Debbi & Blue Moon Herbals

The cure for anything is salt water, sweat, tears, or the sea - Isak Dinesen


I could be anywhere, but here...saying goodbye

This past year has been a tough one. Besides the obvious (losing my home, business & possessions in 1 day) the toughest thing has been missing the sea whispering Her secrets & kissing my salty tears. For over 30 years the sea has been at my back door, keeping me focused, giving me strength & easing my soul. To see the sky & weather change with the sound of waves crashing against sand or rock is most sacred to me. The sea is constant & unpredictable all at once.  This frantic need of mine has only magnified over the course of this past year. And though it may not have been apparent to many, my creativity has waned & my focus on Blue Moon strained.

Fear vs. Love...I finally had to ask I living my life out of fear or love? Am I basing my decisions out of fear or love?

And suddenly the answer was clear. Living inland, trapped in the wrong scenery was not right for either me or the business. I live for the sea & am at my best when in or near water-it is what sustains me. Collette Aboulker-Muscat said "Nothing of value happens unless you take a leap into uncertainty". I knew that if I didn't make my leap now I never would. So I did the biggest trusting I have ever done & packed up my car.

I drove down to the Florida Keys on the 4th & am in the process of settling into a small seaside cottage in Cudjoe Key, 23 miles from Key West. I feel alive here. I plan to return periodically during the months of March through September for classes & a few shows. (Yes, Allentown is on the list).

And my creativity? It is returning in buckets. First up & poured in our signature roll-on bottle is Yemaya, the goddess who gives comfort, healing & hope in despair. She will live in your heart. There is also a special potion not on the website as yet-Ananda meaning joy or happiness in Sanskrit. This is a luscious blend of citruses, flowers, vetiver & sandalwood. Limited edition-$45. Last night I found myself dreaming of the dark magic of the bayou & Marie Laveau ...who knows what will come because Voodoo is a tantalizing thing, my doves.

I have some beautiful shard boxes coming in Tuesday . They will be filled with a very yummy solid floral fruit scent with grapefruit & ylang ylang amongst others. Just in time for Valentine's Day. More to come in the next newsletter.

Throughout the course of my life I have been blessed with so many good friends, customers, colleagues & relationships of all kinds...people who have been there, even when I couldn't always be there for them. My life would not have been nearly as enriched without any of you.

With sparkling tears of gratitude & joy...
