February 19, 2015
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The Book Of Revelation
Today's Article: #53 Thousand Year Reign of Christ

By Dr. Stephen Phinney   



What is the goal of any authentic and serious descendant of Ishmael (Muslim) regarding Christians? If you watch the news, you will know it is "beheadings." The tradition of beheadings for Muslims is as old as the Muslim faith itself. If you asked most why they practice such barbaric traditions, the answer you will get is that the Koran requires it of them, in order to gain extra rewards (brownie points) in their paradise. Sura 8:12 reads: "I will cast dread into the hearts of the unbelievers. Strike off their heads, then, and strike off all of their fingertips." In the original text, the relevant phrase is adrabu fawq al-'anaq, "strike over their necks." 1


The Muslim religion is one of the only systems, if not the only, requiring their followers to behead infidels (those who insult or deny Allah). Realistically, according to a discussion I had with an Imam, beheadings are specifically targeted at Jewish and Christian infidels - due to their assertion of claiming the God of Abraham as their own. Many present-day historians are curious as to the Muslim's fascination with removing Israel from the map. Some say it is because of the Dome of the Rock, while others say it because of a long history of fighting over the dominance of the Middle East. Truth being said, it is much simpler than all of that. The war between these two tribes started back when the natural firstborn of Abraham (Ishmael) was chased out of the tribe of Abraham, due to the illegitimate nature of Ishmael's conception. The "firstborn" status was given to Isaac by command of the Lord, God of Abraham. The Muslims consider Isaac be Abraham's "second born." Remember, Isaac's son, Jacob, was renamed "Israel" by God (Gen. 32:28). The Muslims believe that the nation of Israel is illegitimately obtained and fabricated by a God other than Allah. This is why they are daily fighting to remove Israel from the face of the map - to them, it is an illusion. The Muslims believe that all the land Israel claims as their own actually belongs to them. Muslims believe the natural seed takes precedent over an infidel woman (Sarah), who forced Ishmael and his mother out of Abraham's tribe. This IS why they treat women like objects of destruction, particularly if they act as Sarah. To keep it simple, Muslims do what they do because of their beliefs/rights of the natural birth right of Ishmael.          


If we look closely in the final chapters of Revelation, we will see all the signs and symptoms of the war of the brothers that started on the day Sarah demanded the removal of Ishmael and his mother, Hagar. From the Hebrew, Ishmael means God will hear. This is all the back up the descendants need to fight the holy war of jihad. One of the main practices and requirements of their holy war is ...Read More Here



1 Surah 8:12 (JM Rodwell translation). Compared Translations of the Meaning of the Quran.


Thousand Year Reign of Christ. Co
pyright � 2015 IOM America. Permission to reproduce for educational purposes. Please keep author's name intact.  
All Scriptures, unless otherwise stated, are taken from the New American Standard Bible, � Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Dr. Stephen Phinney's Personal Website:   Click Here  


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