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# 65 Identity in Finances:
Serving God Over Money 

Have you ever thought about the irony of someone asking if you would give up everything to serve Jesus? I certainly have. If we say "yes," we know God will soon test our motives. If we say "no," God will most likely bring us to the point of saying "yes." What is a Christian to do? Well, honestly, most Christians become lukewarm.


I can't change the fact that God tests whom He loves (Prov. 17:3). This is a real hardcore fact we simply cannot escape, if we love the Lord. Testing is a part of growth and growth is needed to sustain the attacks of the enemy. In the Scriptures, I have found two primary principles God requires of us, to get us to the point of serving Him rather than money.


#1 - List All the Things You Love


What we love is what we worship. This practical principle drives us every day and moment of life. God will always go after the things we love more than Him. It doesn't mean He will kill and destroy each of our huggable lovables. What it does mean is He will direct us to bring the people, places, and things that summon our affections before the altar of sacrifice. If we cannot say with our actions that these objects of love are dedicated to Him, there is a serious problem with our walk in and with Him. He knows these objects WILL become objects of worship. When we start hugging a tree more than Jesus Christ, well, we are begging to be hung on it (Gal. 2:20).


The best way to find out if something is more important to you than God is by thinking, "If God took it away, would I go into a meltdown to the point of questioning God?" It could be one or more of any of the following: money; location; children; parents; job; church; ministry; material possessions; family heirlooms; or a host of others people, places, or things.


One of the most popular stories in the Bible that God uses to communicate the importance of this message is Abraham and his son Isaac (Gen. 21-22). Keep in mind that Abraham had to wait on God for 80+ years to get his son. God is now asking him to "offer him (Isaac) there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell you" (Gen. 22:2). God was testing Abraham of his loyalty to Him versus his son, Isaac. He (God) was also demonstrating the perfect kind of love: sacrificing the people, place, and things meaning the most to us, for the simple sake of love and loyalty to the One who created the things we hold onto the most. In addition, this was a prophetic act and replica of what God, Himself, was about to do with His own Son in the future. Even though it appears God is ...read more here


Identity in Finances: Serving God Over Money. Copyright � 2015 IOM America. Permission to reproduce for educational purposes. Please keep author's name intact.


Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures are taken from the New American Standard Bible, � Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.


Dr. Stephen R. Phinney               PDF version:  click here
Founder/Ministry Host
IOM America/IFEL

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By Dr. Stephen R. Phinney


Identity Matters: Workbook & Conference Guide is a 13 week course designed for a combination of individual, small group & conference study guide. It is a course in the personal discovery of a believer's co-death, burial, resurrection & ascension in Christ Jesus - the Exchanged Life.



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