Thank you from Debbi & Blue Moon Herbals!

It has been 2 weeks since Hurricane Sandy made its way through the coast...changing the lives of all of us who live here. Until now, I did not feel up to writing, but much has changed. Early on I was vaguely aware of the fact that I would not be going home. We were watching the news and saw a video of the waves washing easily over the top of the dunes and boardwalk. It didn't take much imagination on my part to see those same waves lapping at the teeming waters of the surging bay and engulfing my little cottage. As peaceful as life can be by the ocean when the sun is out and the winds mild, the sea can turn wild & shred lives & property too.Hurricane Sandy was a strong reminder of nature's power and energy. And of its' beauty, I could never hate the sea.


After almost 2 weeks of not knowing we were finally allowed to travel onto the island by school bus this past Sunday. When I walked up the street, my brain did not want to process what my eyes were seeing. And the smell? Something I never could have imagined. It felt like we were on a movie set, not the place I called home. I was able to salvage a few things of my mothers, but could not get into my bedroom as piles of destroyed furniture blocked the way. The oddest thing happened in the kitchen though. The waters were 5 feet high, everything soaked except one of Theresa's Fairie dolls. Everything surrounding the doll was wet. It was as if the waters just swirled around the Fairie!!

A lot of what I owned is beyond repair, & painful as it is, it will be thrown out. Colleen says we need to accept the new normal. The past is just that. I will cherish that home and the time spent there with great friends in my memories. As of now, the definition of the word "home" for me is my friend Colleens' spare room.


"Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light ~ Helen Keller


The storm woke up aspects of my self that had been lying dormant- internal fears, beliefs, & much frustration. I could have easily dug into my hole, but I had you all.It was holding your hands, with their pooling strength, that showed me the way out of the sadness. "A friend is someone who knows your song and sings it to you when you have forgotten it". That is the gift I received from each of you. And that is what woke up my heart & my mind, allowing me to remember just how sacred each moment is.

I could have spent the rest of my life dwelling on the many things I lost, or focus instead on what I had left. I wanted to feel my soul rise, like a lotus above muddy water. The sacred lotus flower is a fitting symbol for my world today. With its roots in mud, the lotus rises through the murky waters to blossom clean and beautiful. Like a renewal-after enduring the worst of situations, it symbolizes resurrection and enlightenment.

Out of chaos can come new life-new life that is very good

Wednesday update- Maria went on the island & got into my house. (No problem because the door & window panes are broken). But the best news? She made her way over to the product area & found that no water had touched the top 3 shelves of both racks. She was able to retrieve all in stock mysts & bottled oils. I will go in Saturday for the surviving stash of oils. I am so thankful for this as the business was not covered for flooding. There will be changes however as Blue Moon rises from the ashes.

So many of you have offered to help and I thank you and let you know. I think the loss of my crystals & aromatherapy/herb books hurt the most (more than my clothes & shoes!). And if anyone knows a graphics designer willing to work with me on designing new labels it would be absolutely fantastic. I lost all 3 computers and the backup drives which contained amongst everything else the label templates.


Have a beautiful week & shine brightly!
