April 13,  2015

Welcome, beloved readers! 
Receiving the Lord Jesus Christ, as our Savior, we also receive His indwelling Life in us. We are given the source of all He is. His love, strength, power, joy, trust, and wisdom, to name only a few, are ours. Truly, we are extensions of His Life. And it is from His Life, through each one of us, that His fruit is so gloriously produced. - Laurie Penner

Please join me in welcoming IFEL writer, Laurie Penner, as she further discusses "A River."   
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Kathy Hill

Managing editor

Exchanging Life Publishing


Bearing Fruit


"You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit..." (John 15:16, NASB). 

by Laurie Penner, contributing writer

Heading south, during the long winter months, always brings on an air of excitement. It was two years ago this month, when my family gathered together on the beaches of the Mayan Riviera, to witness our nephew's beautiful wedding. The occasion itself was enough to fill our senses with joy and amazement, so it was an additional blessing to be enticed with wonderful service; entertainment; great food; and, of course, the ever-waving palm trees and the sights and sounds of the Caribbean ocean.


The inevitable 'last day' always seems to show itself too quickly. And on ours, I found myself getting up early to greet the sun at the water's edge. It was a beautifully calm morning. I walked along the beach, having my feet washed by the gentleness of the waves, and so enjoyed the softness of the sand beneath my feet. I decided to sit for a while and give the sunrise my full attention. As I watched the glowing warmth extend itself upward, I was also made aware of a river of bright light shimmering across the water, from the source of the sun, to the very spot where I was sitting. Even after I began to make my way along the beach, I couldn't help but notice the bright stream following my every move. Allowing myself to be absorbed by the moment, I was deeply moved when the understanding of what lay before me was explained in a whisper of God's voice. "You are the extension of My Son!" Clarity of this truth flowed into me with each lapping wave. How I was humbled to receive it alone with my Lord on a quiet beach, and tearfully, I thanked Him.


Later, back home, I came across a quote I had written down in my journal sometime before, 'He told me of a river bright that flows from Him to me, that I might be for His delight a fair and fruitful tree.' What a moment of pure joy, as the picture of that wonderful sunrise across the ocean filled my mind's eye.


Receiving the Lord Jesus Christ, as our Savior, we also receive His indwelling Life in us. We are given the source of all He is. His love, strength, power, joy, trust, and wisdom, to name only a few, are ours. Truly, we are extensions of His Life. And it is from His Life, through each one of us, that His fruit is so gloriously produced. We could ponder this reality, wandering why we should be the receivers of such a gift of participation in the divine Life of Jesus Christ. It is not for our own sake this is to be received, but to be eternally and delightfully, His.


The Cross of Exchange
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Laurie Penner (Alberta, CANADA) is a contributing writer for IOM America - Transformational Biblical Worldview & Exchange Life Development.


Permission obtained from writer to republish A River. Please credit writer of article. 

All Scriptures, unless otherwise stated, are taken from the New American Standard Bible,Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
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