IOM Worldview News
Universalism - Some philosophers have referred to an abstract universalism, wherein all thought must find unification in a particular standard of understanding. Everything, without exception, is alleged to find empowerment and meaning from a common source. The religious expression of this guess work is found in the "Science of the Mind" tenets, which became the foundation of Christian Science and Religious Science.
Eastern philosophical and religious expressions of this form of universalism are formulated in monistic (single source) concepts of oneness. All is essentially and universally one, despite the illusory appearances of differentiation. If not pantheistic (everything is God), this form of universalism may espouse pantheism (everything is in God, and we must "see God in everything").
Sociologically, some have adopted a moral universalism, wherein every individual, without exception, is obliged to seek the highest teleological objective and welfare of all other persons in the society. Such universalistic democratic concern for all within the social community is advocated as a moral necessity for an ideal society.
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Dr. Stephen R. Phinney Founder/Ministry Host Dr. Jim Fowler IOM Staff Writer & TheologianIOM America | International Fellowship of Exchanged Life Email Dr. Phinney Your Comments

Throughout the history of religious thought, there has been a recurrent tendency to advocate a blind tolerance of religious differences, and to project an overriding universality to human religious aspirations. All religions are regarded as having equal validity, for all religions are alleged to lead to the same God, and to the same destiny for mankind. "All spiritual paths lead up to the same mountaintop called 'God.'" In this fruitless attempt to promote universal religious unity, all concerns for truth or falsehood, orthodoxy or heresy, are avoided.
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As many of our readers know, we produce "remixes" of quality music videos. Oftentimes, musicians neglect integrating identity messages within their productions. Redeemed is one of our favorite videos.
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Rob Bell Confesses - No Hell
One of our nation's leading "ministers" confesses that there is no such thing as Hell, and any God that would create such a place is not worth of humanity.
Source: IOM News Watch His Confession
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It is a great privilege to introduce you to the Life Without Limbs organization. My name is Nick Vujicic and I'm 31 years old. I was born without arms or legs and given no medical reason for this condition. Faced with countless challenges and obstacles, God has given me the strength to surmount what others might call impossible. - Nick
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In a world that has separated evil into subcategories, such as: radical Muslims, religious extremists, peace-loving Muslims, radical Christianity, orthodox Jews, ISIS, universal faith, ISIL, Islam, Sunni, and Shia - what is a person to believe? This series will attempt to answer these questions. Sign Up Here
| I Am Potential: Just Got A Five Star Rating |
I AM POTENTIAL: Patrick Henry Hughes Story
The story of a son and his father, that drew media attention across the country, has now made its way to the big screen.
The movie "I Am Potential" premiered earlier this month in Louisville, Kentucky, and will have a limited release before being made available on DVD. It's the second feature length film produced by the American Family Association.
Jeff Chamblee, director of American Family Studios, says the story is based on the true story of Patrick Henry Hughes, who was born without eyes and the hope of every walking.
"And it's also about the sacrificial love of his father who gave up everything to make his son's dreams come true," Chamblee tells OneNewsNow.
Source: One News Now

Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts
David Daleiden and his group, Center for Medical Progress, are in the process of releasing a series of videos that he says show Planned Parenthood senior executives involved in selling baby body parts. The first video showed PPFA Senior Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola admitting to using partial-birth abortions to get intact body parts to sell. The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a felony.
Source: World Magazine Read More

After an exodus of 1 million Christians fled Baghdad - spurred by the chaos that ensued after the U.S.-led invasion of the country in 2003 - there have been some 7,000 violations against Christian property owners in the city. As approximately two-thirds of Iraq's Christian population fled the country to evade Islamic militants, their homes were confiscated, and illegally placed on the market for immediate sale.
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IOM America is a tax-deductible 501c(3) nonprofit with the goal of helping members of the body of Christ to experience, mature in, and communicate effectively the message of identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension in their various spheres of influence. Our ministry comes by way of a 3-Fold Vision: Biblical Worldview, Discipleship & Training, and the Exchanged Life Global Initiative. All three fold into the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life E-Community (IFEL). Read Full Mission Statement
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