June 2016 | Issue #33

Your Monthly Exchanged Life Media News
To advance the indwelling Life of Christ in all believers by providing online media, article reviews, and book resources!  It is our goal to reach the Church with the revival message couched in terms of the exchanged life, which is desperately needed.  
- Dr. Charles R. Solomon | Dr. Stephen R. Phinney

It is difficult for Christians to know how to respond to homosexuality in today's culture.

Some believers argue the truth, while others remain silent to avoid offending. How can we lovingly, yet truthfully, respond?  Dennis Jernigan offers advice from a perspective the world says isn't possible, as one who turned from homosexuality to find freedom in Christ.

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Dr. Phinney Joins Grace Fellowship

IOM is pleased to share that Dr. Phinney has joined the Grace Fellowship International team to assist them in many of their goals. Dr. Phinney will maintain his leadership role with IOM America and Identity Matters Productions.

It gives me pleasure to announce that GFI has contracted with Dr. Phinney to head up our media outreach for the ensuing year. The goal is a combined effort to reach the Church with the revival message couched in terms of the exchanged life, which is desperately needed. Please pray for him and us! - Dr. Solomon


Finally, a children's story you can trust, with the teachings of the believer's identity in Christ.  With storyteller and animator Dr. Stephen Phinney, you can walk the "Gold Brick Road" with Jack, as he discovers the power of the indwelling Life of Jesus.

With over 200 episodes planned and 100 already posted, you can make use of these stories in "Children's Church," as a private family story time, or simply to enrich your day.  Jack now has his own App - go to your Play Store on your phone, search out Sermon.net, download the App, type in Dr. Phinney in search bar, and then tap and go. 

Check Out Jack's Stories Here
Identity Matters Productions

Indwelling Light | Inspirational Video (1:24 min)

Identity Matters Productions is an outreach of IOM America.  This short film quickly states that the Light and Life of Jesus Christ is the identity marker of the WHO in the believer.  Learn More | www.IOMAmerica.org  
Michael W. Smith | Shine On Us

Michael W. Smith returns with an all new HYMNS collection titled HYMNS II: SHINE ON US.

I am a huge fan of Christ in Smitty and the way the Holy Spirit uses him to bring believers before the thrown of God. Our church uses his works of Christ in our worship service on a regular basis - our people particularly enjoy his Hymns collection!  - Pastor/Kansas

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Dr. Charles R. Solomon | Revival Now

Dr. Charles Solomon has written this book on how the Galatians 2:20 message can be a catalyst for personal and church revival.

The Church has faithfully taught Christ's death and resurrection for us; now, the same faithfulness must be exercised in our death and resurrection with Him - from a partial to a complete gospel message and a New Reformation!  - Charles Solomon

Link To Ordering/Reviewing
Identity Matters Productions

DUST OF FLESH | Video (1:54 min)

IOM Productions brings you a short film communicating the believer's flesh is "dust, with an emphasis on the believer's co-death, burial, resurrection, and ascension with Jesus. 
Identity Matters Worship

RISEN IN CHRIST | Music Video (4:57 min)

Identity Matters Productions in partnership with Matt Maher, brings you Risen Through Identity - a worship video connecting the believer to identity in Christ through Matt's powerful rendition of Risen in Christ.  We hope you are blessed!  
Identity Matters Writers | Article Archive Click Here

Identity Matters Media | IOM America | 602-292-2982 | corporate@IOMAmerica.org