August 17,  2015

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Could it be that, today, many Believers are "Dead Sea Christians?" ...This explains why many of Jesus' followers are so boring and lacking in spiritual energy. They attend exciting Bible conferences, listen to Christian music, regularly do their devotions, attend youth group, and even take notes from the pastor. 
Yet, the results of all these efforts are comatose Christianity. Such individuals are like the Dead Sea. How could this happen? Simple: they have several "inlets," but no "outlets." To be vibrant and useful Believers, we must not only "take in" all we can, but we must also "give out" in ministry to others!
- Pastor Bruce "Dos" Carter
Please join me in welcoming Pastor "Dos" as he shares with us "Dead Sea Christians." Read more below
Kathy Hill
Managing Editor
Exchanging Life Publishing

Rivers of Living Water
"'He who believes in Me (Jesus Christ), as the Scripture has said, out of his very heart (the center of his being) will flow rivers of living water'" (John 7:38, NKJV).

By Pastor Bruce "Dos" Carter, contributing writer and VP of digital communications

It's called "The Dead Sea Effect," and many in America attend THE CHURCH OF THE DEAD SEA. Have you ever read much about the Dead Sea? It is fascinating study. If you have, you might recall: 
  • The shoreline of the Dead Sea is 1,371 feet (417.9 m) 1, 2 below sea level, which is the lowest point of dry land on earth. 2
  • The Dead Sea is the deepest salty lake in the world at 1,083 feet (330.1 m) deep, and sits 2,621 feet (799 m) below sea level. 2
  • It is one of the world's saltiest bodies of water. The salt content is ~34.2% (in 2011). 3
  • It is 9.6 times as salty as the ocean. 3
In Hebrew, the Dead Sea is called the Yam ha-Melakh, meaning "Sea of Salt," literally, the "Sea of Death."  The sea is called "dead" because its high salinity means no macroscopic, aquatic organisms (such as fish or water plants) can live in it. Due to its unusually high concentration of salt, anyone can easily float in it.

The Dead Sea is dead because, although there is plenty of water flowing in, there is nothing flowing out. The Dead Sea cannot sustain life because there is no outlet, creating a stagnant body of water.  We become "Dead Sea Christians," NOT by a lack of intake, but by a lack of outflow. A great amount of water pours into this body of water, but nothing flows out.

The Word of God tells us-
"Let each be fully assured (convinced) in his own mind" (Romans 14:5). 
It goes on to say-
"For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself" (Romans 14:7).
"'He who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water'" (John 7:38).
Could it be that, today, many Believers are "Dead Sea Christians?" You see, this law of nature can also be applied to the child of God, and it explains why many of Jesus' followers are so boring and lacking in spiritual energy. They attend exciting Bible conferences, listen to Christian music, regularly do their devotions, attend youth group, and even take notes from the pastor. 
Yet, the results of all these efforts are comatose Christianity. Such individuals are like the Dead Sea. How could this happen? Simple: they have several "inlets," but no "outlets." To be vibrant and useful Believers, we must not only "take in" all we can, but we must also "give out" in ministry to others!
It's great to have all the fulfilling inlets, but it is time to... read more here

The Cross of Exchange
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Pastor Bruce "Dos" Carter (Georgia, USA) is a contributing writer for IOM America - Transformational Biblical Worldview & Exchange Life Development. He is also IOM America's Vice President of Digital Communications.
Permission obtained from author to republish Dead Sea Christians. Copyright � 2012 (original), 2015 (updated) by Pastor Bruce Wayne Carter (AKA Pastor "Dos). IOM America's editorial changes to original approved by author.
Reference Note: all websites accessed August 16, 2015
1 Metric conversions from Science Made Simple 
2 "The Dead Sea."  Israel Tour Connection,
3 "Dead Sea." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
Scripture note: Changes made to original verses [i.e. bold, indent, underline, parenthetical contents...] are by this article's author for emphasis and/or clarification.
Unless otherwise specified, Scripture quotations are taken from the New  King James Version. Copyright� 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.  All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, public domain. 
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