebreaker moves out as protesters in Portland dangle from bridge to block it

As environmental activists continued to dangle off Portland's St. Johns Bridge early Thursday, a Shell Oil icebreaker was on the move, heading for a possible showdown with the activists who want to keep it from leaving Portland. They and kayakers on the water below are trying to block the icebreaker from heading to the Arctic for a drill operation.

Political Byte
Israel is the GOP's new wedge issue
Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee's assertion that the Iran nuclear deal will march Israelis to the "door of the oven" is a patently grotesque attempt to outdo his competitors in excoriating President Obama for "abandoning" Israel. But Huckabee's effort dramatizes a far more disturbing development: the conversion by Benjamin Netanyahu and the Republicans of US bipartisan support of Israel into a wedge issue, shriveling the question of how best to serve the national security interests of both nations to one of how faithfully we support the Netanyahu government.

A Dream Undone

Inside the 50-year campaign to roll back the Voting Rights Act.
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Photo credit: Huffington Post

Democratic Senate Field Shaping Up to Be Most Diverse Ever

There are already at least five major Democratic candidates of color running for U.S. Senate in 2016, a significant boost in diversity to a group that has traditionally been overwhelmingly white. Of the 14 major Democratic Senate candidates thus far this cycle, 36 percent of them are people of color: state Attorney General Kamala Harris and Rep. Loretta Sanchez in California, Rep. Tammy Duckworth in Illinois, Rep. Donna Edwards in Maryland and former state Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto in Nevada.
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Billionaire Koch brothers' network takes cue from Obama's playbook
No matter the outcome, the ­ambitious undertaking spotlights how the Kochs and their allies have built a quasi-political party outside the traditional infrastructure, one made up of nonprofit groups financed with secret donations, free of campaign finance limits.
Jon Stewart's Jewnacular
Stewart's unabashed references to his (Jersey-bred) Jewish roots, which were finally broadcast in mash-up form during the July 23 program. Stewart brought on Democratic New York Senator Chuck Schumer, who introduced the segment wearing reading glasses. "Tonight, I'd actually like to celebrate your membership in the tribe," he said.
"You took one day's worth of schtick and kept it going for 16 years. Mazel tov!"

Fashion: From Barcelona to Bnei Brak
While "chic," "elegant" and "vogue" are words not often associated with clothing in a community where modesty is expected and clothes act as a physical manifestation of this, one woman is working alongside her family to change this perception. 'Fashion is an instant language," Miuccia Prada, the Italian designer and entrepreneur behind the iconic Prada brand, once stated. This sentiment has been echoed by many in fashion houses across the world, including one haredi entrepreneur in Jerusalem.

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If you have not renewed your membership, please consider doing so today, to help us pursue a strong US-Israel relationship, reproductive rights, and separation of religion and state.  Together we can make this a better world!



Janna Berk, President
Marcia Balonick, Executive Director
Joy Malkus, Research Director 

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Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a national network committed to the special relationship between the US and Israel and a social agenda that includes reproductive rights and separation of religion and state.  JACPAC supported US Senate and House candidates who uphold this agenda and maintains ongoing dialogue with those it helps elect.  In addition, JACPAC serves as a political resource for the Jewish community, furnishing information about candidates, elections and issues.
