Quotes From A Confused World
Why I Am Writing This Series

In a world that has separated evil into subcategories such as radical Muslims, religious extremists, peace-loving Muslims, radical Christianity, orthodox Jews, ISIS, universal faith, ISIL, Islam, Sunni, and Shia - what is a person to believe? I will tell you what is forcing the common culture of our day to believe and accept the embracing of "The Soft Side of Satan." All of what I will share with you, in this writing project, will be based on a war that has been going on between two brothers for thousands of years - that of Ishmael and Isaac.


The Next Generation
By Dr. Stephen R. Phinney
1777  Nathan Mayer Rothschild was born.
Adam Weishaupt issued his order for the French Revolution to be started by Maximillian Robespierre in book form. This book was written by one of Weishaupt's associates, Xavier Zwack, and sent by courier from Frankfurt to Paris. However, enroute there, the courier was struck by lightning, the book detailing the plan was discovered by the police, and it was handed over to the Bavarian authorities.
As a consequence, the Bavarian government ordered the police to raid Weishaupt's Masonic Lodges of the Grand Orient, and the homes of his most influential associates. Clearly, the Bavarian authorities were convinced that this discovered book, by a private group of influential people, was a very real threat - to use wars and revolutions to achieve their political ends.
The Bavarian government outlawed the Illuminati and closed all the Bavarian lodges of the Grand Orient.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild moved his family home to a five-story house in Frankfurt, which he shared with the Schiff family.
The Bavarian government published the details of the Illuminati plot in a document entitled, "The Original Writings of The Order and Sect of The Illuminati." They then sent this document to all the heads of church and state throughout Europe. But sadly, their warning was ignored.
Author's Special Warning: Read More
Third Target
A novel that unravels an explosion of horrendous proportions in country and man over the battle of the regions of Islam.
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The Final Battle
The Book Of Revelation - The Final Battle is an extensive Biblical study on the New Testament book of Revelation.
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Unveiling Islam
Raised as Sunni Muslims, brothers Ergun and Emir Caner converted from Islam to Indwelt Christianity as teenagers.
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