A popular Christian phrase of a few years ago was, "What would Jesus do?" The obvious intent was to motivate Christians to think about the response Jesus would have in certain situations and then do likewise. But sanctification is not imitation. The point of sanctification is to bring us to a place where we depend on Jesus to do what He does naturally through us. Trying to figure out what that action would be so that we can copy it is operating by our flesh.
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation" (Colossians 1:15).
This verse is speaking of Christ. Now the use of the Greek word "eikōn" or "image" is significant. There is another word the apostle Paul could have used, which would also be translated "image" in the English language. The Greek word "homoiōma" also means "image," but there is one distinct difference in the meaning of the two words in the Greek language.
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Debbie Childers 
IOM Staff Writer

Contact: Debbie Childers
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By Dr. Stephen Phinney
The Father makes it clear that He is the beginning and the end. If we were able to find all the spoken and inspired words describing God in the Word of God, we still would not come close to describing the Father of heaven. It will take eternity for us to discover all the attributes of God. This is the primary reason why we should be so excited about going to the Father and spending eternity with Him. This book opens the door to knowing the Faithful Father as the Bride of Christ.
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