By Dr. Stephen R. Phinney
I tend to be a simpleminded man. When it comes to under-standing the times, I look more to the obvious, first, and then begin my research and biblical study from what God and His enemy have already established in and on the earth. This is why I would like to direct your attention to the most Holy hill on the face of the earth, which not only houses the original Holy Temple place of God (Temple Jerusalem), but is home to the Dome of the Rock (Muslim). This obvious reveal characterizes the two primary groups who will fight for controlling rights of the end-times. The first group (Jewish/Christian) are direct descendants of Isaac. The second group (Muslims) are descendants of Ishmael.
This Holy place is divided into four groups - the Four Quarters of the Old City. It is all clearly documented in past and present history.
These quarters are prophetic in understanding who the final players will be in the final battle. The quadrants are:
- Muslim Quarter - Muslim race
- Christian Quarter - members of the nation of Catholicism
- Armenian Quarter -Turkish and (Indo-European) races
- Jewish Quarter - sons of David, Christians/Jews
Please take special notice of these groups. Most would place the born-again Christian in the "Christian Quarter." In actuality, this quarter is completely run and controlled by the nation of Catholicism - the Roman State Catholic Church. This is why the Catholic Church does not support the Protestant Church, which traditionally believes in the born-again, indwelt, and grafted into Christ experience. True indwelt Christians are represented under the Jewish Quarter. The reason for this is Christians are grafted into the body of the pure bloodline of Isaac (the Jews) through Christ Jesus (Romans 11:17-24). Each of these groups also represent a nation, or collective groups of nations - the Muslim Quarter (all Islamic Sunni-based nations), the Christian Quarter (all nations run by the Vatican), the Armenian Quarter (all Islamic Shia-based nations), and the Jewish Quarter (the only Jewish nation - Israel).
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