IOM Worldview News
| Universalism vs Christianity
The history of the word "Christian" was quickly adopted by the world as a term to label those who followed Christ Jesus - being indwelt by the Holy Spirit (born-again) or not. The term is used in the post-church era of today in the same fashion, except the "Christ" in Christ-ian is not necessarily Jesus Christ; this means it does not necessarily separate the indwelt (Holy Spirit indwelt) believers/disciples from those who intellectually follow Jesus Christ, or a Christ like figure, by way of their self-effort (works). Thus, the term "Christian" no longer means Bridal/Body member of Jesus Christ, nor did it ever accurately communicate the definition of true indwelt followers of Jesus. This is why I make it a habit to use the term indwelt Christian, which accurately communicates Christ Jesus' followers who have the Holy Spirit indwelling them. On the other hand, Universalism, and those who are duped by such deception, believe that reason and belief are complementary and that religion (what man believes about God) and science (what man can prove about himself & his environment) can co-exist and guide them in their understanding of the nature and identity of God. They also do not enforce belief in creeds or dogmatic formulas (Biblical mandates), nor embrace the reality of the indwelling Life of Jesus - but rather place their emphasis on being "followers of Christ." They do maintain a flexibility in the degrees of belief or basic truths for the individual Universalistic approach to being "Christian," thus adopting multiple pathways to God - ultimately denying that Jesus is the only way, truth & life. Their general principles of "faith" have been recognized as a way to bind the group in some commonality. Adherents generally accept religious pluralism and find value in all teachings, but remain committed to their core belief in their interpretations of Christ's teachings. Universalist Christians value a secular society and tend to accept all humans into their fellowships as long as they mention the name of God, Christ & occasionally Jesus. Read Full Publication
Dr. Stephen R. PhinneyFounder/Ministry HostIOM America | International Fellowship of Exchanged Life Email Dr. Phinney Your Comments

In this issue of Exchanged, you will find articles on our mission in Pakistan, update on Dr. Phinney's new book (Soft Side Of Satan) and news from around the world.
Feature Article: IDENTITY IN SEXUALITY. A few days ago the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments on a case that will result in a landmark decision that will affect all U.S. marriage laws and the future of the family in the United States. Of course, this will have international implications as well. - Sharon Slater
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A Christian legal advocacy organization says the United States Senate has taken a significant step in the fight for the freedom of Americans held hostage in Iran.
American Center for Law and JusticeOn May 11, the Senate unanimously passed a resolution calling for the release of American hostages held in Iran, including Pastor Saeed Abedini. (ACLJ) Senior Counsel for Digital Advocacy Matthew Clark says that the resolution was approved just a couple of days apart from the passage of legislation that allows Congress to review and vote on a final deal on Iran's nuclear program.
"The same senators who unanimously passed this demand for Pastor Saeed and the other Americans' freedom are the same senators who will now have the authority to review any potential deal or final deal with Iran over the nuclear negotiations," Barber contended. "And so they have made their point crystal clear that without the Americans' freedom, there can be no deal."
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After President Barack Obama addressed a crowd at a Georgetown University symposium this month to focus on poverty, world-renowned creationist Ken Ham pointed out the president's blatant disregard for Scripture, saying he only invokes God's Word when it fits in with his agenda. Ham indicates that he has noticed the president frequently being quick to use Scripture when it helps him to move his social agendas forward, Charisma News reports. While speaking at the Georgetown campus in the nation's capital, Obama insisted that meeting the needs of the poor should be inspired and encouraged by faith-based groups that are seeking to serve - as God calls believers in the Bible to feed and clothe the destitute.
Source: One News Now Read More

An independent advisory board to the federal government says that overall the picture of persecution against religious minorities is grim. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom recently released its 2015 annual report. USCIRF chair Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett says the world is seeing "very grave assaults on fundamental religious freedom" reaching "unprecedented levels particularly in the Middle East with the violent attacks by ISIS." She outlines some of the human tragedies as a result of conflicts in which religion plays a key factor.
Source: OneNews Now Read More
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In a world that has separated evil into subcategories such as radical Muslims, religious extremist, peace loving Muslims, radical Christianity, orthodox Jews, ISIS, universal faith, ISIL, Islam, Sunni and Shia - what is a person to believe? This series will attempt to answer these questions. Sign Up Here

Judgment is coming, says Ann Graham Lotz! Since speaking at a prophesy seminar with biblical expert and New York Times Bestselling Author Joel Rosenberg last spring at The Cove's Billy Graham Training Center, Lotz feels called by God to alert America of impending judgment. No doubt about it The gravity of two powerful messages from God - given in Joel 1:1 and Joel 2:17 - has been something that has weighed on her heart so heavily that she knew God was calling her to put America on high alert. "The impact on me was profound," the daughter of world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham recently explained on her site. "Both times, when I stepped off of the platform, I knew God had spoken."
Source: One News Now | Read More

A U.S.-born Israeli author and former politician isn't a bit surprised the Vatican has officially recognized a so-called "Palestinian state."
In a new treaty finalized this week, the Vatican has officially recognized a state of Palestine, immediately sparking Israeli ire. The treaty, which concerns the activities of the Roman Catholic Church in Palestinian territory, makes clear that the Holy See has switched its diplomatic recognition from the Palestine Liberation Organization to the state of Palestine.
David Rubin, the former mayor of the Israeli town of Shiloh, reacts: "Unfortunately I can't say that I'm surprised by the Vatican's announcement. The Vatican has been notoriously unfriendly towards Israel over the years - and this is just one more expression that."
Source: One News Now Read More

UPDATE: On Thursday afternoon, the Texas House passed the Pastor Protection Bill with a 141-2 vote, a vindication for religious liberty advocates who argued the issue of conscience transcended political lines and deserved public debate.
Pastors from across the state who lobbied legislators throughout the session for a total of 10 religious liberty bills applauded yesterday's vote but called it only a small step in a larger battle against religious liberties. The bill, which protects pastors from being sued for refusing to officiate same-sex weddings, is scheduled for a third and final reading Friday. Once passed by the House, Gov. Greg Abbott said he would sign it, putting the measure into immediate effect.
Source: World Magazine Read More

WHY HE MOVED TO AFRICA: Voddie Baucham is a husband, father, pastor, author, professor, conference speaker, and church planter. He currently serves as pastor of preaching at Grace Family Baptist Church in Spring, Texas. He's also served as an adjunct professor at Reformed Theological Seminary in Houston. Whether teaching on classical apologetic issues such as the validity and historicity of the Bible or the resurrection of Christ or teaching on cultural issues, such as gender roles, marriage, and family, he says his goal is to help people understand the significance of thinking and living biblically in every area of life. We had this conversation at an event hosted by Alliance Defending Freedom.
Source: World Magazine: Read More
IOM America is a tax-deductible 501c(3) nonprofit with the goal of helping members of the body of Christ to experience, mature in, and communicate effectively the message of identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension in their various spheres of influence. Our ministry comes by way of a 3-Fold Vision: Biblical Worldview, Discipleship & Training and the Exchanged Life Global Initiative. All three fold into the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life E-Community (IFEL). Read Full Mission Statement
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