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Happy Holidays From The AANR Staff


AANR office holiday hours:
The AANR office will be closed December 24-26 and
December 31-January 1.
  A Visit From St. Nick, Arizona Style

By Bev Price (With apologies to Clement C. Moore)


'Tis the night before Christmas and the desert is still.

The moon on the cactus reflects winter's chill.
The children are nestled (I've heard that before).
I'll bet they're just waiting for goodies galore!
Mom's in her kerchief (and not a thing more)
And I'm in my cap (but I don't know what for).
If we just had a lawn we might hear the clatter,
But we've got desert landscape. Is that what's the matter?
Is that why no driver, no miniature sleigh?
Does Santa fear thorns will get in his way?
Or maybe because there's no new fallen snow,
The eight tiny reindeer won't land here below?
More rapid than eagles, his coursers do fl y,
But is there a chance that they fl ew right on by?
And then in a twinkle I heard in the back,
The prancing and pawing-the drop of a pack.
Away to the window I fl ew like a fl ash.
I got there in time to see a huge splash!
Right there by my pool was a belt and a boot
And a big pile of clothes all tarnished with soot!
The bundle of toys all spilled from the pack,
And he looked like a whale afloat on his back.
His eyes how they twinkled, his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry.
He had not a stitch on his round little belly.
It shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.
A wink of my eye and a nod of my head
Soon gave him to know he had nothing to dread.
It made very good sense to a nudist like me,
That this man from North Pole could be happy and free
To shed all his clothes and swim a few laps,
While most of his clients took long winter naps.
I tossed him a towel and he spoke not a word -
Just gave me a nod and gathered his herd.
He sprang to his sleigh, to the team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down on a thistle.
You may not believe me, but I swear that it's true
That he called back to me as he fl ew out of view.
He said he'd be back when his travels were done,
To join up with AANR and to soak up some sun!
I could not quite hear him as he drove out of sight.
Did he say "Merry Christmas-and to all a good night?"



  Looking Ahead To 2015
FamilyThe new year will bring many exciting ideas and events as AANR fully implements CQ Roll Call, our new GAT legislative tracking tool.

Also for 2015, we're bringing back the World Record Skinny-Dip during Nude Recreation Week!

Watch for ongoing information about these great initiatives and much more as the new year unfolds.

Dates for 2015 regional meetings and conventions plus the AANR Convention, Nude Recreation Week and the AANR-SW Nude Racing Series and more are now online.


 Click here to view. 



AANR Member Benefits
In addition to expanding and protecting your freedom to enjoy nude living, AANR members also receive great member benefits through our partnerships with companies such as Office Depot, Costco, Life Lock Security, VPI Pet Insurance, car rentals, and much more.


To view the benefits and access the codes, log in to your member account on aanr.com.


Not yet an AANR member? Don't miss out on all the benefits of an AANR membership.  


Click here to join or join AANR through your favorite club. 



What's "Happening" In Your Area?
Laguna del Sol
The holiday season has arrived! While some AANR clubs are closed for the season, many continue to have events year-round and have some fabulous parties planned this month to celebrate the holidays and ring in the Nude Year!

Whether you're traveling or staying close to home you'll want to know what's going on at an AANR club near you by checking out the Club Happenings.

Click here to find events in your area so you don't miss a thing!
Castaways Travel Presents Hidden Beach Resort
Castaways 9-12 HB generic
Club Fantastico, Saint Martin