
No. 9

Here We Go Again

Thank you for your spiritual, relational, and financial support to the mission our Lord has given us.
Your devotion in advancing the message of the Cross is held dear to our Savior's heart!
Anyone, who has walked with me through the trenches of global ministry, certainly knows my commitment to advancing the message of "Not I, but Christ." A friend recently said to me; "If I cut you, you would bleed Identity in Christ wouldn't you?" To that I said, "I certainly hope so."
It is one of my greatest honors and privileges to share with you the opportunities and ministry developments that Jesus has accomplished through the frail, but dedicated, IOM volunteers (servants) of our Lord.
2015 has been a busy year - in more ways than we expected. My precious wife (Jane) has stated several times over the past couple months that this year has been the most difficult in all the years we have been in ministry. Through Christ using our little ministry, we have seen conversions in the likes of a Chancellor of the UN, to a Hindu Guru in the sticks of India. But the real struggle for us has been the heartache and personal burden we carry in personal relationships.
It is no newsflash that we are living in the Great Apostasy the Word speaks of in the Bible. We also understand that the closer we get to the final standoff between Satan and Jesus, the more the body of Christ will suffer temptations of deception like never before. What we weren't quite ready for was the betrayal of family and friends. In this past year, we have watched the enemy destroy some of our most valued relationships.  Read More... 

Dr. Stephen R. Phinney
Founder/Ministry Host
IOM America | International Fellowship of Exchanged Life 

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It is really important that we understand "grace" in the specific way it is used in the New Testament Scriptures - not by the Emergent Church of today! We need to have a new covenant understanding of "grace" in relation to Jesus Christ. In evangelical theology today, the inadequate definitions of "grace" are leading to some disastrous theological perversions, like: law-oriented, "works"-oriented, performance-based "Christian" living, which are still being designated as "grace." There are many ministers, today, who are reading their emergent understandings of "grace" back into their interpretations of what the Bible has to say about grace. They end up with universal theologies; and sadly, miss all that God has for them in the "grace" of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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I O M   A M E R I C A

IOM America is a tax-deductible 501c(3) nonprofit with the goal of helping members of the body of Christ to experience, mature in, and communicate effectively the message of identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension in their various spheres of influence. Our ministry comes by way of a 3-Fold Vision: Biblical Worldview, Discipleship & Training,  and the Exchanged Life Global Initiative.  All three fold into the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life E-Community (IFEL).  Read Full Mission Statement

This publication is managed and owned by Exchanging Life Publishing.  Send editorial comments to:  
Kathy Hill: Colorado Springs, CO