Recently, I was reading some up-to-date research on the price our nation has had to pay for the mothers of our children working outside the home. The results were alarming, to say the least. The reason why Hillary Clinton said that she wrote the book "It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us" is because there are few mothers at home to raise a child. This was quite a confession from a working mother.
I wish I could say that the reason mothers want to work outside of the home is because they are forced to, by our present state of a fatherless society. But the truth being said, this is not the number one surveyed reason. The primary reason stated was that the men won't work outside of the home. I must admit, this is one of those times I will have to agree with a worldly statistic. It is proven there are more men in the unemployment line than women...
Steve PhinneyIOM Ministry Host
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