Muslims vs. True Indwelt Christians
The Rothschild Connection
Why I Am Writing This Series

In a world that has separated evil into subcategories such as radical Muslims, religious extremists, peace-loving Muslims, radical Christianity, orthodox Jews, ISIS, universal faith, ISIL, Islam, Sunni, and Shia - what is a person to believe? I will tell you what is forcing the common culture of our day to believe and accept the embracing of "The Soft Side of Satan." All of what I will share with you, in this writing project, will be based on a war that has been going on between two brothers for thousands of years - that of Ishmael and Isaac.


The Next Generation
Swiss banking secrecy laws are reformed and it becomes an offense resulting in imprisonment for any bank employee to violate bank secrecy. This is all in preparation for the Rothschild engineered Second World War. As usual, they will fund both sides.
Edmond de Rothschild dies.
 With regard to the increase in anti-Semitism in Germany, Samuel Landman (secretary to the World Zionist Organization, at the time), in his 1936 book, Great Britain, The Jews, and Palestine states the following of the United States entry into World War I,
"The fact that it was Jewish help that brought USA into the War on the side of the Allies has rankled ever since in German - especially Nazi - minds, and has contributed in no small measure to the prominence which anti-Semitism occupies in the Nazi program."
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Third Target
A novel that unravels an explosion of horrendous proportions in country and man over the battle of the regions of Islam.
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The Final Battle
The Book Of Revelation - The Final Battle is an extensive Biblical study on the New Testament book of Revelation.
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Unveiling Islam
Raised as Sunni Muslims, brothers Ergun and Emir Caner converted from Islam to Indwelt Christianity as teenagers.
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