Just as hieroglyphics were pictures with a meaning, in like manner, God used pictorial representation to explain what He intended. One of God's pictorial preliminaries was the nation of Israel. As a physical people and nation, they represented the spiritual peoples who would receive the Resurrection-life of Jesus Christ; people who had striven with God, and surrendered to God, and
in whom God now rules (Gen. 32:28; 35:10). Thus, it is that Christians are now the "Israel of God" (Gal. 6:16), though not descended from physical Israel (Rom. 9:6). Christ rules as risen Lord in the lives of the holy nation (1 Peter 2:9) of Christian Israel; that is, all Christians who have received His Resurrection-life by faith and are living by faith.
Many who call themselves "Christians" seem to be oblivious to and unconcerned about the fact that the character of their behavior is selfishly misrepresentation of Jesus Christ, and fails to manifest the "fruit of the Spirit."
Identity Matters Productions, with the support of IOM America, and The Piano Guys, we bless you with IDENTITY IN CHRIST, LET IT GO. This short-film is filled with scriptural quotes of who the believer is in Christ.
Identity Matters Production, in partnership with IOM America, has produced a short video that unfolds Dr. Phinney's new podcast series: True Grace. This series will disrobe the lies and confirm the real truth about the GRACE of God.
Our ministry, as well as our writers, are featured in publications around the world. If you are a writer who focuses on the exchanging Life of Christ and the believer's identity in Jesus - call us for an interview - you might become one of our writers.