April 6, 2015

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"I was taught that the flesh in me was a sinful nature, and I would always naturally love and want to sin - although, I would be conflicted because I had been saved. I was also taught, mostly by default, there was no real remedy to the sin problem in this life, since this nature in me was pretty much the equal of the Spirit of Christ in me. Many of us continue to believe that we remain fundamentally deceptive and wicked, always yearning for sin, and "Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it"? 1 True or false? No! There's no Easter Sunday in this stuff. May it never be!"  - Dan Camp


Please join me, today, as we welcome IFEL writer, Dan Camp, as he shares with us "Focusing on Christ."

Read more below


1 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. Words by Robert Robinson (1758), traditional American melody (NETTLETON) by John Wyeth from Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second (1813). Public domain.


Kathy Hill

Managing editor

Exchanging Life Publishing


Victory through Jesus


"Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ"

(1 Cor. 15:57).  


Focusing on Christ, Understanding the Flesh Better

By Dan Camp, contributing writer, editor, member Board of Directors/Advisory Board for IOM America

The flesh," in the Bible, is a very broad subject, and is addressed many times. In this article, I will focus primarily on Jesus and His meaning of the word after Grace becomes the New Covenant/New Creation "Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)" of faith and practice. The Greek word, "sarx," is often mis-translated in many Bibles as, "sinful nature." This topic is very important to identify. Therefore, we must spend some time working it. Let's begin!


"Sinful nature" is a man-made term. "Sinful nature" is not in the Bible. In other words, the Bible does not use this concept. Instead, the scriptures are very particular about the words that explain the "parts" of the makeup of man.


Where God has been very particular with His words, we must be very particular with ours.


Paul was very educated, to the level of the highest Levitical and Pharisaical scholars (it is for this very reason that modern academians, including skeptics and atheists, almost unanimously respect Paul). He could have easily identified, using words he knew well in Hebrew or Greek, a "sinful nature," but The Great Apostle never does so. This is an enormous truth.


If Paul did not use "sinful nature," no one should - ever.


In the New Covenant, the words, "old man," and "old self" are used when referring to the fallen condition of man, inherited from the "first Adam." This fallen condition specifically entails separation from right relationship with God and the absence of His Eternal Life, both in the individual's practice (daily functioning) and promise (eternal security). When Adam died, he died to God in soul, body, AND spirit. Adam's invisible spirit, the internal "part" designed by God to contain God (His indispensible Life), was not annihilated. Man remained, and remains, primarily a spiritual and eternal being.


No doubt, our daily human experiences are overwhelmingly about what we may correctly refer to as our "Bios life." But our human "Zoe life" is, in fact, the higher and more real part of our persons. The reality of the zoe (spiritual, or inner life), is taught, supported, and assumed from cover to cover in the Bible, beginning with the clear description of the design of humankind:


"Then God (Elohim) said, 'Let Us make man in Our image (Three in One), according to Our likeness (One in Three)...'" (Genesis 1:26a).


One of the most surprising facts about the New Testament (especially after our Lord Jesus' ascension, and throughout the epistles), are sets of presuppositions, which include many commonly understood teachings in the first generation Body of Christ. And these presuppositions can only be grasped, understood, and properly applied by revelation and Spirit, not by sarx and reasoning. These sets of presuppositions have been, and still are, routinely missed in the modern church around the world, because they are spiritually discerned. However, they can be confirmed by our Father in contextual studies of the "whole counsel" of Scripture that is available throughout the Body. The "noble Bereans" were commended for their proper dependence on Christ, not on men, and for their willingness to let Him renew their thinking about everything (Acts 17:11; Rom. 12:2).


Scarcity sometimes means certainty.


Let's take a hard look at one of those understood realities among early believers. Keep in mind, sometimes the scarcity of the Bible's teachings and verses about a subject indicate a presupposition that was common knowledge; therefore, it was not...read more here 


The Cross of Exchange
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Dan Camp (Georgia, USA) is a contributing writer, editor, and member of the Board of Directors/Advisory Board for IOM America - Transformational Biblical Worldview & Exchange Life Development.  He is a Colson Center CENTURION; a Grace lay-counselor; and business manager and chaplain of the Veritas Classical Schools in south-metro Atlanta.


Dan Camp gives his permission to all to share, use, and/or forward any portion of his articles.  He would love to hear from you via email at    eEncourager@aol.com 


All Scriptures, unless otherwise stated, are taken from the New American Standard Bible,Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.  
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