Fellow Workers of The Cross,

IOM America has provided services to the Exchanged Life community for over 15 years, even though my wife and I have been active with other ministries advancing the message of "Not I, but Christ" since 1978. 

One of our specific goals has been to establish an online community where workers of the Cross could gather for growth and networking - The Exchanged Life Global Initiative.  Before releasing such an initiative online, we had the God-sized task of reaching existing ministries and individuals who practice such life changing Truths.  Even though we rarely do this, we thought it would be wise to give you a few statistics of the Lord's accomplishments:

Since the conception of the Initiative, we have: 

  • sent 3,123 articles via e-mails to 1.8 million in-boxes
  • developed our "senders list" from 85 to 41,000 ministries and individuals - sent 3 times a week
  • developed our "LinkedIn Leadership" list from 15 to 2,887 - each having an average of 200 "forwards"
  • established the IOM Exchanged Writers Team - now 10+ authors
  • built our Exchanged Life Video views from 85 to 1,200,000
  • seen our website(s) visits per month increase - now averaging 40,000 - through "tagging"
  • provided a million-plus free downloads (PDFs, videos, audios, etc.)
Even though the Lord has blessed us with other ministry objectives, we wanted to show you the simple fact that our numbers are conducive to releasing the Exchanged Life Global Community online.  All of what we have done up to this point has grown a network list worthy of such an e-community.  We believe we are ready for such an adventure.

Outside of our International Fellowship of Exchanged Life network, there is one other ministry/network I consider to be a leader in uniting workers of the Cross.  And at this point in time, this is the only ministry I trust with our Initiative.  Through recent dialogue and negotiations, both groups have agreed to examine the possibility of a merge, in order to accomplish the Global Initiative.  I will begin commuting to their home office in May for a series of "how to" meetings.   

After creating a budget, we are asking our readers to consider contributing to the financial challenge that comes with our next step.  Our ministry has divided the need into four quarters, each hosting a $12,000 need.  If each of our readers gave $1 toward this campaign, we would meet our budget need for the entire year. But understanding donor patterns - we know this is unreasonable.  Therefore, we are asking for your assistance in reaching our goal. Any sized gift is considered honorable. We commit to keeping you posted on how the campaign is advancing throughout the year. 

Thank you for standing with us and being a part of fulfilling the Great Commission! 

Steve - BW
Steve: Signature

Dr. Stephen R. Phinney
Founder/Ministry Host

* To contribute, please click on the "Yes I Want To Help" button below.  Keep in mind that all donations are tax-deductible by law.  Donor receipts will be mailed to you by our accounting department. 

For those of you who are new to the Exchanged Life Global Initiative, click here for a free e-book version of the booklet.

Copyright � 2015 |IOM AMERICA | P.O. Box 71, Sterling, KS 67579 |
Permission Granted To Forward